"Since the Democrats have not disbanded the criminal wing of their party, we have to assume they are going to try the same tricks they used to ‘fortify’ the 2020/2 elections and then some.
Election theft is an anti-story, which is to say, if you are employed by Baghdad Bob, (Sundance’s name for the corporate media), if you mention suspicions, you are not only fired, you are blacklisted for all time. Driven out of the cult, and mocked.
If you type the word: D*m*nion, a bot picks you up and down-ranks your post or story.
The absence of the legacy media means that citizens have stepped up. In Pennsylvania, Leah Hoopes and Greg Stenstrom were Republican poll watchers in 2020 in Delaware County, Penn, from here on called Delco. The agonizingly delayed vote in Delco gave Pennsylvania to Biden, which gave Biden the win. It was a hot spot, a pivot county, a must win county for Biden.
So it was stolen.
Stenstrom, a fraud investigator and former naval officer, was brought into the fray by Hoopes, a business owner and Republican committee woman who was suspicious of the Zuckerberg money flooding the county. She recruited law enforcement and former military to be involved as poll watchers. Which means that the description of the process of the steal was detailed and ordered.
Afterwards, Stenstrom and Hoopes, wrote, in my opinion, the best book on election fraud. Called The Parallel Election, A Blueprint for Deception, they build a detailed, sourced drama that has elements of Oceans 11.
Eight days ago they
released The Big Con.
Their accusations were so incendiary that they spent 890 days in “rolling deepest hell”, in court defending themselves from the worst offender, Jim Savage a former United Steel Workers Union president. When they won, the lawyer who prosecuted the case was formally censured, and closed his practice. As a result of discovery, and the pain of the process, they were able to further elaborate on their theories and observations, and accessed even more damning documentation.
While I read their book, and as they introduced character after character, it seemed increasingly obvious that the conspiracy was orchestrated by members of the Masonic order. I’ve been picking away at this modern conspiracy theory with an exaggerated care. Pretty sure most of the men in my family were Masons, in fact my great grandfather is buried in the Masonic cemetery in Vancouver, and he had actual stone quarries - so in fact was an actual stone mason. His son laid the first sidewalks in Vancouver, so again, pretty sure he was a Mason too, since the stones for the sidewalks came from his quarries. Therefore, if I come from a family of town and small city fathers, as I do, most, if not all, had to be Masons. I don’t believe you got anywhere unless you were a member. An invitation to a promising young fellow would come as a relief, a necessary step to success. Up until the 70’s, and probably now, that was the way things were done. The Masonic Order is the largest fraternal order in the world and while it didn’t run business in every town and city in North America, it definitely held the whip hand. In my case, the towns they ran were peaceful and prosperous, and please, these were good people: Officers on the Underground Railroad, married into two Indian tribes.
That said, and this is merely a suspicion, the conspiracy to steal Delco was so complex, requiring many many steps there is literally no way to my mind, that the steal could have been effected without a conspiracy of secrecy, with severe and harsh consequences for transgression. Only formalized operations like the Masonic Order could have pulled it off. At the heights of this order, one is given to understand, the vow of secrecy is sacrosanct.
Hoopes and Stenstrom identified the operations of the steal by the people who profited by county and city services, the people whose business depended upon government contracts. Garbage, recycling, power, water, sewage, contractors, several massive unions, all the for-profit outfits who feed off tax dollars, and require the spigot to be not-closed. Any Republican win, given the insane level of debt we operate under, would institute cuts. If Trump won, and down ticket R people won, the titanic fire hose of other people’s money would be shut down, or at least limited and maybe even audited. That was a serious motivating factor.
James Savage, the individual who brought the suit against Hoopes and Stenstrom, and who was defeated and humiliated, was a 29 year member of the United Steel Workers, a former 8-year President of the USW, who carried out the steal, in plain sight, changing votes on the machines, carrying flash drives from the machines in the precincts into the central counting house and plugging those flash drives into the tabulators. At one juncture, Stenstrom observed Savage plugging 24 flash drives into the central tabulator. Within minutes, votes for Biden jumped 50,000.
Seven days ago, Hoopes and Stenstron released a short film called
The Big Con, which most importantly details the six methods by which the cheat will be prosecuted this November in the 20 pivot counties. While Trump is polling well and the vote may overwhelm the steal, this is what will be happening in almost every state, as pivotal down ticket seats are stolen.
