Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Prophetic Word--10/3/2024: Rosh Hashanah 5785; The Head of the Year

6 Does the trumpet sound the alarm in the city 
without frightening the people?
Does disaster come to a city
unless the Eternal One has permitted it?
7 The answer to all is the same: No.
The Eternal Lord does nothing
Without revealing His plan to His servants, the prophets.
They are His spokespeople.
8 The lion has roared;
who is not afraid?
The Eternal Lord has been heard;
His prophets can’t help but prophesy.
--Amos 3:6-8

Joshua 14:6-12

The people of Judah came to Joshua at Gilgal. Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite spoke: “You’ll remember what God said to Moses the man of God concerning you and me back at Kadesh Barnea. I was forty years old when Moses the servant of God sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out the land. And I brought back an honest and accurate report. My companions who went with me discouraged the people, but I stuck to my guns, totally with God, my God. That was the day that Moses solemnly promised, ‘The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance, you and your children’s, forever. Yes, you have lived totally for God.’ Now look at me: God has kept me alive, as he promised. It is now forty-five years since God spoke this word to Moses, years in which Israel wandered in the wilderness. And here I am today, eighty-five years old! I’m as strong as I was the day Moses sent me out. I’m as strong as ever in battle, whether coming or going. So give me this hill country that God promised me. You yourself heard the report, that the Anakim were there with their great fortress cities. If God goes with me, I will drive them out, just as God said.”

Troy Brewer: 5785 vs. The Rest: What Sets it Apart? ( pt.1

A Rosh Hashanah Word: Wars and Rumors of Wars - YouTube pt. 2

UPDATE: The Importance of Rosh Hashanah | The Pulse 24 - Ep. 079 - YouTube--condensed teaching

Psalm 18:

Therefore will I give thanks and praise You, O Lord, among the nations,
And sing praises to Your name.
He gives great triumphs to His king,
And shows steadfast love and mercy to His anointed,
To David and his descendants forever.
“I do not want to go back to the past; I want to go back to the past way of facing the future."
--Actual President Ronald Reagan

Mina and Yvon Attia: 5785 - Rosh Hashanah Celebration! #5785 #newbeginnings #healing - YouTube

Curt Landry: A Final Word for the Hebrew Year 5784 - YouTube

Israel - Strike the Ground with Fire!: Robin Bullock - ElijahStreams

Days of Thunder and Glory Are Coming Soon! The Son Will Shine! | Donna Rigney - YouTube


Israel & the US: Archangel Michael & Angels of Fire! | Mike Thompson (9-26-24) - YouTube


What's REALLY Happening in Israel Countdown to Rosh Hashanah 2024? Rabbi Jason Sobel - YouTube

Rabbi Kirt Schneider: Embracing God's Appointed Times (

Larry Huch: Do You Know What Time It Is On God's Calendar? (

Amanda Grace: clip--AWE During Such a Time of the High Holy Days (

Daily Grace Inspiration - A Brand-New Body at the Blast of a Trumpet! | Joseph Prince Ministries

Ministry Now | Daystar Television Network: Fred Markert & Mario Murillo

Decree and Dominate | Tim Sheets (



October 02, 2024

October 1, 2021


“When I have finished judging the wicked and the evil systems they established, I will come with MY GLORY and it will COVER all the broken places and RESTORE them to be a blessing. Just as dramatic as the tearing down will be so the BUILDING UP with My GLORY will cause AWE and WONDER. I AM promising to build back something of WORTH that will really make people’s lives BETTER. in the midst of coming changes remember that MY GLORY is coming to RESTORE and LIGHT UP your world.”

