*At 3:11 a.m. I was awakened by someone yelling, “17!” Biblical meaning of 17=breakthrough to victory, overcoming power, perfection of spiritual order, # of Angelic appearances in Gospels. Today’s date 8/13/23–8+1=+3+2+3=17! This morning the Father said this was the day of His vengeance. I looked up the Hebrew word and found this word appears in the Old Testament 17 times! Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines vengeance: just retribution, recompense, and punishment."Isaiah 61:1-2a was My COMMISSION to My Son when He came to earth as a man. He brought GOOD NEWS of Our LOVE and FAVOR for all who would TRUST in Us. He HEALED HEARTS BROKEN by sin and brought FREEDOM to captives and prisoners of LIES and DARKNESS. When My Son announced His commission that day in the Temple, He stopped midway in verse 2.I AM telling you that this season is the FULFILLMENT of the rest of this verse, ‘and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn.’ This is THE DAY OF THE VENGEANCE OF YOUR GOD and that is why you can look at the future with eyes of FAITH knowing I will FULFILL this PROMISE.Just as the world CHANGED after Jesus accomplished SALVATION, so the world will now CHANGE as My RECOMPENSE, RETRIBUTION , and PUNISHMENT are UNLEASHED against the HARDHEARTED POWERS of EVIL and DESTRUCTION. This will take place BEFORE YOUR EYES. Then will come My promised season of COMFORT to those with GREAT LOSSES, LIFE in place of DEAD HOPES and DREAMS, GLADNESS will spring from the place of comfort, you will wear PRAISE and no longer be WEAK, you will be my TREES—BEAUTIFUL and STRONG, and you will HELP REBUILD DEVASTATED LIVES and RUINED CITIES. You will be part of USHERING in a season of PEACE and PLENTY.Be sure that you KNOW the DEPTHS of My LOVE because THE DAY OF VENGEANCE will be POWERFUL, but NECESSARY to PREPARE THE WAY for My Kingdom to RULE and REIGN in your midst. VENGEANCE will make way for COMFORT, RESTORATION, and NEW LIEE.” Isaiah 61:1-4Diana Larkin --A Watchman’s Journal
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"Oh, eternal and everlasting God, direct my thoughts, words and work. Wash away my sins in the immaculate blood of the Lamb and purge my heart by Thy Holy Spirit. Daily, frame me more and more in the likeness of Thy son, Jesus Christ, that living in Thy fear, and dying in Thy favor, I may in thy appointed time obtain the resurrection of the justified unto eternal life. Bless, O Lord, the whole race of mankind and let the world be filled with the knowledge of Thee and Thy son, Jesus Christ." |
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“The turning points of lives are not the great moments. The real crises are often concealed in occurrences so trivial in appearance that they pass unobserved.”--George Washington |
Date Word Received: July 28, 2023
Watch video - published August 4, 2023
"...I am the God of justice, and My gavel is coming down. There will be judgment and a high price. Not only will many of you in this Capitol pay, but those of you in Hollywood and those of you in the corporate world that have joined forces with the elites (will also pay). You have joined forces with the globalists to bring in a system, a system that will destroy and annihilate all freedom and will kill anyone who's against you.
Woe to those bringing in AI. Woe to those trying to bring in the mark of the beast. Woe to those bringing in these viruses. Woe to those poisoning the food. Woe to those who have done unspeakable things to innocent children. You have done these things in your buildings, in a house you call white that is dripping with red, that is dripping with so much red. Blood is on your hands.
That blood cries out to Me for justice. Justice has begun. A justice has begun. For what you have done, justice is coming, judgment that you never thought you would ever know. Judgment will collapse, annihilate, and destroy what you are about to do next to My Nation. The blood of all those servicemen and women cry out. They cry out to Me. That blood cries out to Me for justice.
Death is coming. Death is coming like no other time in history. Even worse than what you saw in the book of Exodus because the evil is so much worse than it was in the book of Exodus.
I am coming to judge. I am coming to protect. I am coming to deliver. I am coming to annihilate and destroy your plans.
You've hid. You've been behind all these closed doors. You put up all these walls and barriers. You put up all these things to protect you. Well, nothing can protect you from My hand.
You are going to shake. You are going to tremble, enemies of Almighty God, for what you have done and what you were planning on doing. You will not have those children. You will not have your global reset, that great reset you planned. You were just about to flip the switch.