These six categories form the skeleton of the steal.
1. Mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting:In 2016 Delaware County sent out 12,439 mail-in ballots. In 2020, they sent out 124,114, an 898% increase. In 2019 Pennsylvania passed Act 77, which eliminated requirements for mail-in ballots. Anyone who wanted one, got one.
France did away with mail-in ballots because citizens were losing trust in their elections.
Mail in ballots have zero chain of custody. They sit around in mailboxes and residences with low turnout and high transient turnover. They are then collected and harvested by NGOs, who fill out the ballots and dump them in drop boxes. The below image is the current list of registered voters, whose addresses are suspect. Many of these are migrants who have drivers licences which automatically registers them to vote. Many of these ballots will be filled out by NGO’s funded in large part by
Act Blue. Act Blue is under investigation in 22 states for
smurfing, or stealing identities in order to make donations. The Democrats have out-raised the Republicans; much of this is in the form of massive donations, many made from out of country, smurfed through entirely unwitting working and lower middle class senior citizens. Some have been tracked making small donations many times a day for months.
Essentially the illegal registrations below give the Democrats enough votes to steal all the states below listed. This data is from the invaluable
2. USB Drives and TabulatorsUSB drives are used to transfer data from precinct voting machines to central tabulating systems. For the 2020 election, Attorney-General Josh Shapiro, now Governor of Pennsylvania, groomed early by the Clinton machine for political glory, moved central counting in Delco to the Wharf Building, a former headquarters of Fidelity. It had a confusing layout, many floors, included elevators secreted behind doors and proved impossible to surveil by poll workers.
The tab machines have firmware that can be hacked to manipulate vote counts or change the vote.
3. Dirty Voter RollsAs below. Dead, moved away, at camp ground, at commercial building, bulk drop, out of state, out of county, felon, migrant halfway house, etc. Ballot harvesters submit fraudulent ballots for individuals long gone. Again, these fraudulent voter registrations are enough to overwhelm any Trump vote in the swing states. You will see listed the categories of illegal addresses. These votes will not be voted by the registrant.

4. Bluecrest Sorters - Process Mail-in BallotsBluecrest Sorters were purchased by Zuckerberg. Parascript software is installed to automatically verify most signatures. This was deemed necessary to “save” the poll workers fingers. Some of these are equipped with a ballot extraction module, a Pitney Bowles program that opens the envelope and removes the ballots. Those extracted are taken into a back room, out of the supervision of poll watchers, and further checked.
a) Signature verification means Bluecrest Sorters are illegally connected to the internet. Which puts them at risk of both insider and foreign interference according to the
CISA, America’s Cyber Defence Agency. The Democrats who run the election in Pennsylvania, are, essentially, lawless, so the fact that Bluecrest Sorters are illegally connected to the internet is unchallenged. Bluecrest was founded by Stephan Pachikov, the Evernote co-founder, a rabid antiTrumper, and financially backed by Reid Hoffman, Linked In founder, a Democrat mega-donor, esp to Josh Shapiro, who threatened death to Trump and
funded the E Jean Carroll lawsuit against Trump. Further, Bluecrest is connected to Kevin Madden, a Delco councilman connected to Startup Health and Dr. Howard Krein, who is Ashley Biden’s husband.
b) Opened envelopes are taken into a room and “adjudicated” in secret. Hoopes and Stenstrom have videos from a whistleblower that show the ballots trashed, and new ballots being filled out.
5. Decentralization
The Democrats want to federalize voting in the U.S., so that there is a single system. Therefore, you will come across “random” “citizen” videos on social media, stating the voting must be federalized because every state and county has its own methodology. This is an attempt to centralize ballots so that chain of custody can be more easily over-written.
This takes supervision of vote counting out of individual precincts and takes the process into a massive system which is vulnerable to hacking at each step of the process.
Paper votes counted by local volunteers gives us clear chains of custody and post-election verification. Every vote is handled by an individual, the counts and recounts, checked and the boxes firmly sealed before being sent on.
State centralized counting centers, as in Delco remove precinct oversight. Centralized counting centers are controlled by as many as three to five unelected officials, often political operatives. Often these are hired by Soros funded and World Economic Forum-trained attorneys-general and County Commissioners.
