1 Consider how much love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. 2 Beloved, now are we children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 3 Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
The Good News
1 Consider how much love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. 2 Beloved, now are we children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 3 Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Mark Twain vs. the Neo-Evil Empire Globalists
This is true, especially since Soros and his New Evil Empire Gangsters now run the US Occupation Government.
How The Ukraine War Starts The Great Reset (substack.com)--by Emerald Robinson:
"The coronavirus pandemic wasn’t a catastrophe, you see, it’s an opportunity for the global elites. The Russia-Ukraine war is an even bigger opportunity for them — which is why Western media has flooded your TV set with endless 24/7 coverage appealing for you to support a war against Russia.
Did you sign up for “supporting Ukraine” with the expectation that it would cause a global famine? Of course not. If the Biden regime truly cared about preventing the starvation of millions of people around the world, then it would be reducing sanctions on Russia and pushing for peace talks during the planting season in the most productive wheat fields in the world — and that’s the exact opposite of what they’re doing.
Just look at gas prices, food prices, and mortality rates — the Biden regime wants the “unintended” consequences.
Those “unintended” consequences are the point.".......
I never used to believe in the link between vaccines and the wave of autism. I do now.
And I base that on no scientific studies, but purely from observation of the unbridled greed, the wanton and depraved disregard for life and the genocidal acts of these criminal madmen, Fauci, Pfizer and all the rest.
And especially their indifference at murdering and maiming children.
BTW, Even if their Vaxx worked perfectly and it wasn’t a herd-culling Population Control device–it would still be just a cure for the Bio-Weapon Virus they unleashed on humanity in the first place.
"Remember that moment {HERE} when Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland seemed really uncomfortable and weird at the presser – just 36 hours before the Trudeau administration announced they were going to drop the Emergency Act banking sanctions against the truckers? {Go Deep}
Here is an encapsulation of what’s weird, and you don’t have to be an expert in geopolitics and international trade to see it:
The G7 countries (including the U.S.) announced today they were demanding that Russia accept payment for oil and gas in euros and dollars. This is happening at the same time NATO is demanding (via sanctions) that Russia be blocked from accepting payments in euros and dollars.
Something is weird. Keep in mind, the same nations in the G7 are the same nations in NATO with the exception of Japan (G7 only).
The only way this conflict could make any sense, is if the G7 energy ministers realize that forcing Russia to trade in non-euros and non-dollars will structurally undermine the G7 unilateral hold of global finance and energy policy. In essence, the G7 see the non-sanction countries, particularly India and China, lining up to replace the petro-dollar, and that not only weakens their position financially, but it also weakens their climate change position. ...
It is always important to remember the ultimate goal of the ‘climate change’ promotors is not an energy system that changes the global climate. The goal of the ‘climate change’ group is to create a carbon trading system; a new financial mechanism (a global tax program) to control human activity on a world-wide basis. This system also needs a digital identity in order to work.".......
The Crisis | The Z Blog (thezman.com)
"...This was the process that led to the French Revolution. It is also where the Global American Empire finds itself. In theory, the system relies on the trust of the people. The citizens of America trust that the way they choose leaders, while never perfect, eventually gets them leaders who address the needs of the people by respecting the will of the people. ...
That is not reality and people are clearly beginning to understand this. Most Americans have no genuine representation in Congress. The Democrats represent abstract identity groups that get plenty of airtime but are a tiny minority. Most people, for example, only know crossdressers through the media, not in real life. Most black people can easily describe a woman. Of course, the GOP represents no one. White voters are well outside the ideological orbit of the Republicans.
After the 2020 election, it was generally assumed that Joe Biden would not finish out his first term in office. His physical condition was the main reason. During the campaign he was mostly kept out of the public eye. When he was in public, he looked like a man struggling with the ravages of time. There was also the fact that his second was clearly picked to be his successor. The Left has developed an obsession with elevating black females and Kamala Harris is supposedly one of them.
The betting initially was that Biden would make it through the midterms and then announce that he was stepping down for health reasons. This would allow Harris to finish Biden’s term and then run for two terms on her own. This was a left-wing talking point that was echoed by mainstream conservatives. It was mostly about depressing the populist opposition. That plan assumed every other part of their grand strategy would go according to theory.
