Sunday, August 13, 2017

Derelict and Desperate: Mayor Signer Gets His Bloody Wish

 This Ain't Over Yet, People--Not By a Long Shot

It appears the Nazi driver in Charlottesville was attacked by bat-wielding mobs and may have been fleeing for his life. In one video, the car is struck with a baseball bat at least once before the incident. In another, bat-wielding mobs are on the car instantly as if they were already chasing it.

It also appears the cops were told to stand down and fled the scene. Clearly the Trump-hater Mayor Signer was on the side of the Antifa thugs and failed to do his Number One job. He let this spiral out of control. They knew this was coming, yet it's almost as if someone in Washington D.C. was consulted about how to manipulate this debacle, perhaps someone who recently found themselves with lots of spare time on their hands....

Trying to manufacture a riot to GetTrump? It sure smells like it.  

It appears to me that the Democrat authorities co-sponsored these riots for political gain.

What's the word for that again...?

Roger Simon: Is Charlottesville What's Really Going On in the USA?

"More to the point, are there more of these white supremacists than members of the equally violent and disgusting Antifa movement?  Again statistics are hard to come by. (Both sides like to wear masks.) But I tend to doubt it.  If anything, Antifa has been far more active, until Saturday.
Obviously,  none of this is to exonerate in the slightest the human excrement that descended on Charlottesville.  It's just to put them in perspective.  For the next week or two -- assuming we're not at war with North Korea -- we will hear non-stop geschreiing from our media about what a racist nation we are, how we have to come together, rend our shirts, investigate this and that and endlessly discuss how bad we are until we're finally forgiven at some undetermined point in an ever vanishing future that seems never to arrive.
Don't play that game.  What happened in Charlottesville isn't us.  It's just a small group of real bad people.  Indict them, convict them, and lock them up for a long as possible.  The rest of us should move on.  We have a lot better things to do.".......
Not all of us, Roger.
Indeed, Charlottesville isn't really what's going on in America. But Race War and Tribal Identity politics is all that Democrats have left.
And they don't mind trying to flush the rest of us as they circle the bowl.

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