6.Election Officials.
If you run through the various states where theft has been reported, as I have, including Michigan, Colorado, Arizona, you will run into a certain type of woman. There is a name for these types, but I call them the Long Bobs, or Lobs, which is a haircut that stylists have decided suits executive women who are of childbearing age. The haircut also signifies their belonging, their integration into the mainstream. But it is a fake integration. Time after time after time, these Soros funded, WEF trained women have used vicious tactics to silence operatives, pitilessly
jailing people. Last month, Jenna Griswold, in Colorado put Tina Peters, a 69 year old grandmother with an exemplary record of community service, in jail for ten years. I think they are chosen because they look like teachers or principals of an elementary school. Harmless. They are anything but. In every single state, they have been carefully placed to turn back challenges. This is crude identity politics with Marxist purpose and a transparent political tactic of the hard left.

And here is Benson:

It is my opinion that Hobbs is cartel
There are 3143 counties in the U.S., but you only need 20 counties to steal the election. States which have turned blue recently, have these women in power. It’s like an order went out on the Soros/WEFer/Clinton hotline. Get me a young hot mom-type. Make sure she is a rabid leftie but looks like the teacher you fancied when you were 12.
Add to this stew some lovely useful idiots.

I have listened to audio tapes of these two women saying they had no idea what they were doing. I can’t figure out how to attach those audio files. So, I’ve transcribed one as follows:
Marianne Jackson:
“I was talking to my daughter and she was like, “they are looking for someone to be Interim Director of Elections,” and I said, “Molly, I don’t know anything about elections. All I have ever done is vote.” She said, “Just have a conversation with them.”
She obviously accepted the job, as who wouldn’t at $20,000 per month?
“Later I told her I don’t have any idea what I am doing.”
source: the Big Con, around minute 6.
If everything Hoopes and Stenstrom assert in the
Big Con and
The Parallel Election - and their theory and evidence have been tested in the fire of an 890 day court battle - then the conspiracy to steal the election involves the highest ranking Democrats in the country. In the case of Reid Hoffman, Josh Shapiro, Stephan Pachikov, Kevin Madden, and Ashley Biden’s husband, Dr. Howard Krein, they are engaged in a criminal conspiracy against the fundamental right of the citizens of the United States of America. Or, in plain language, treason.
Tomorrow I will publish the original essay on the 2020 steal in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. On Monday, I will further describe Stenstrom and Hoopes further revelations on the Delco steal which will without any doubt, be attempted in November in every county in the U.S. where the Democrats have set up a team to corrupt the vote. These three pieces alone will be a guide to November, but I plan, God willing to continue working on this for the next few weeks." .......
There is a lot going on behind the scenes in the final weeks. Most political observers are now keenly aware of the difference between “ballots” and “votes” as they pertain to key counties: Fulton County, Georgia; Wayne County, Michigan; Philadelphia and Allegany counties, Pennsylvania; Clark County, Nevada; Milwaukee and Marquette counties, Wisconsin, and Maricopa County, Arizona.
These are the specific counties and cities (Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Detroit) where the process of mass-mail/distribution of ballots, in combination with the assembly/harvesting therein, meets the process of “ballot scanning” at county level tabulation centers. However, there’s another facet, “ballot making.”

Many people, including Robert F Kennedy Jr himself and his legal team in court filings, have presented the 2024 situation and asked a question. Essentially:
.Why did the DNC apparatus sue to keep RFK JR’s name off certain state ballots and simultaneously sue to keep him on certain state ballots?
It just didn’t make sense….
… Until now.
County-level ballots were contracted for localized printing by those who intended to use blank ballots for fraudulent purposes; essentially “ballot making.”
RFK Jr’s name ON or OFF ballots, changes the dynamic of the paper format and the physical alignment in the scanner.
The county tabulation scanners need one ballot format per county to scan for vote tally.
In states where they preprinted/made the fraudulent county level ballots *without* RFK Jr’s name, the DNC sued to keep him off.
In states where they preprinted/made the fraudulent county level ballots *with* RFK Jr’s name, the DNC sued to keep him on.
That’s the answer.
That also helps put context on how long this localized mass ballot printing and tabulation plan has been in place.
