Tuesday, August 22, 2017

YouTube Screws Trump Supporters and Christians, Declaring Itself an Arm of the DNC; PayPal Retracts, ESPN Soils Diaper


"Diamond and Silk":

“@YouTube @TeamYouTube stopped over 95% percent of our videos from being monetized, stating: ‘It’s Not Suitable For All Advertisers,’” Lynnette Hardway and Rochelle Richardson of North Carolina said in a series of tweets.
“Wonder if @YouTube @TeamYouTube stopped the monetization of our videos because we are loyal supporters of the @POTUS. Hummmm. Sounds like Censorship to us, which is a Violation of our First Amendment. A Bias Method used to Silence our Conservative Voices. @YouTube, how was it OK to monetize our videos for the past two years and now those same videos are no longer eligible for monetization?”.......

Robert Spencer: "When a neo-Nazi psychopath plowed his car into a crowd of Leftist protesters in Charlottesville, the Left saw a golden opportunity to use the moment as its Reichstag Fire, and indulge its increasingly obvious authoritarian tendencies. But when they came after Jihad Watch, they overreached.

But after banning Jihad Watch, PayPal encountered a crowd of free citizens. PayPal was inundated with emails and tweets denouncing its ready capitulation to Leftist attempts to delegitimize and silence all dissent. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people canceled their PayPal accounts.
There is no doubt that the Left will continue to try to cut the ground out from under those who dissent from its agenda. But this is a victory over the Left’s totalitarian steamroller.

I have no intention of restoring the PayPal buttons on Jihad Watch. I know where they stand now, and do not intend to place myself at their mercy again. But nonetheless, this is a victory. Free people still exist in the United States, and the fascists who call themselves anti-fascists will not prevail.".......

Meanwhile, ESPN Finally Hits Full Retard: Pulls Asian-American Announcer From UVA Football Game: His Name; "Robert Lee".

I. Can't. Even. Anymore.

"I heah ESPN has a job openin', my dear."
"Don't do it, Colonel! They started by renaming streets and now they want to rename people!"

UPDATED-If by 1865 you mean--UPDATED:
To save his sports announcing career, disgraced Klansman Robert Lee announced he will be changing his name to the more socially-acceptable "Nathan Bedford Rain-Forest".

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