Here we are seven months out from the November elections and it is clear that Joe Biden needs to be removed from office now. His insane rantings in Europe about Russia have terrified the rest of the world. More important, the world is adjusting to the fact that the Global American Empire has an incoherent figure head. The Russians call him grandfather, not out of respect but from pity. The world sees Biden as a doddering old man who is not in charge of his administration.
This is an untenable situation. Every political system requires energy in the executive, even if it is just symbolic. ... The crisis in Europe has now become a global crisis because no one has a hand on the tiller. The inmates are running the asylum in the Biden Administration. In prior generations, this crisis would have featured one-on-one meetings between the ruler of the Global American Empire and the parties at the center of the dispute. In this case, it would have meant a summit between Russia, China and the Global American Empire.
Ukraine is not the only issue. The fallout from two years of Covid mismanagement are creating serious trouble for normal people. Food prices have been climbing for a year and are now rising at an alarming rate. Retail and wholesale inflation are at levels not seen since the 1970’s. Labor markets are now showing the first signs of crisis as the deliberate demographic changes turnup in hiring. This is the unsaid basis of the commercial pilot shortage in America.
In other words, the Global American Empire is facing both serious external crises and irreconcilable internal crises. The lack of energy in the executive is allowing these problems to spiral out of control. Compounding it is the fact that the plan to install Kamala Harris looks unworkable. She is mentally and emotionally unfit for the ceremonial position she has now. The weird cackling and general ineptitude say she can never be permitted to hold power.
Of course, the coming elections mean a blowout of historic proportions for the ruling half of the uniparty. Professionals who study these things suggest this may be the worst election conditions for either party in American history. As a practical matter, that means the Republican half of the uniparty will play a major role in selecting the person to fill the remainder of Biden’s term. They may be tasked with removing Biden and Harris in order to save the system from total ruin.
That sounds like good news for the system, but the Republican half of the uniparty is every bit as inept and morally bankrupt as the other half. Again, this is a party without a genuine constituency. Their voters are just choosing the least bad option. That option is built to deny those voters real power. In other words, leadership of the system will go from people obsessed over esoteric identity groupings to people focused on denying the majority any influence over the system.
For normal people, this means a system that becomes increasingly erratic and paranoid about the general public. The things that matter like employment conditions, food prices and energy costs will continue to get worse. The standard of living is about to drop precipitously for most people. The quality of life is also going to decline. This is the cycle that the aristocracy faced in 18th century France. It is also what the party faced in the waning years of the Soviet Union." .......
Here's How Much 'Bidenflation' Is Really Taking Out Of Your Bank Account (thefederalist.com)
"And there it is…..
Zelenskyy urges the NATO alliance, specifically western Europe, to quickly adopt the Build Back Better climate change agenda as it helps his country. He advocates for “green energy” as a top priority so that alliance members are not reliant on Russian energy sales.
If it seems a little odd that a president, in the middle of a war zone, would be advocating for the climate change agenda, you are not seeing the big picture. Ukraine is a crisis that cannot be wasted. The Green New Deal, Build Back Better, and western nation climate change agenda is far more important than a single proxy war nation. Ukraine is a tool in the bigger agenda, nothing more.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy is controlled by the western alliance, NATO, Dept of State, CIA and western allied intelligence. This is part of the reason why Russia took action in the first place. Zelenskyy has a role to play and pushing the Build Back Better (WEF) agenda, while the opportunity exists, is all part of the organized global cleaving.
Two fractured geopolitical groups globally.
The green energy group (economic globalists), and the fossil fuel group (economic nationalists). ...The important part to see is… if this cleaving continues, there are going to be two sets of nations with two structurally different economies. A red group and a green group.
The Green group is going to be at a strong disadvantage, at least for a generation or two, as the costs associated with the production of goods and systems is going to be much more expensive to operate, as the transition into Build Back Better sustainable or renewable energy takes place.
However, this is where the strategery comes in. If they can control the world effort globally, the GREEN GROUP may be able to offset their operational costs with a global tax against the RED GROUP. That’s what yesterday’s G7 announcement was really about {GO DEEP}
This geopolitical contest is for all the marbles folks.
The opportunity to use disposable Joe Biden is the globalists once in a lifetime chance….
…And they are sure as hell acting like it.".......