The key location for 2024 ballot fraud detection…. are the tabulation centers!
"Why would the Postal Service change how they scan mail? Why would they apply that only to mail-in ballots?
When evaluating potential fraud, one of the handy tools is to put yourself in the bad guy’s shoes and determine how you might do a baddy. Let’s do it!
We would use the U.S.P.S. to collect undeliverable ballots – keep no record of ever having collected them or even seen them – and nobody would be the wiser about what happened to a ballot from Phineas at the Walmart.
Every FOIA request would get the same message – we have no data responsive to your request.
You will recall if you are a longer term reader, our emails from Postal Service carriers outlining how in 2020 and 2022 they brought all undeliverable ballots to their respective facility; those ballots were given to Leftists.
We even published one or two mail carrier emails, leaving out the person’s identity.
The RNC and Trump Campaign, fighting a 1980s election – never thought to look into this little morsel of activity that impacts every swing state – and can make the difference in the national election.
This was a terrific week for the GOP. They are seeing 3,000 more Republican votes in Nevada than Democrat votes. Wow. Clearly that get-out-the-vote strategy is working.
Bet you didn’t hear Whatley, the Repub Chairman tell you about the 150,000 mail-in ballot requests IN ONE DAY, made in Wisconsin?
Oh, you didn’t hear about that one?
Think maybe that was Scott Pressler showing up in a minivan with those registrations? Perhaps it was Lara Trump in her yoga pants bringing those to the Election Commission?
Well, we doubt it.
Better chance that while Republicans are screwing around with press releases about Nevada’s fewer Electoral Votes than a Texas county, Wisconsin is being stolen big time by Lefties.
Wisconsin has been won in the last 4 even numbered elections by 25,000 votes or so. 150,000 mail-in ballot requests, in a single day does put sort of a contrast into place, doesn’t it?
Do not email me that we are being doom and gloom.
If you want someone to blow smoke at you or hold your hand and tell you all is well, try Citizen Free Press or Revolver – our job at StopBogusBallots.com is to not bullshit you because we have data nobody else has.
Our team is digging deep into every one of those 150,000 identities – and you can bet we will publish information as it becomes available. And you can bet they were not registered by GOP organizations.
So how does the Republican get-out-the-vote campaign stack up against 150,000 mail-in ballot requests in a single day?
Remember, the propensity of any ballot from an ineligible address to vote for Kams is 97%. We are running tests right now on how many of those 150,000 are from bookstores, gas stations and vacant buildings.
How does that Republican strategy work against the 31,000 mail-in ballot requests made from ineligible locations we reported about last week? The GOP hasn’t even looked into that one – fortunately we have and we are doing something about it.
While the Repubs completely ignore hundreds of thousands of ineligible ballots flooding the system, they are also ignoring, perhaps abandoning is a more appropriate word – street fighter, under-resourced lawyers fighting it out in the Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia courts.
As we write this article, the street-fighting lawyers in Wisconsin who have continually battled Lefties in the courts, are up against 13 DNC lawyers, plus now a half dozen Leftist groups who joined the case – to force the Wisconsin to disobey its own election law.
Go to our StopBogusBallots.com site for the litigation details – and you will find a ton of litigation our boys dropped in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Colorado and some other states. This litigation is not the nonsense you see from election integrity groups who take the same case and run it in several states – collecting lawyer fees for each state – usually losing."
"It is the duty of mankind on all suitable occasions to acknowledge their dependence on the Divine Being... [that] Almighty God would mercifully interpose and still the rage of war among the nations... [and that] He would take this province under his protection, confound the designs and defeat the attempts of its enemies, and unite our hearts and strengthen our hands in every undertaking that may be for the public good, and for our defense and security in this time of danger." |
Your mailman is a nice guy, but Postal Service Communist Headquarters in Washington D.C. is wicked, tyrannical and corrupt.
“Honesty is the best policy.” –First Postmaster Benjamin Franklin "Then what's fifth-best?"--The Deep Swamp |
They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now ⋆ Brownstone Institute
A: Corrupt Election Thief David Becker and E.R.I.C. are registering Foreign Nationals--not to vote, but to be VOTED
Proverbs 20:
22 ¶ Say not thou, I will take vengeance, but wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee.
