Indeed, the Lord God does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets.--Amos 3:7
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Luke 19:10 Jesus told him, “This shows that salvation has come to this home today. This man was one of the lost sons of Abraham, and I, the Messiah, have come to search for and to save such souls as his.” |
Prophetic Words - The Flyover Conservatives
LIVE WITH JULIE ( 26 am: "It is time for DC to fall."

Foundations of Evil Are Crumbling! | Mike Thompson LIVE (4-20-24) - YouTube
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Amanda Grace: A Crucial Prophetic Link: Gen Z the Puppets of Amalek and an Outcry in the Nation (
Website: Ark of Grace Ministries | Amanda Grace

A Watchman’s Journal ( April 26, 2024:
April 26, 2024: MAY MADNESS
“You are leaving the month of APRIL FOOLISHNESS and entering the month of May when you will see displayed MANIC MADNESS by the evil empire. They will seek to STIR UP MADNESS on every side. From WOKE college campuses to international CONFLICTS to financial CRISIS to THREATS on your food and water sources. The world is going to SWIRL from all this MAY MADNESS, but you ARE NOT TO REACT WITH FEAR OR ANXIETY. I AM showing you the BLUEPRINT for their MAY MADNESS so that you can VIEW it with My EYES and implement My STRATEGIES that will DISMANTLE their BLUEPRINTS for MADNESS. You SPEAK PEACE to the college campuses, the paid-for demonstrations, and the conflicts between nations. RELEASE My Spirit of Truth to INVADE those conflicts and to TURN DECEIVED HEARTS to the WONDER of My LOVE and My LIGHT. SEND COVERING ANGELS over your food and water sources and BOOMERANG their plans to sicken you back on the arrogant elite. Whatever comes up in the month of MAY MADNESS, I want you to RESPOND from KINGDOM AUTHORITY and POWER to COUNTERACT and FLIP them to ALIGN with My HEART and My WAYS. DECLARE that the LIGHT will OVERPOWER and DEFEAT the darkness.
DO NOT SPREAD FEAR-PORN and reports of DOOM and GLOOM—that creates FEAR and puts you in SELF-PROTECTIVE MODE. It CANCELS My VOICE that is giving you BATTLE STRATEGIES to DEFLECT and DEFEAT every scheme of darkness. Are you going to BELIEVE the SWIRL of MAY MADNESS released by the desperate enemy or will you CHOOSE to BELIEVE your trustworthy Father who has PROMISED VICTORY and a season of PEACE and PLENTY? If you choose FAITH, you can walk through the SWIRL of MAY MADNESS in My PEACE, My PROVISION, and My POWER.”

5 They care nothing for God or what he has done or what he has made; therefore God will dismantle them like old buildings, never to be rebuilt again.
6 Oh, praise the Lord, for he has listened to my pleadings! 7 He is my strength, my shield from every danger. I trusted in him, and he helped me. Joy rises in my heart until I burst out in songs of praise to him. 8 The Lord protects his people and gives victory to his anointed king.
9 Defend your people, Lord; defend and bless your chosen ones. Lead them like a shepherd and carry them forever in your arms.
“I AM THE GOD WHO MEETS YOUR NEEDS. I meet needs GLADLY and GENEROUSLY because I have the TRUE HEART of a Father who LOVES and TREASURES His children. My ABILITY to MEET YOUR NEEDS does NOT DEPEND on your nation’s economy nor is it limited to your job or to your lack of a job. I RESOURCE you from the Kingdom of Heaven which has UNLIMITED, NEVER-ENDING SUPPLY for My children to draw on. As world economies SHIFT, it will be important for you to KNOW that I AM THE GOD WHO MEETS YOUR NEEDS. Expect SUPERNATURAL PROVISION and ABUNDANCE to flow to you, and be willing to help meet the needs of others around you. You have a BLOOD COVENANT with Me through the Blood of My Son, and you can STAND on that Covenant and CALL IN its PROVISION and ABUNDANCE. You don’t have to BEG Me to supply your needs because I GLADLY do it out of My GREAT LOVE for you. There are some things that can BLOCK My FLOW of provision to you: UNBELIEF, UNFORGIVENESS, PRIDE, GENERATIONAL SPIRIT OF POVERTY, MANMADE DOCTRINES that say I don’t act SUPERNATURALLY on your behalf anymore. Ask My Spirit to HIGHLIGHT any area that could be HOLDING BACK My abundant provision for you, put it UNDER the BLOOD of Jesus, and DECLARE FREEDOM over your mind and heart to BELIEVE that I AM THE GOD WHO MEETS YOUR NEEDS.”Diana LarkinA Watchman’s Journal
Arise and Preside | Tim Sheets (
"Never doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light."

