For the Lord Jehovah doth nothing, Except He hath revealed His counsel unto His servants the prophets.--Amos 3:7
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Matthew 12: 38 One day some of the Jewish leaders, including some Pharisees, came to Jesus asking him to show them a miracle. 39-40 But Jesus replied, “Only an evil, faithless nation would ask for further proof; and none will be given except what happened to Jonah the prophet! For as Jonah was in the great fish for three days and three nights, so I, the Messiah, shall be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. |
This Eclipse Will Be Nothing Like the Others... - YouTube--Apr. 7th: Troy Brewer full Eclipse teaching
I got to Tell Michael Knowles about the 2024 Eclipse! ( Brewer
April 8th Eclipse: What They're NOT Telling You | Troy Brewer - YouTube--Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural"
Jeremiah 4:
28 For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black, because I have spoken it; I have purposed it and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.

Rachel Hamm: Episode # 28 I Had The Same Dream THREE Times, with John Redenbo (
The Mystery of Psalm 83 and the End Times | Jonathan Cahn Sermon (
Diana Larkin:
PROPHETIC DREAM: LOOK AT THE SKIES - Brian Palencia, John Redenbo (
Jonah 3:
3 This time Jonah started off straight for Nineveh, obeying God’s orders to the letter.
Nineveh was a big city, very big—it took three days to walk across it.
4 Jonah entered the city, went one day’s walk and preached, “In forty days Nineveh will be smashed.”
5 The people of Nineveh listened, and trusted God. They proclaimed a citywide fast and dressed in burlap to show their repentance. Everyone did it—rich and poor, famous and obscure, leaders and followers.
Jonah was so mad at the Genocidal Assyrians, he didn’t even tell them to repent–they had to figure that out on their own!
A Watchman’s Journal ( April 8, 2024: WHAT IF I EXTEND THE DARKNESS?
“The enemy has INFILTRATED man’s SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY. PRIDE has so filled the hearts of some that they spend their lives trying to PROVE that I DON’T EXIST and that I AM a made up SUPERSTITION of men with WEAK MINDS. These proud men believe they have FREED themselves to be able to DISCOVER TRUTH but in REALITY, they are SHACKLED to DECEPTION and WARPED PERCEPTIONS. It’s time to FREE SCIENTIFIC PURSUITS from the GRIP of PRIDE and the ARROGANCE of the ELITE into a pursuit of how My ways and My creation can BENEFIT MANKIND.
What if I AM about to SHAKE the scientific models and predictions? What if I AM about to DISMANTLE LONG-HELD SCIENTIFIC THEORIES that have PROUDLY been taught as FACT? What if I AM about to BUST UP their careful PREDICTIVE MODELS of ECLIPSES, STORMS, EARTHQUAKES, and WIND PATTERNS? What if I were to EXTEND the PERIOD of DARKNESS from the coming eclipse? This is the GREAT AWAKENING and every area of society will be SHAKEN out of the DEPENDENCE on MAN’S WAYS to be brought into the ABUNDANCE, FREEDOM, and CREATIVITY of MY WAYS. Man’s PRIDEFUL SCIENCE MODEL is going to FALL
For My Remnant, I will be your EARLY WARNING SYSTEM, and I will show you how I can PROTECT you, PROVIDE for you, and give you INSIGHT into what I AM doing. Learn to SEEK Me for the future and NOT man’s LIMITED knowledge. Then, it will GO WELL with you in ALL AREAS of your life.” .......More: A Watchman’s Journal ( April 7, 2024: THE FIRE OF GOD
“My FIRE is released on the earth, as I continue to SHAKE to AWAKE and to EXPOSE HIDDEN, DARK SECRETS. MY FIRE will be both NATURAL and SPIRITUAL. The natural FIRES will burn down BUILDINGS, MONUMENTS, and CHURCHES that are SERVING the DARKNESS. These manmade IDOLATROUS structures will be CONSUMED by My FIRES of JUDGMENT, and the Land will be CLEANSED. I will also release My SUPERNATURAL FIRE to BURN UP the PRIDE of man and to DISINTEGRATE the DEMONIC PLATFORMS that have held them up. You will see the elite CRY OUT, as I BURN them up INTERNALLY.
My SPIRITUAL FIRE will also be released on My people. It will burn away FALSE MOTIVES of FAME, GREED, and IMPURE DESIRES. It will burn up MANMADE DOCTRINES that have been sown into the Church by the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT of OUTWARD CONFORMITY instead of INNER TRANSFORMATION and INTIMACY with Me. My FIRE will TORCH those doctrines that were sown into the Church by the darkness—especially end times teachings that FOCUS My people of Light on ESCAPE, rather than learning to RULE and REIGN by taking AUTHORITY over the darkness and by helping to ESTABLISH foundations of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. My FIRE PREPARES A WAY before Me, and out of the ashes, I will REBUILD something of PURITY and BEAUTY. WELCOME My FIRE in your world, in the Church, and in your hearts. My FIRE brings forth GOLD and NEW LIFE.” .......
