Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Agit-Prop America: Fundamentally Transformed

There's A Riot Goin' On, Up In Georgetown Number 9

Stella Morabito: "America's Post-Charlottesville Nervous Breakdown Was Deliberately Induced"

"Whoever has the power to dictate public perceptions of reality is in a position to dictate public opinion and behavior. Abusing language and images to stir up emotions is an ancient trick of power-mongers. And once journalism turns into unchecked propaganda, we become trapped in its dangerous illusions.

Only the teensiest fraction of Americans have any real interest in violent extremism, whether it be the violence represented by the specter of the Klu Klux Klan or the violence promoted by groups like Antifa who pretend they are fighting for social justice. But the media is promoting imagery of the former as a foil for the latter.

Why Are We Being Assaulted With Fringe Concerns?

Most Americans today are still just trying to live freely, to pursue happiness peacefully. Meanwhile, power elites in politics and the media are providing a daily platform for fringe elements who identify as white supremacists. Why would anyone in his right mind do such a thing? Again, we can only deduce that such imagery serves as a useful foil to lend moral high ground to “counter-protesters.” The media elites provoking them need white supremacy bogeymen in order to achieve their ultimate agenda, which, ironically, is to achieve total supremacy.

Against this staged backdrop, repeated over and over again, Americans are being emotionally manipulated to take up cause with those whose ultimate purpose is the repeal of the First Amendment and erasure of national memory. As Helen Raleigh recently wrote in The Federalist, this has all the hallmarks of an attempted Maoist-style cultural revolution.".......

Charlottesville itself was deliberately induced.

*An organizer who supposedly flipped from being a die-hard Obama supporter to a Klansman overnight.

*A venue conveniently close to DC, with a Clintonoid governor and a rabid mayor, both ready with pre-written statements and an action plan designed to maximize conflict.

*Even the name "Unite the Right" was designed to lump conservatives in with the Klan.

Ask yourself this; Obama and his trained cockroaches sent the entire government to wiretap the Trumps; CIA, NSA, DOJ, FISA, State, FBI, etc.:

Do you think they're above some staged agit-prop event to Get Trump?

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