Start from Zero—Again › American Greatness (amgreatness.com)--Emina Melonic:
"And so, here we are again. The cultural forces of the 21st century want us to start from zero. Klaus Schwab and his whole gnostic congregation at the World Economic Forum are reimagining a just society in which inequality is addressed, fought, and destroyed. There is a price to be paid, however,—sovereignty and freedom are no longer viable realities of human life—and, of course, that which is deemed unequal is a matter to be decided by the oligarchical elites. It’s not only the globalist’s dream of world domination that is part of the “start from zero” slogan. Toppled statues and that dreadful “1619 Project” are part of the same web of lies—among many others. But unlike the ecstasy of the hippies in the 1960s, we see no release (sexual or otherwise) that might indicate some celebration of the old-fashioned decadence and hedonism—which, at least, would be recognizably human. Rather, we witness the listlessness that comes from the insistence that being a slave is a good human condition. The lips are forced to mouth the words and our bodies are forced to comply, but the mind and heart protest—if only in quiet screams.".......
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"I still can't believe Will Smith did that, can you?" "Word on the street is it was staged for Pfizer's new Alopecia drug." "Oh--here we go again." "Yep." |
The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on
to sell Carbon Offsets
to the next city full of gullible rubes.
From the Archives: Rest in the Vine: Mark Twain, Science Denier
The Settled is Science!
"Since my own day on the Mississippi, cut-offs have been made at Hurricane Island; at island 100; at Napoleon, Arkansas; at Walnut Bend; and at Council Bend. These shortened the river, in aggregate, sixty-seven miles. In my own time a cut-off was made at American Bend, which shortened the river ten miles or more.I'm crying like Tater Stetler having an existential panic attack when they closed the All-Night Krispy Kreme drive-thru.
Therefore the Mississippi between Cairo [Illinois] and New Orleans was twelve hundred and fifteen miles long one hundred and seventy-six years ago. It was eleven hundred and eighty after the cut-off of 1722. It was one thousand and forty after the American Bend cut-off. It has lost sixty-seven miles since. Consequently its length is only nine hundred and seventy-three miles at present.
Now, if I wanted to be one of those ponderous scientific people, and "let on" to prove what had occurred in a given time in the recent past, or what will occur in the far future by what has occurred in the late years, what an opportunity is here! Geology never had such a chance, nor such exact data to argue from! Nor "development of species," either! Glacial epochs are great things, but they are vague--vague. Please observe:--
In the space of one hundred and seventy-six years the Lower Mississippi has shortened itself two hundred and forty-two miles. This is an average of a trifle over one mile and a third per year. Therefore, any calm person, who is not blind or idiotic, can see that in the Old Oolithic Silurian Period, just a million years ago next November, the Lower Mississippi River was upwards of one million three hundred thousand miles long, and stuck out over the Gulf of Mexico like a fishing rod. And by the same token any person can see that seven hundred and forty-two years from now the Lower Mississippi will be only a mile and three quarters long, and Cairo and New Orleans will have joined there streets together, and be plodding comfortably along under a single mayor and a mutual board of aldermen.
There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact."-- Life on the Mississippi (1883)
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Twain with his Tesla |
"I was a cub pilot on the Mississippi River then, and one day I wrote a rude and crude satire which was leveled at Captain Isaiah Sellers, the oldest steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River, and the most respected, esteemed, and revered. For many years he had occasionally written brief paragraphs concerning the river and the changes which it had undergone under his observation during fifty years, and had signed these paragraphs "Mark Twain" and published them in the St. Louis and New Orleans journals. In my satire I made rude game of his reminiscences. It was a shabby poor performance, but I didn't know it, and the pilots didn't know it. The pilots thought it was brilliant. They were jealous of Sellers, because when the gray-heads among them pleased their vanity by detailing in the hearing of the younger craftsmen marvels which they had seen in the long ago on the river, Sellers was always likely to step in at the psychological moment and snuff them out with wonders of his own which made their small marvels look pale and sick. However, I have told all about this in "Old Times on the Mississippi." The pilots handed my extravagant satire to a river reporter, and it was published in the New Orleans True Delta. That poor old Captain Sellers was deeply wounded. He had never been held up to ridicule before; he was sensitive, and he never got over the hurt which I had wantonly and stupidly inflicted upon his dignity. I was proud of my performance for a while, and considered it quite wonderful, but I have changed my opinion of it long ago. Sellers never published another paragraph nor ever used his nom de guerre again."--Autobiography of Mark Twain (1906)

Mark Twain was in many ways a Leftist. He was an anti-Colonialist, anti-Classist, anti-War and anti-Imperialist.