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Psalm 89: |
14-15 Your throne is founded on two strong pillars—the one is Justice and the other Righteousness. Mercy and Truth walk before you as your attendants. Blessed are those who hear the joyful blast of the trumpet, for they shall walk in the light of your presence. 16 They rejoice all day long in your wonderful reputation and in your perfect righteousness. 17 You are their strength. What glory! Our power is based on your favor! 18 Yes, our protection is from the Lord himself and he, the Holy One of Israel, has given us our king.
19 In a vision you spoke to your prophet [Samuel] and said, “I have chosen a splendid young man from the common people to be the king— 20 he is my servant David! I have anointed him with my holy oil. 21 I will steady him and make him strong. 22 His enemies shall not outwit him, nor shall the wicked overpower him. 23 I will beat down his adversaries before him and destroy those who hate him. 24 I will protect and bless him constantly and surround him with my love; he will be great because of me. 25 He will hold sway from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea. 26 And he will cry to me, ‘You are my Father, my God, and my Rock of Salvation.’
27 “I will treat him as my firstborn son and make him the mightiest king in all the earth. 28 I will love him forever and be kind to him always; my covenant with him will never end. 29 He will always have an heir; his throne will be as endless as the days of heaven. 30-32 If his children forsake my laws and don’t obey them, then I will punish them, 33 but I will never completely take away my loving-kindness from them, nor let my promise fail. 34 No, I will not break my covenant; I will not take back one word of what I said. 35-36 For I have sworn to David (and a holy God can never lie) that his dynasty will go on forever, and his throne as the sun before me [his throne will continue to the end of time]. 37 It shall be eternal as the moon, my faithful witness in the sky!”
27 “I will treat him as my firstborn son and make him the mightiest king in all the earth. 28 I will love him forever and be kind to him always; my covenant with him will never end. 29 He will always have an heir; his throne will be as endless as the days of heaven. 30-32 If his children forsake my laws and don’t obey them, then I will punish them, 33 but I will never completely take away my loving-kindness from them, nor let my promise fail. 34 No, I will not break my covenant; I will not take back one word of what I said. 35-36 For I have sworn to David (and a holy God can never lie) that his dynasty will go on forever, and his throne as the sun before me [his throne will continue to the end of time]. 37 It shall be eternal as the moon, my faithful witness in the sky!”

Thank You, Father God. As Your Beloved Family, we receive Your Holy Word today, Hallelujah!
Donald Trump to be Called a Deliverer: Corrupt liars will be punished! Justice Demands Retribution!! | Donna Rigney (
A Prophet's Decree about Your Prosperity | Mike Thompson (4-5-24) (
Amanda Grace:
Amanda Grace:
* An Urgent Look: April 8th and the Return of the Devil Comet - YouTube
* Eclipse Part 5: Triggering in the Earth, OP Serpent Deity and a Tie to National Declarations (
David Herzog: The Biblical & Prophetic Meaning of the Eclipse ( Streams
April 8, 2024 ( Dutch Sheets:
April 8, 2024 ( Dutch Sheets:
“These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country, but he that stands by it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph…”Pray with me:
"Father, we are thoroughly convinced of Your goodness. We are convinced of Your grace and mercy, that Your heart is to redeem, not punish. This is a sustaining truth in difficult times, an anchor for our souls. You are a good and wonderful Father; though You allow prodigals to eat with the pigs and wallow in the filth of their unwise decisions, You also run to meet them when they return to You.We are thoroughly convinced that America will return to You and be restored - because of Your heart and unparalleled wisdom. You know how to turn us back. We are also confident that in any shaking, Your Kingdom will stand strong; those who stand with it will, as well. Not for a moment do we believe that satan has outwitted or could ever overpower You. And we do not doubt for a moment that You will have the harvest You have spoken of and promised Your Son.
So we say, let the shaking intended to deliver us from evil intensify. Let it come and awaken millions to their need of You. Let it come to free millions of young people from the demonic ideologies with which they have been fed and poisoned. Let it come to open our hearts and prepare us for the outpouring of Your Spirit. Our eyes are on the goal You have in mind, not the pain that will endure for a season.
Our decree: We declare that God is for us, not against us." .......
Yes and Amen, Father–the Heavens declare Your Glory!
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Romans 10: 8 But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart.” This is the word of faith that we preach: 9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, 10 for with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be ashamed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is generous toward all who call upon Him. 13 For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” |
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