There've Been a Lot of Those Lately

"It is the oldest struggle of human kind, as old as man himself. This is a simple struggle between those of us who believe that man has the dignity and sacred right and the ability to choose and shape his own destiny and those who do not so believe. This irreconcilable conflict is between those who believe in the sanctity of individual freedom and those who believe in the supremacy of the state. ...Make no mistake about it, this is an evil force. Don’t be deceived because you are not hearing the sound of gunfire, because even so you are fighting for your lives. And you’re fighting against the best organized and the most capable enemy of freedom and of right and decency that has ever been abroad in the world."--Ronald Reagan, an Actual President of the United States
“I know there are some people in Germany who become sick when they see these black uniforms, we understand the reason for this, and do not expect we shall be loved by all that number of people; those who come to fear us in any way or at any time must have a bad conscience towards the Fuhrer and the nation. For these persons we have established an organization called the Security Service, the GESTAPO.”–Herr FBI Direktor Heinrich Himmler-Wray
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Tucker chronologically lists the One-Party Police State action against the Regime's political enemies by the American GESTAPO. No one else in the CheapWhore-Media will do it because they all have their mouths full already.
For example, here is the Actual President's former lawyer having his phone--computer, really--seized by the NAZIS.
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"Pelosi wants it for her Reichstag Alibi Show, sir." |
Here is another such event:
I remember when Democrats used to hyperventilate about Nixon's Enemies List. This is what it REALLY looks like.
Don't miss this, either: Tucker Carlson Calls Out the Right Wing of the UniParty Vulture
Excellent analysis. If not for Tucker and a few others, no True Things would be spoken on a major network at all, even if Fox still sucks and is otherwise an enemy of your freedom. Reagan-Fakers, please.
(I don't count WHINOs–backstabbing Republicans who go on Fox and whine to Decision Desk Baier about how horrible Biden is even though they all helped Democrats install him by Fraud.
BTW, their goal is to install a Swamp Thing like Pence, Haley or Pompeo in the White House for Bidness as Usual(tm).) .................
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Simone Schloss, a Jewish member of the French resistance under the previous BidenReich Police State. |
From our Archives: Created Equal: The Perfect Metaphor (longer version here)
Our era’s Perfect Metaphor recently occurred in Homer, Alaska.
You probably know the story. The Huepers, like two million other majority voters, went to Washington, D.C. to ask our Corrupt Political Class why they were stealing our Right to Choose our own leaders in Honest Elections.
In response, the Corrupt Political class promptly staged a Reichstag Riot, installed their Putsch Puppet and designated the majority of American voters as “domestic terrorists”. You know–the Way the Framers Intended(tm).
Because Mrs. Hueper bore a superficial resemblance to a woman they suspected of taking Nanzi Pelosi’s laptop, the Feds kicked in their door, ransacked their properties, cuffed and coerced them. It wasn’t a case of mistaken identity–they knew it wasn’t her. They just wanted to bully and intimidate Americans. They finally left–but not before seizing the couples’ copy of the Declaration of Independence.
Which is weird, because they already have the original in the National Archives. Not that they’re doing anything with it.
There were no secret blueprints or seditious plots scribbled in the margins of the Huebers’ copy. No, the defining words of our nation’s founding document themselves are now considered seditious to the Occupation Government and the new One-Party State they are building.
Even dull-witted Quantico graduates (“‘Q’ is for Quantico!”) realize the Founders and Framers of America are their enemies. All of these American statesmen are subversive to this Regime’s grip on illegitimate power. Their very lives stand as a rebuke to the Uni-Party Syndicate and their Constitutional Crime Wave.
Person of Interest Jefferson has come in for a hard time recently. His statues are under threat by the Democrat Paramilitary mobs, ostensibly because he owned slaves. But I think it’s because the mobs wish to own slaves themselves. Namely, us.
“All men are created equal,” Jefferson wrote. That phrase stands in the way of these new would-be Slave Owners. Nor can you steal elections from equals. Clearly, like pledging lives, fortunes and sacred honor, the man’s writings are a threat.
As are all the Founders’ writings. There is no good place to stop the suspicion, suppression and censorship once you’ve declared yourself against the Declaration.
The Revolution has come full circle; the Ruling Junta now views the Founding Fathers exactly like King George did.
Just like Pedo the Pedaler being literally unable to stop himself around children or Reichstag Nanzi elbowing children out of her way for a photo-op, the seizure of the Huepers’ Declaration by a rogue FBI was yet another Perfect Metaphor for Our Time.
The Huepers’ real crime? They believed it. They still believe in the Declaration which our Garbage Political Class has abandoned in favor of a One-Party Police State.
The Concertina Government will maintain the Jefferson Memorial. It will conduct guided tours of Monticello. It will preserve the original Declaration of Independence in a special climate-controlled glass case, designed to keep it forever pristine.
It will do everything–but honor it.
Which, in the final analysis, is the only thing that really matters.
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...and they know it, too.
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