23 ¶ Double weights are an abomination unto the LORD, and a false balance is not good.
BRUTAL: Colorado News Anchor Shreds Jena Griswold on Live TV Over Voting Machine Leak Scandal — Presses Her on Potential Prison Time Like Tina Peters and Demands to Know If She’ll Resign | The Gateway Pundit :
“Kyle Clark: In 2021, when Mesa County’s voting system passwords leaked, your office stated that the disclosure of BIOS passwords alone constituted a serious breach. By that standard, did your office commit a serious breach of security protocols?
Jena Griswold: No. The situation in Mesa County was distinct. Tina Peters was just convicted, and we were actively investigating a broader breach in Mesa County.
Kyle Clark: But your office said the public disclosure of BIOS passwords alone constituted a serious breach. Now that your office has leaked passwords, does that constitute a serious breach?
Jena Griswold: The statement was part of a broader press release. The situation with Mesa County involved two sets of unauthorized passwords and a larger security breach. Our security measures have improved since then, with 24/7 surveillance and access badges.
Kyle Clark: The wording used by your office was that passwords alone constituted the breach. What have you done to determine whether those passwords were used by an unauthorized person?
Jena Griswold: We began an investigation immediately and have no reason to believe there are any breaches. Federal partners are assisting, and we are examining access logs and chain-of-custody records.
Kyle Clark: In 2021, you ordered Mesa County to stop using machines for which passwords were leaked. Why no similar order now?
Jena Griswold: In Mesa County, both passwords were used, and unauthorized access occurred. With our improved security measures, we have no evidence of a similar situation here.
Kyle Clark: In 2021, the Department of State investigated Mesa County’s password leak. Who will investigate the leak from your office?
Jena Griswold: This is not the same as Mesa County. We reported the incident to CISA and are working with them. This situation does not indicate unauthorized access or a conspiracy.
Kyle Clark: Is your office solely responsible for investigating this, or is there an outside agency involved?
Jena Griswold: This is a straightforward case of a civil servant uploading a spreadsheet with some passwords. Two sets of passwords are required for access, and we notified CISA immediately.
Kyle Clark: This isn’t the first error your office has made that has impacted voters’ confidence in elections. Will you resign?
Jena Griswold: Absolutely not. You’re mischaracterizing the situation. We addressed the 2022 postcard issue and tracked it carefully. No ineligible people registered, and Colorado consistently ranks high in election confidence. I’m proud of the work we do, and we’re addressing this issue with an abundance of caution.” …….
In other words, “It’s different when we do it.”
This Soros-stooge even rigged her own election against Tina Peters, before she and the FBI had her railroaded in Colorado’s Kangaroo Courts.
She had Dominion CheatWare scrub the evidence and then made all of Colorado’s County Clerks into figureheads under her control. She also controls a vast army of phantom digital “voters”.
Before Soros went brain-dead, he cracked the code; easier to buy one prosecutor than 100 legislators. And better to buy one Secretary of State Voting Official than convince millions of voters.
Interestingly, Kyle Clark is the reporter who, with his ANTIFA Hired Gun Bodyguard, was involved in the shooting of Trump Supporter Lee Keltner:
Rest in the Vine: Put Down Like a Dog in Denver: "9News Hit Squad" Assassinates Patriot Lee Keltner, While the Entire Soros City Hall Obstructs Justice
Lord, we speak the utter downfall, defeat, disgrace and disappearance of this wicked Obama/Soros Election Theft Regime and these jackals and Nazi Functionaries who judge the innocent for the very crimes they are committing for their father of lies. Boomerang now, our Lord of Hosts. We speak the Blood of Jesus, complete vindication and Spirit of Liberty over America, over Colorado and over Your Child Tina Peters, and we thank You for Your Mighty Deliverance, in the Name above all Names Yeshua Jesus the Messiah and King, Amen and Amen!
Rest in the Vine: If Colorado Had Honest Elections, American Hero Tina Peters Would be Colorado's Secretary of State Today
Isaiah 1:
26 I will restore your judges as at the first,
and your counselors as at the beginning.
Afterward you shall be called
the city of righteousness,
a faithful town.
27 Zion shall be redeemed with justice
and her converts with righteousness.
28 But the destruction of the transgressors and sinners shall be together,
and those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed.
Yes, Lord.