Today’s Globalists want to colonize all the earth. They’re addicted to War–including Bio-Weapon Attacks on the populace, with a poisonous Vaxx Chaser. And Empires don’t come any more Imperial than a One-World Government run by and for the Oligarch Class.
And I like to think his Bullshit Meter would have pegged out on these damned lying, murdering weasels.
Mine sure does.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Zelensky's Oscar: "Best Impersonation of a Patriot in a Deep State Adaptation of a George Soros Stage-Play"
You've Got a Friend--But It's Not This Guy
Do you think Ukraine's Zelensky is your friend?

Ukraine bribes America’s election-stealing politicians.
Ukraine launders money for America’s money-grubbing politicians. Half that $14 billion will end up in senators’ Swiss accounts.
Ukraine let our WMD Deep State build and operate Hunter Biden’s Wuhan-style Death labs. By attacking them, Putin may well have prevented their next Bio-Weapon Plandemic on the world.
Ukraine let their NAZIS shell civilians for years.
Ukraine could have easily worked out a deal with Russia, but Zelensky was paid off to ensure a war. He works for CIA, not the UKR.
Zelensky is now the dictator of a One Party State with a One Party Press, having outlawed all others.
Zelensky could have proven President Trump’s innocence during Impeachment, but he helped Democrats bury the evidence instead.
Zelensky keeps demanding Polish MIGs–but he already has dozens of MIGs. He can’t fly the ones he already has. Even if he could get them, his pilots would have to train for months on the modern systems. Ergo, his demand for more MIGs is simply a way to get Poland, NATO and the US involved in a World War. Or at least keep the War Fever Narrative at full-pitch.
And now Ukraine is torturing and murdering prisoners, too.
Screw this guy in particular.
"I'm taking this cute little baby to Hunter's Virus/Vaxx Patent Medicine Emporium to get jabbed for our next scheduled Plandemic!"
“Former War Room Co-Host Jack Maxey who is currently in Switzerland has done a forensic review of the Hunter Biden laptop from Hell, and discovered hundreds of thousands of emails previously not discovered by anyone, as they were hidden on the hard drive.
Six hours ago Maxey released all of the emails detailing Hunter Biden and the Biden Family’s interaction with the development of bio laboratories in Ukraine.
The Daily Mail released a few today; but, only a few.
But emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop show he helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons, wrote The Daily Mail.
He also introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a ‘science project’ involving high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine.
And although Metabiota is ostensibly a medical data company, its vice president emailed Hunter in 2014 describing how they could ‘assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia’ – an unusual goal for a biotech firm.
This has been public information for six hours.”.......
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president
- The Russian government held a press conference Thursday claiming that Hunter Biden helped finance a US military 'bioweapons' research program in Ukraine
- However the allegations were branded a brazen propaganda ploy to justify president Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and sow discord in the US
- But emails and correspondence obtained by DailyMail.com from Hunter's abandoned laptop show the claims may well be true
- The emails show Hunter helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases
- He also introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a 'science project' involving high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine
- The president's son and his colleagues invested $500,000 in Metabiota through their firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners
- They raised several million dollars of funding for the company from investment giants including Goldman Sachs
It’s Been 259 Days Since the Network Newscasts Said the Words ‘Hunter Biden’ | Newsbusters
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Bio-Lab Openings, Gallery Openings and Kimono Openings: He does it all! |
"Hunter’s a busy guy right out of a Bond film written by scriptwriters on an LSD trip. Who would have imagined that when Hunter’s not painting million-dollar paintings, banging prostitutes, banging his relatives, banging his underage relatives, smoking meth, or sitting on the board of major international petrochemical corporations, he’s constructing secret weapons labs in Ukraine.
Some might conclude from all this that he’s just a figurehead intended to be a fall guy for the dark financial forces of the pedocracy, but I think he’s just an example of peak Sigma grindset, the perfect ideal of the modern, multi-talented, 21st-century Renaissance man."
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pic via: PODCAST: THE SOROS/UKRAINE CONNECTION- Verity Weekly Did Brennan Leak Plans for Regime Change in Russia in a Tweet? (independentsentinel.com) |
Friday, March 25, 2022
Digital Currency Makes Everyone a Canadian Trucker: "There’s Going to Be a New World Order Out There, and We’ve Got to Lead It With the Significance Of the Passage of Time!"
