Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Evil Empire Is Us

And By "Us", I Don't Mean the American People

I mean this filthy, corrupt, swinish, murdering Deep State Junta that has seized power. I mean Washington--the city, not the man. Definitely NOT the man.

Under Secretary Victoria Nuland Admits U.S. Funded Biological Research Labs Exist in Ukraine - The Last Refuge

"48 hours ago, this was a conspiracy theory.

Funny how that happens."

Sen. Ruby-o asks Sec. Nuboss if UKRAINE has bio-labs. She answers that yes, UKRAINE has bio-labs.

But those are AMERICAN bio-labs. Bio-WEAPONS labs. Wuhan-style Death Factories run by the same Eco-Daszak Fauci- front groups that just killed millions.

Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland Admits There Are US-Funded Bio Research Labs in Ukraine › American Greatness

The Embassy even BRAGGED about them–before deleting those tweets.

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Then Ruby-boy tries to pre-blame Russia for any lab leak. Nuboss, who headed the last Color Revolution in Ukraine for Obama and Soros, nods her filthy fat head in agreement.

It seems a transparent attempt to blame the next Deep State Plandemic on Russia.

via Cole: Russian military explanation of seized Ukraine biolabs and what they found. Use the ‘cc’ button to read translation.

This Russian general may well be lying. But I find him far more believable than Rubio and Nuland. He explains how America is conducting illegal Gain-Of-Function bio-WEAPONS-research there, causing a massive measles outbreak and forcing the WHO to put Ukraine on the Polio Watch List.

If they set up bio-weapons labs in shaky Ukraine and hostile China, we have to ask, where else do they have them? Iran? Venezuela? Maybe Cuba?

BTW, Barack Obiden doesn't really want to buy oil from them. He just wants to send them pallets of cash. The oil is just an excuse.



Just Blood

Meanwhile, Poland just called Obiden's Bluff, saying "Here you go, Blinken. We'll send all our fighter jets to your airbase in Germany. If you want to use them to start WWIII, go ahead. That's up to you. But you're not going to get Poles killed like you're getting Ukrainians killed. And send us a new fleet while you're at it." 

In the old days, you joined NATO for the mutual defense with America.

Today, the American Junta will throw a NATO member to the wolves to accomplish their own evil schemes.

Biden caved, caught in their childishly obvious trickery. As other world leaders refuse their phone calls.

Did you also catch Tucker uncovering this speech by Lindsey Graham from 2016? With Manchurian McCain at his side, he's gleefully promising Ukrainian troops to start a war with Russia in 2017. 

That means this war was originally scheduled for Empress Hillary's First Coronation. It is no accident that most of the corrupt insurrection against President Trump centered on Russia and Ukraine.

Of course, Fox is the “Ukranian Teddy-Bear in the Snow”-Propaganda channel. They Care So Much, They Can’t Sleep At Night(tm)!

Yet all those people would be at home in their beds if FOX hadn’t helped to criminally-install Biden.

Elsewhere, Crime Boss McConnell wants $14 Billion to protect Ukraine's borders:  “It will be done in two parts; $7 Billion to Ukraine and $7 Billion directly to the senators’ Swiss accounts. And not in that order.” If Zelensky was ever a real reformer, he has clearly been bought off by the Obama/Soros Cartel to put their needs ahead of Ukrainians’.

Tucker says we're at war with Russia, which is true as far as it goes. We want to overthrow them and install a crooked puppet government there like our crooked puppet government here.

But the Bigger Picture is that our Occupation Government is using this Ukrainian war they manipulated into existence TO DECLARE WAR ON AMERICA, AND ON CIVILIZATION ITSELF.

Little Marco Ruby-boy once said Donald Trump was unfit to lead the Party of Reagan.

Your Swamp Government and all its minions are all insurrectionists, tyrants and war criminals, Marco.

And The Evil Empire is now us. 

"Yes, let us pray for the salvation of all of those who live in that totalitarian darkness–pray they will discover the joy of knowing God. But until they do, let us be aware that while they preach the supremacy of the State, declare its omnipotence over individual man, and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on the earth, they are the focus of evil in the modern world."


Fake Sec. Blinken says it was completely risk-free for Poland to send MIGS to Ukraine–but its SUPER-DANGEROUS for the US to send those same MIGS!

Poland’s offer wasn’t serious. It was a sarcastic slap-back at Blinken’s generous offer to get Polish pilots killed. That’s why Poland didn’t “Consult”.

But the Junta and the Uni-Party War Press spent all day pretending it was a serious offer rather than acknowledging the insult. What a farce.

BTW, Ukraine has plenty of planes already. They can’t fly because of Russian Air Defense Systems. Those systems must be very good because Obama had Russia supply them to his Ayatollah for his nuke factories. 

Meanwhile, Oliver Stone's documentary on Ukrainian Nazis has been disappeared by the Ministry of Truth. 

Google Deletes Oliver Stone Documentary "Ukraine on Fire", Western Government and NATO Afraid of Truth?

And the Maternity Hospital story is just as fake as the Bombed Nuclear Plant-story. All Propaganda, All the Time. 

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