"Pray with me:
Father, the way in which You raised up America as a voice in the earth is indeed remarkable. You did so to use her as a trumpet of the gospel to the ends of the earth. We are humbled and inspired by this.We are deeply impacted by the knowledge that we were born under a movement of prayer, that it truly was through appealing to You that our freedom was produced. You have brought this flag, the Appeal To Heaven flag, out of hiding and are asking us to appeal once again. We are doing so and believe You will once again free us from oppression, this time from within. Overthrow the evil trying to destroy our heritage and destiny, our foundation. Overthrow those who defile our children and promote perversion. We bind these efforts in the name of Jesus! Just as our Founders stated in the Declaration of Independence, we are “Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions.” Today, we do so from Cape Henry.And so, Lord, we ask You to bring revival to America. We pray for Your church, the Ekklesia, to rise to the glorious level You speak of in Scripture: a worthy bride for You and an expression of Your authority on the earth. Make us an Ekklesia the gates of hell cannot prevail against, just as You said. We call this forth in the name of Jesus, and decree that America shall be saved! We ask and declare this in the name of the Lord Himself, Jesus Christ...Amen.Our decree:We decree that our appeal to heaven is being heard...and is rebirthing America!" .......
Troy Brewer: How Does King David Represent JESUS? (
I was a Guest on FLASHPOINT! (
Haggai 2:
1 In early October of the same year, the Lord sent them this message through Haggai:
2 “Ask this question of the governor and High Priest and everyone left in the land:
3 “‘Who among you can remember the Temple as it was before? How glorious it was! In comparison, it is nothing now, is it? 4 But take courage, O Zerubbabel and Joshua and all the people; take courage and work, for I am with you, says the Lord Almighty. 5 For I promised when you left Egypt that my Spirit would remain among you; so don’t be afraid.’
6 “For the Lord Almighty says, ‘In just a little while I will begin to shake the heavens and earth—and the oceans, too, and the dry land. 7 I will shake all nations, and the Desire of All Nations shall come to this Temple, and I will fill this place with my glory,’ says the Lord Almighty. 8-9 ‘The future splendor of this Temple will be greater than the splendor of the first one! For I have plenty of silver and gold to do it! And here I will give peace,’ says the Lord.”
10 In early December, in the second year of the reign of King Darius, this message came from the Lord through Haggai the prophet:
11 “Ask the priests this question about the law: 12 ‘If one of you is carrying a holy sacrifice in his robes and happens to brush against some bread or wine or meat, will it too become holy?’”
“No,” the priests replied. “Holiness does not pass to other things that way.”
13 Then Haggai asked, “But if someone touches a dead person, and so becomes ceremonially impure, and then brushes against something, does it become contaminated?”
And the priests answered, “Yes.”
14 Haggai then made his meaning clear. “You people,” he said (speaking for the Lord), “were contaminating your sacrifices by living with selfish attitudes and evil hearts—and not only your sacrifices, but everything else that you did as a ‘service’ to me. 15 And so everything you did went wrong. But all is different now because you have begun to build the Temple. 16-17 Before, when you expected a twenty-bushel crop, there were only ten. When you came to draw fifty gallons from the olive press, there were only twenty. I rewarded all your labor with rust and mildew and hail. Yet, even so, you refused to return to me, says the Lord.
18-19 “But now note this: From today, this 24th day of the month, as the foundation of the Lord’s Temple is finished, and from this day onward, I will bless you. Notice, I am giving you this promise now before you have even begun to rebuild the Temple structure, and before you have harvested your grain, and before the grapes, the figs, the pomegranates, and olives have produced their next crops: From this day I will bless you.”
20 Another message came to Haggai from the Lord that same day:
21 “Tell Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, ‘I am about to shake the heavens and the earth, 22 to overthrow thrones, destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations. I will overthrow their armed might, and brothers and companions will kill each other. 23 But when that happens, I will take you, O Zerubbabel my servant, and honor you like a signet ring upon my finger; for I have specially chosen you,’ says the Lord Almighty.”
