Friday, March 11, 2022

"Warning: The Biden Administration Wants to Expand the War in Europe" by Vasko Kohlmayer and Other Essays

Warning: The Biden Administration Wants to Expand the War in Europe - American Thinker

"Watching all this, one feels tears of despair rolling out as the realization dawns that the leaders of the most powerful country in the world do not care about human life or peace or suffering or about ending the war. Quite the opposite, they want more war – deadly and terrible though it is – to achieve their insidious purposes.

This appears to be their agenda: This administration is closely intertwined with the globalist elite who hope to bring down the strongman Putin so that they can install a “friendly” government in Moscow and then to move into Russia to plunder its immense natural wealth. Having failed to co-opt him, Putin has been a sore thorn in their side, because he refused to play the globalists’ game. He rejected their destructive ideology of godlessness, immorality, abortion, border-lessness, LGBTQ+, and anti-white racism. He also made it very clear that he wants to keep Russia’s wealth for himself, for his ruling clique and also for the Russian people.

We have seen the ruthlessness of these globalists during the Covid pandemic, caused by a virus that was engineered in the Wuhan bio lab by the Chinese government with help from Dr. Fauci and his friends. Among other things, the globalists who own the multinational pharmaceutical giants enriched themselves to the tune of tens of billions of dollars by deceiving and ruthlessly coercing peoples of the world into taking their ineffective and dangerous vaccines. So cruel and inhumane they are that they began injecting children as young as 5 years old with their experimental, improperly tested, harmful gene technology. They did this even though they know very well that healthy young people are at virtually zero risk from this disease.

Having maneuverered Putin into invading Ukraine by dismissing his legitimate security concerns, the globalists are already well on the way to destroying that unfortunate country and its people. And now they want to expand the theatre of war into other eastern European nations, because they believe they can get Putin badly bogged down there. They want him to pay a similar price we ourselves paid for our invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Encouraged by the bravery of the Ukrainian people, they believe that they can make war in Eastern Europe so costly for Putin that it can ultimately bring down his regime at home.

In their drive to profit from Russia’s immense natural wealth, these globalists do not care how many countries they ruin, how many millions of lives they destroy or the amount of destruction they wreak. Blinded by their feverish vision of fabulous riches they hope to extract from the vast Russian land, they have failed to notice how dangerous is the game they are playing and that we are slouching toward a nuclear Armageddon."

Vasko Kohlmayer was born and grew up in former communist Czechoslovakia, from which he defected. You can follow his writings by subscribing to his Substack newsletter ’Notes from the Twilight Zone’. He is the author of The West in Crisis: Civilizations and Their Death Drives.


The Great Reset, part two: the World Economic Forum’s Great Narrative Project ( by Jordan Schachtel: 

"Klaus Schwab, the head of the infamous World Economic Forum, hammers home the aforementioned call to action on virtually every page of his latest manifesto: “The Great Narrative,” which acts as a part two of his The Great Reset book series.

In recognizing the end of COVID Mania, The Great Narrative is an attempted reminder to keep us on edge. It is a grand call to take sweeping action to fight the “climate emergency,” via Klaus Schwab’s credentialed elite. It relentlessly hammers home the apparent necessity of taking dramatic tyrannical measures to intervene in the climate. And by intervening in the climate, he means radically reorienting every nation on earth by imposing a totalitarian global governance order. ...

While Schwab entertains a variety of ideologies and political perspectives, there is one group of people who are to be dismissed whole cloth. That group, of course, is individuals and groups that do not buy into his climate narrative. Schwab cannot hide his disdain for these rogue actors, who he notes, with disgust, are largely located in the United States. According to Schwab, the enemies of his kumbaya world include nationalists, populists, individualists, and those who support free markets. ...

Klaus Schwab has an unbelievable God complex, and he frequently reminds the reader of his apparently unlimited technocratic faculties. He routinely reveals that he believes his group of colleagues have deity-like powers, and that once they unite their overall expertise, these technocrats, once in charge of all of us, can bring about unprecedented happiness and order. ... He advocates for the consolidating of global central banks around climate action. ...
Schwab and his cohorts also discuss the advent of the “bioeconomy” or the targeted destruction of reliable energy, while forcing people to eat “alternative food protein sources” like beans and bugs. Another solution is that of "climate engineering,” such as blocking out the sun to attempt to manipulate global temperatures.

Klaus Schwab is a comic book villain, and in The Great Narrative, he exposes the truly insane, extremist agenda of The World Economic Forum, which, through its Davos forum, acts as the go-to policy and ideas shop of the ruling class. It’s important to read this book so that you are aware of the “great narratives” that will soon emerge from the global elites. Rarely do you find such genuine, overt evil in this world."

In addition to his Transhuman Fetish in which he wants to turn you into a half-human cyborg, permanently connected to the Internet, he hopes to install a Digital Social Credit ID, both within your body and to rule over you from without. 

JBrickley explains Biden's under-reported Digital Currency Executive Order

"Digital Currency was supposed to be an alternative to government and global bank controls over currency. They will never allow digital currency to continue to undermine the financial systems used to control civilization for thousands of years.