Well, I will tell you; I am in your way. I will tell you; you will not have your way. I will tell you; I am destroying your reset. I am destroying your global economy. I am destroying your world economy. I am destroying everything you had. Your global government, it's not yours.
This world is Mine, and I have given it to My children. And I am honoring their prayers.
My children, things are about to change. A darkness is coming that you have never known. A shaking is coming that you have never felt.
Remember Who I am. I am in the way. This is not for you. This is not for you! This is for them. I promised to protect you, and I will do just that. I promised to rise you above, and I will do just that. I promised to restore, and I will do just that.
So, hold on. Hold on to this shaking. Hold on to these judgments. Remember Who I am, and that I AM is always with you, saith the Lord. " .......
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New York City, 1789 “May the same wonder-working Deity, who long since delivering the Hebrews from their Egyptian Oppressors planted them in the promised land—whose Providential Agency has lately been conspicuous in establishing these United States as an independent Nation—still continue to water them with the dews of Heaven and to make the inhabitants of every denomination participate in the temporal and spiritual blessings of that people whose God is Jehovah.” —Letter to the Hebrew congregation of Savannah, Georgia |
Robin Bullock PROPHETIC WORD🚨[WHAT DOES 2024 HOLD?] A REPLACEMENT AT HAND Prophecy Aug 8, 2023 - YouTube; "Once Abraham was convinced he would have a son, the Lord immediately promised this land to inherit."
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Kent Christmas PROPHETIC WORD🚨[CHANGE IN GOVERNMENT] Prophecy Aug 13, 2023 - YouTube
Hank Kunneman PROPHETIC WORD🚨[STRANGE COURT DEALINGS] Not Over for 45 [WATCH WHAT HAPPENS] Prophecy - YouTube: "His Justice will be seen ...Do not fear the lies, the process; fear the God of Righteousness and Justice. Fear ye Him."
"When we came there, we were attacked by a party of French and Indians...The Virginia troops showed a good deal of bravery, and were nearly all killed; for I believe, out of three companies that were there, scarcely thirty men are left alive. Captain Peyrouny, and all his officers down to a corporal, were killed. Captain Polson had nearly as hard a fate, for only one of his was left. ...I luckily escaped without a wound, though I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me."--23 year-old Colonel George Washington, American Militia, on the Battle of Fort Duquesne, July 9, 1755.
Many years later, an Indian chief sought out Washington. The chief told him that he and his warriors had exerted themselves mightily, yet in vain, to kill Washington during that battle: "We felt that some Manitou guarded your life and we believed you could not be killed." Washington later told his brother "By the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation. Death was levelling my companions on every side.".......
"I will now deal with the oppressors of My People. I will move swiftly and with jealous aggression with my first responders. For I have heard their cries and I will break the hold of the taskmasters' rule over them. Though they bowed their necks in stubborn resistance, I will lead them with nose rings to their place of destruction. Like oxen to the slaughter, I will pull them to stalls of disgrace. The commanding influence of the oppressor's curse will break from the hearts of my people. The disheartening crack of the taskmasters whip will no longer be heard by my sons and daughters. They will not carry the burdens of their oppressors. They will not toil for their enemy's gain. They will not work as slaves of cultural brutality. They will not glean empty fields because they worship me.
No, they will own the fields where they have gleaned. The breaking sound heard by my triumphant remnant will be the cracking sound of their oppressors' authority shattering. The words of their pharaoh will be as chaff in the winds as my angels scatter their defiance enforcing the decrees of My Ecclesia. Michael and his chariots of fire have received their orders. Gabriel has communicated strategies through angel armies. Breakthrough angels are now activated, Pharoah will not have the final word. I will have the final word. Ecclesias, contend in faith as I harden the heart of your enemies. ...Respond with Me and Reset History." .......

From sea to shining sea, Hallelujah, Lord Jesus!
Psalm 89
19 In a vision you spoke to your prophet [Samuel] and said, “I have chosen a splendid young man from the common people to be the king— 20 he is my servant David! I have anointed him with my holy oil. 21 I will steady him and make him strong. 22 His enemies shall not outwit him, nor shall the wicked overpower him. 23 I will beat down his adversaries before him and destroy those who hate him. 24 I will protect and bless him constantly and surround him with my love; he will be great because of me. 25 He will hold sway from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea. 26 And he will cry to me, ‘You are my Father, my God, and my Rock of Salvation.’
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