“The American Revolution was not a common event. Its effects and consequences have already been awing over a great part of the globe. And when and where are they to cease? But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war?
The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments of their duties and obligations. While the king, and all in authority under him, were believed to govern in justice and mercy, according to the laws and constitution derived to them from the God of nature and transmitted to them by their ancestors, they thought themselves bound to pray for the king and queen and all the royal family, and all in authority under them, as ministers ordained of God for their good; but when they saw those powers renouncing all the principles of authority, and bent upon the destruction of all the securities of their lives, liberties, and properties, they thought it their duty to pray for the Continental Congress and all the thirteen State congresses.
There might be, and there were others who thought less about religion and conscience, but had certain habitual sentiments of allegiance and loyalty derived from their education; but believing allegiance and protection to be reciprocal, when protection was withdrawn, they thought allegiance was dissolved.
Another alteration was common to all. The people of America had been educated in an habitual affection for England, as their mother country; and while they thought her a kind and tender parent, (erroneously enough, however, for she never was such a mother,) no affection could be more sincere. But when they found her a cruel beldam, willing like Lady Macbeth, to “dash their brains out,” it is no wonder if their filial affections ceased, and were changed into indignation and horror.
“How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked. “Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually and then suddenly.”--Ernest Hemingway’, The Sun Also Rises, 1926
"As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once."--John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
Vibe Shift - Santiago Pliego (substack.com):
"It’s hard to say exactly how long it’s taken for the eponymous vibe to shift, but everyone knows it’s happening. For at least the last six months, not a day has gone by when I haven’t seen something, heard a statement, read a post, or had a conversation with someone that doesn’t leave me completely shocked—in a good way.“This would not have happened a year ago. Vibe shift.”
The Vibe Shift I’m talking about is the speaking of previously unspeakable truths, the noticing of previously suppressed facts. I’m talking about the give you feel when the walls of Propaganda and Bureaucracy start to move as you push; the very visible dust kicked up in the air as Experts and Fact Checkers scramble to hold on to decaying institutions; the cautious but electric rush of energy when dictatorial edifices designed to stifle innovation, enterprise, and thought are exposed or toppled.
Fundamentally, the Vibe Shift is a return to—a championing of—Reality, a rejection of the bureaucratic, the cowardly, the guilt-driven; a return to greatness, courage, and joyous ambition. ...
It is hard to overstate how much Elon’s purchase of Twitter has accelerated (and perhaps directly caused) the Vibe Shift. The old ways of cutting and slicing the world have broken down, and now the most unexpected groups have found themselves as co-belligerents in an existential war to preserve our ability to speak, compute, build, worship, transact, and live in peace.
And thus—cutting across communities and denominations and occupations and hobbies—we get to the Vibe Shift:
The Vibe Shift looks like ditching childless civilizational nihilism and saying, yeah, having kids is good, actually.
The Vibe Shift is the repudiation of homogenizing hyperglobalism and instead intentionally pursuing the communal, the local, and the national.
The Vibe Shift is the rejection of reality denial and instead embracing that men and women are unique and different.
The Vibe Shift is the refusal to subordinate yourself and your family to the whims and anxieties of activists and bureaucrats and relearning to trust your eyes and ears.
The Vibe Shift is the rejection of secular liberal materialism and a return to the Christian foundations of the West.
The Vibe Shift is taking off the ironic veil that aims to cover the festering wounds of despair and putting on the vestments of seriousness instead.
The Vibe Shift is laughing at those trying to demonize men and cheerfully proclaiming “Dudes rock.”
The Vibe Shift is spurning the fake and therapeutic and reclaiming the authentic and concrete.
The Vibe Shift is a healthy suspicion of credentialism and a return to human judgment.
The Vibe Shift is living not by lies, and instead speaking the truth—whatever the cost.
The Vibe Shift is directly facing our tumultuous times, refusing to blackpill, and choosing to build instead." .......
Read it all.
Roger Kimball:
Navigating the Vibe Shift of a Cultural Reckoning › American Greatness (amgreatness.com)
Jeremiah 29:
11 For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Yes, the enemy has a plan.
But Our God has another plan. Covenant America is not done–far from it. These are Glory Days and you and I are blessed to be part of it. Spoiler Alert: America is to be a Wedding Present to Jesus. Don’t tell Him.
Don’t listen to the Liar. Don’t take the Black Pill. The darkness wants you discouraged and hopeless. If you agree with hopelessness, you’re calling God a liar. We’re going to laugh again. Belly laughs, out loud, in the streets!
Listen to the Father; He says this is the Day HE has made:
Psalm 118:
This day belongs to the Lord!
Let’s celebrate
and be glad today.
We’ll ask the Lord to save us!
We’ll sincerely ask the Lord
to let us win.
Yes and Amen, Almighty Father!

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