The Persian Mystery: Israel, Iran, & The End Times! | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic (
The Dragon's Prophecy by Jonathan Cahn (
"Is there more to the world than meets our eyes – another realm that’s transforming our world at this very moment?
Is there an ancient vision that unlocks what is really happening to our world and what is yet to come?
A dangerous force from ancient times that is now operating in the world and determining the course of world events?
Did a three-thousand-year old mystery actually foretell the invasion of Israel by Hamas down to the year – and even the exact date?
Is there a secret to the Book of Revelation that actually reveals what is taking place right now?
After eight New York Times bestsellers, Jonathan Cahn NOW releases his newest stunning blockbuster….
THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days.
For the first time ever, Jonathan Cahn will open up End-Time Prophecy to reveal the mysteries behind the End of the Age and what is now happening before our eyes - even the hidden keys to victory in the light of what’s coming – and how to overcome your Dragon!
The long-hidden secret of the Last Days
The Dark Resurrection
The Colors of the Apocalypse
The Return of the Sea People
The Day of the Dragon
The Black Sabbath
The Inverted Angel
The Revenge of the Three Thousand
The 2,315th Day
The Secret on the Mount
The Invaders
The Beast
And much, much, more!
What does the future hold?
What do you need to know and do?
And what about the Dragon?" .......
The Prophet will bring the down the Dragon.
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Hank Kunneman PROPHETIC WORD🚨[FALL DEFEAT] I SAW IT: Prophecy April 28, 2024 ( "Ancient spirits of Persia and Grecia who stood to oppose My people have now raised their heads to afflict this nation [America] and so it would be that there are some in the land that say why should we bother with Israel, for they are but fools. The Spirit of God says I look to this nation and I will bless those who bless Israel and I will curse them who curse Israel, for I have made a promise and I have made a covenant and I have stood and so it shall stand."
"...I, the Lord have mercy upon the City of Omaha and you, and the United States of America."
Isaiah 54:
7 For a small moment I have forsaken you,
but with great mercies I will gather you.
8 In a little wrath
I hid My face from you for a moment;
but with everlasting kindness
I will have mercy on you,
says the Lord your Redeemer.
9 For this is as the waters of Noah to Me;
for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no longer cover the earth,
so I have sworn that I would not be wrathful with you
nor rebuke you.
10 For the mountains may be removed,
and the hills may shake,
but My kindness shall not depart from you,
nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,
says the Lord who has mercy on you.
11 O afflicted one, tossed with tempest and not comforted,
I will lay your stones with fair colors
and lay your foundations with sapphires.
12 I will make your windows of agates,
and your gates of crystal,
and all your borders of precious stones.
13 All your sons shall be taught of the Lord,
and great shall be the peace of your sons.
14 In righteousness you shall be established;
you shall be far from oppression,
for you shall not fear,
and from terror,
for it shall not come near you.
15 Indeed they shall surely assail you fiercely, but not from Me.
Whoever assails you shall fall for your sake.
16 See, I have created the smith
that blows the coals in the fire
and who brings forth an instrument for his work;
and I have created the destroyer in order to cause ruin.
17 No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper,
and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
and their vindication is from Me,
says the Lord.
Ministry Now | Daystar Television Network--Troy Brewer Post-Eclipse interview (begins @ 21:10)
How Can We Commit Ourselves to JESUS? - YouTube
Jeremiah 1
4 The Lord said to me, 5 “I knew you before you were formed within your mother’s womb; before you were born I sanctified you and appointed you as my spokesman to the world.”
6 “O Lord God,” I said, “I can’t do that! I’m far too young! I’m only a youth!”
7 “Don’t say that,” he replied, “for you will go wherever I send you and speak whatever I tell you to. 8 And don’t be afraid of the people, for I, the Lord, will be with you and see you through.”
9 Then he touched my mouth and said, “See, I have put my words in your mouth! 10 Today your work begins, to warn the nations and the kingdoms of the world. In accord with my words spoken through your mouth I will tear down some and destroy them, and plant others, nurture them, and make them strong and great.”
Yes and Amen, Father God!