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pictured here, the Biden Junta trains their Nazi Ally in advanced Tiki-Torch technology |
Did you mean this Charlottesville, mein NippleFuhrer?
Actual President FDR allied with the Russians to defeat the Nazis.
Fake Preznit Biden allies with the Nazis to defeat the Russians–and to damage the Globalist’s Real Enemy: the USA.
Don’t look now, Joe, but your vein is bulging.
But that's what they all screamed. ..................................................................
Biden installed himself in office. He’s a dictator.
He “showered” with his own daughter. He’s a child molester.
He takes bribes from corrupt and hostile governments. He’s a gangster and a traitor.
He knew all about the Plandemic Bio-Weapon attack with the Poison Vaxx chaser. He’s a war criminal and a monster in a human suit.
NATO should attack him.
And his owners.
Meanwhile, BlackRock CEO Larry "Rat" Fink says 'Globalism is dead'--while proposing the Globalists' Wet Dream, a digital currency:
“A global digital payment system, thoughtfully designed, can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption”, he said."
The vaccination protocol created the Vax-Passport. That has opened the door to the digital identity, “digital id.” Any government created digital currency is going to need a digital id from the outset.
"Reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption?" Sure--except the corrupt money-laundering politicians will be in charge of it. It would ENSURE money-laundering and corruption.
The coming federal weaponization of banking | TheHill--Kristin Tate:
"A digital version of the dollar has been in the works for over a year now. Earlier this month, President Biden signed an executive order both curtailing existing cryptocurrencies and laying the groundwork for a federal digital currency. Crypto regulations have been a favorite topic of Democrats on Capitol Hill and regulators in the federal bureaucracy. Biden deployed numerous excuses, including the risks of money laundering and the carbon emissions needed to produce crypto, to justify cracking down on these currencies. But the kicker of the statement is the regulatory groundwork for the coming “digital dollar.” The United States will be the second major power to foster such a move, after China, where efforts to create a digital currency as part of its social credit system are a sign of what might be coming here soon.
Physical currency likely will be phased out entirely over time, in favor of a digital format controlled by the Federal Reserve. The ubiquity of cell phones and scannable codes will make integration of a digital currency, under some form of the blockchain, relatively easy to implement. This soft-nationalization of the banking sector would leave the United States in uncharted waters. Nearly every transaction, from political donations to purchases as seemingly insignificant as a pack of gum, would be visible to the government and subject to scrutiny. Government regulations could block or track certain transactions with no trial or public recourse. Even worse, if you were placed on a list by a federal bureaucrat — not a judge — your access to banking and credit cards potentially could be shut off without a warrant or trial.
At the same time, a centralized digital currency would allow the Federal Reserve to create trillions of dollars with the click of a button, causing inflation to further spiral out of control.
Think that this all sounds far-fetched? Just look at what’s happening in China. Beijing’s social credit system punishes malcontents with restrictions on internet use and travel. Closer to home, Canada used its Emergency Acts to effectively shut out supporters of the Freedom Convoy from polite society, and supporters of the protest had their bank accounts frozen. Single moms making minimum wage lost access to their money for donating as little as $50 to the truckers. The Canadian government shut down more than 200 bank accounts and more than 250 cryptocurrency addresses, and threatened to suspend protesters’ insurance coverage. The message from the government to the truckers and their supporters was clear: Your opinions are not acceptable to the Justin Trudeau government.
The Biden administration has less than three years left to put in place the most formidable central banking operation in a century, at the expense of personal liberty.
If you don’t want your $20 Freedom Convoy or Black Lives Matter donation auto-flagging you as a domestic terrorist, speak up now or forever lose your ability to do so. Once the genie is out of the bottle, you will not be able to put it back in."
Good point, Kristin--except we know this Perma-Blob Occupation Government would never flag a BLM contribution. They might reroute your Freedom Convoy donation to BLM, though.
They wouldn't even have to fire up the printing presses anymore to create more Monopoly Money.
This is just more of the Globalists' totalitarian Tower of Babel-hellscape; they want the ability to punish everyone everywhere for WrongThink or WrongVote.
A Digital Currency makes everyone a Canadian Trucker.