Friday, July 22, 2016

We Are All Tri-Curious, Non-Binary, Cage-Free, Gender-Fluid LMNOPQ-Republicans Now!

By "we", I mean "you".

The Donald.

And gay businessman Peter Theil, speaking at the Republican Convention:

"[F]ake culture wars only distract us from our economic decline. When I was a kid, the great debate was about how to defeat the Soviet Union. And we won. Now we are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom. This is a distraction from our real problems. Who cares?"

"Who cares?" I care. I care if women and girls are forced to share their bathrooms, showers and locker rooms with any man who demands it.

The only thing "fake" is calling a man a woman.
The only thing "fake" is claiming the Founders put it in the Constitution already.
The only thing "fake" is Trump trying to call it a state issue. We've already seen that movie, Donald.
The only thing "fake" is calling it a fake issue, until it's imposed on us and too late to stop.

In his speech, Trump used a rhetorical trick to get applause for his LGBTQ remarks by saying he was against ISIS shooting LGBTQ people. Well, we're all against ISIS shooting any people--except other ISIS members.

But that doesn't mean we support the Obama/Clinton/Trump Radical Gay Agenda.

It also contradicts Trump's other claims:

*"I'm politically incorrect." There is nothing more politically correct than Trump's position--he may be more politically correct than Hillary on this issue. Does Trump support Connecticut charging people with "genderism", a newly-invented offense for not using newly-invented pronouns to describe newly-invented genders?
* "I'm for law and order." Putting men in women's facilities is a criminal's dream.
* "I'm for women." Putting men in women's facilities is dangerous for women and girls.
* "I'm for the working class." The working class can't insulate themselves from the danger to their wives, mothers and daughters like a billionaire does. Do you think Trump would let this dirty old man woman pervert anywhere near his own wife and daughters?
* "I will rebuild the military." President Obama still hasn't developed a strategy for defeating ISIS--but he did produce an Army manual on transgender strategy in record time. Does this strengthen the military like Trump pledged?
* "I will fix the VA." Does turning the already dysfunctional Veterans Administration the world's largest provider of free sex-change operations help to fix the VA like Trump promised?
* "I will reform education." Will Trump stop the indoctrination in schools?

By the way, when did the "Q" become mandatory? I Question the Questioning! There are supposedly 52 different genders and only 26 letters of the alphabet. That means each letter is already bi-punctual. We don't have enough letters to go around. Maybe they'll invent some more of those, too.

I had hoped to be more enthusiastic about Trump, but I see that I'll always have some big issues with him. I'll still vote for him because the alternative is so, so awful and he's got some very important things right. At least I feel that he does honestly love this country. That alone would be a huge improvement.

But I'm not drinking any Kool-Aid for anybody.


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