Those who believe that digital currency offers privacy have no understanding of the technology. The block chain is a digital real time ledger open to the public. Anyone can read the block chain ledger. But all you are going to see are digital encrypted hashes tied to individuals or corporations and their transactions with other individuals or corporations. But if you know the digital identifiers you can in fact connect the dots. This is how the FBI intercepted digital currencies and seized the funds at various digital currency exchanges that convert to real money.

If the government creates their own digital currency they might be able to control the block chain and if they do that. Then every transaction anyone makes will be known to the government. If they eliminate cash and switch to digital currency and outlaw alternative digital currencies they can track finances more than ever before in human history. If they assign everyone a digital ID, linked to your government records plus the digital currency transactions. Then that becomes the infamous 666 if they embed a chip in your hand or your forehead. Say hello to social credit systems, etc.".......

Schwab had chosen Canadian Banks to spearhead Financial Passports (which would morph into a totalitarian Vaccine, Medical, Political and Free Movement Passport).

Justin Trudeau queered the deal with his Canadian Trucker bank account seizures, creating a bank run. Ukraine just got a digital currency, oddly enough

Under the Barack Obiden plan, we would all become Canadian Truckers, with digital accounts that are controlled by Big Brother. If you WrongThink or WrongVote, they would simply withhold or erase your own digital money until compliance and submission were gained.

 No Sacrifices for Ukraine ( by Kurt Schlichter:

"These people are fools who talk big but think little. A “no-fly” zone means you shoot down any Russian who flies in. That’s an act of war. The Russians get to shoot back, and they might choose to shoot back with something more than a conventional Kaliber cruise missile. But no one mentions that. Instead of polling “Would you support making the Russians stop acting like Russians always do in wars?” maybe we ask “Would you risk Putin – who we are told is crazy and evil – retaliating by detonating a nuclear weapon over your hometown and potentially melting your kids into radioactive goo in order to resolve a border dispute on the dismal side of the globe?”

I anticipate a significantly smaller “Yes” percentage when you ask the right question.

But remember, they are serious, competent people we must obey without question. And if you doubt them, you love Putin.

Ukraine is on Russia’s border. Our lousy ruling class’s meddling in Ukrainian politics was going to be seen by the Bear as a threat. Saying so is not somehow backing Russia; it’s reality, something in short supply.

This is not like the beginning of World War 2. It’s not Poland 1939. The tiresome Hitler comparisons are not designed to illuminate but to obscure. You are meant to accept and obey. And what you are meant to accept are things that we should never accept. Grabbing oligarch’s property without due process? Sure, it’s satisfying. But it will be a lot less satisfying when that tactic is deployed against us for defying the ruling class. Just ask the Canadian truckers. And tossing people out of their jobs because they are Russian? This is a double-barreled disaster. Not only is it a dry-run for using these techniques against internal enemies but it also serves to whip-up moral panic hysteria. Everybody hate Putin now! Everybody hate Russians now! Okay, now everyone hate this other person or group! Eventually, you will be the one in the cross-hairs for Official Hate.

You can still want the Ukrainians to repel the invaders without also buying the notion that we should sacrifice blood, treasure, and our rights to do it. This unjust war is the Ukrainians’ to fight. I hope they win. Most of us do. But the idea that we Americans must “sacrifice” our lives, money, and freedoms is itself as great a danger to our country as this border war on the other side of our planet.

We are Americans. Our first priority is America. And our terrible ruling caste should step up and sacrifice its own graft and power in order to defend it."

Klaus Schwab’s Tower of Babel › American Greatness by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch:

"The Tower of Babel was real. The structure, reaching far into the skies, was built in the land of Shinar, in ancient Babylon. It was constructed some years after the Deluge, or what is commonly called Noah’s flood.

Globalists in the European projectespecially at Davos, in Switzerland, and in the U.S. Democratic Partyhave been building their own modern-day tower for many decades. Their punishment of Europe has been Biblical in scale, and now they want to expand it worldwide. Joe Biden and his advisors are fully on board with the project of bringing it full-scale to America.

Today that Tower of Babel is the World Economic Forum, the European Union, and other globalist organizations. Tomorrow, it will expand and include one-world government, currency, and media.

The original tower broke God’s covenant and his commandmentsunifying people in sin. Similarly, Davos’ Babel is rapidly becoming the gate through which Hell itself spills onto the continent and spreads its tentacles to places like Canada, Australia, and even the United States.

Towering over the nations of Europe, Brussels promotes nothing like a healthy culture. The elites of Davos favor instead a universalist anti-culture, a sinful attempt to standardize every nation into sameness and socialism. They seek to reset the present system with a trans-human ideology of an expert illuminati, headed by a Dr. Evil-like character, one Klaus Schwab.

And who is this Schwab character?

He is the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum. Schwab was born in Ravensberg, Germany in 1938 and before migrating to become Swiss neutrals, his family was involved with the Nazis and young Schwab was a member of the Nazi Youth. ...

Nimrod’s tower fell, as did Alexander’s, Cyrus’, Attila’s, Napoleon’s, Hitler’s, Stalin’s, and Mao’s.

They all fall.

The EU is next. Davos will inevitably follow.


Because such global geopolitical projects, even when buttressed with so-called “noble” reasons, are utter and sheer vanities.

They are not noble at all.

So too, Schwabian globalism itself must and will inevitably fall.".......


Schwab's Illustrated Swimsuit Edition

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