Diana Larkin 

A Watchman’s Journal 

A Watchman’s Journal (

September 27, 2022


“My people are COMING ALIVE in My Spirit! They are ARISING as My blood-bought Sons and Daughters who are coming to know My POWER and the POWER that dwells in them because they are Mine. The very power of the RESURRECTION is in their spirits, and it flows out of their DECREES, their WORSHIP, their BOLD FAITH in My promises. The SOUNDS My people are making, the blowing of the SHOFARS are releasing the SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH into the atmosphere, and you will see the VICTORIES MANIFEST in the natural realm. These SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH, released BEFORE you see them manifested in the natural realm, are FREQUENCIES of FAITH that SHATTER dark strongholds and BREAK fear off your own lives. The darkness SHUDDERED and COVERED THEIR EARS at these SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH, and quite SUDDENLY, they felt themselves DISLODGED from long-held places of power. Great PANIC and DESPERATE CLAWING swept through the ranks of darkness, but they could not regain their places of power because the SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH kept coming in WAVE AFTER WAVE. Watch, and you will see this PANIC and DESPERATE CLAWING in the natural realm, as leader after leader FALLS. Keep making THE SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH, My people, and watch your FAITH BECOME FACT. The FREQUENCIES of My people are now TUNED to the FREQUENCIES of HEAVEN, and GREAT POWER is being released on the earth for RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE.”

Prophecies | RED HOT OCTOBER - The Prophetic Report with Stacy Whited ( Conservatives

THE USEFUL AND DISCERNING SEERS | Prophetic Word for the Church ( Stark


WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT "Our enemies are trying to crush us in every way, trying to squeeze us of anything we have left of hope, encouragement, joy, trust, faith in God at all. They want to keep and take anything you are holding dear and they want to destroy you with it. They want to take away everything you have left…well that’s the enemy’s plan. BUT WHAT IS OUR HEAVENLY FATHER SAYING TO US OVER AND OVER AGAIN? YES we’re living in unprecedented times YES our enemies are trying to squeeze us Yes they’re trying to destroy everything we have BUT GOD! God is the One who says in Jer 29:11…For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. hen you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you. There’s a question God’s people keep asking and God is going to answer that question. God hears and listens to all of our prayers and especially when we’re giving Him His Word because His Word does not return to Him void [Is 55:11] Jer 31:13…Then will the maidens rejoice in the dance, and the young men and old together. For I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and make them rejoice after their sorrow. God never said we weren’t going to experience sorrows, tests, trials and frustration. But He said He would turn all that sorrow into joy. NO matter what the enemies do, God saw all this coming. He saw what they’re going to do to us, this nation, around the world. GOD ALWAYS HAS THAT BREAKTHROUGH COMING, THAT SOLUTION/ANSWER/DELIVERANCE COMING. He’s always going to turn that mourning/sorrow into joy. …When there’s devastation and destruction remember that you serve the God who is El Shaddai. There’s nothing impossible for Him and to Him. No matter what they are doing to North Carolina, I want to give you an encouragement. God promises He’s your Provider." .......

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October 3, 2024 ( Sheets:

"Pray with me:

Father, You have not been caught off-guard or taken by surprise at the evil of our day. You warned us very clearly in Your Word that it would occur. You also gave us an amazing example of Your ability to deal with it. We remember this today. 

We do not minimize the suffering of so many at this time, but neither do we surrender to it as the final chapter. You ARE the Deliverer. You ARE He who restores and heals. You give fresh starts, new beginnings, turnarounds, and right minds. You cause bad to work for good when we keep our faith anchored to You. And we do so today. 

We ask for aid to make it to areas hard hit by the hurricane. We ask for hope to be given to them, and we ask for comfort to be given to those who have lost loved ones. We know their grief is unimaginable, but You know how to comfort them. Show them Your love and peace through this catastrophic situation. We ask for this. We ask for salvation, Holy Spirit’s presence, to break into the devastated regions. Bring good into the bad. 

Override evil in the Middle East. Defeat Iran and her proxies. Then, rain revival in the region. 

And give America deliverance from evil. Save and restore us. And based on Your instructions in Matthew 6:10, we command the release of Your Kingdom authority, goodness, and will into our upcoming elections. We also command this into our schools, homes, cities, and streets. 

And all this we do in our representation of Christ and His authority. 

Our decree:

We decree that in these perilous times, the goodness and mercy of Christ will be revealed, demoniacs will be freed and become evangelists for Him." .......

Isaiah 59:

So they will fear the name of the Lord from the west
And His glory from the rising of the sun.
For He will come in like a narrow, rushing stream
Which the breath of the Lord drives overwhelming the enemy.

Thank You for Your New Year of 5785, Lord Jesus! Yes and Amen!

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