Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Hillary: "He Made My Skin Crawl" UPDATE: Erasable You: We're All Citizen Robert E. Now

"He Broke Me. Hold Me. Hold Me Now."

If only her Exalted Cyclops mentor had been there to comfort her.

"It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled."

"And then a large six-figure donation was made at the Foundation in my skin's name, and my skin suddenly changed it's mind and crawled back."

You know who didn't make her skin crawl?

Funny how that work$.

Mark Steyn: 'Now Hillary knows how Bill's victims feel."

Except when Bill breathed down their necks, it was followed by Hillary walking on their faces on her long, unstoppable climb to the very middle.

Steyn continues; "ESPN cannot tell the difference between an Asian-American sportscaster called "Robert Lee" and a Confederate general with a similar name. Michael Miller writes:
For the next few days, I suggest that you change your name to Robert E Steyn. I will change my name to Robert E. Miller. All your callers should identify themselves Robert E. Smith or Jones or whatever.
Like the scene in the movie where everyone claims to be Spartacus, we should all be Robert E. Everyman, during this period of madness.
Michael Miller
Naples, Florida
Later I checked in with Fox News and Tucker Carl... whoops, I mean Robert E Carlson to discuss the first released excerpts of Hillary's latest unreadable memoir.".......

The Southern Poverty Law Center has managed to buffalo a lot of people into thinking it is some moral arbiter of who is and isn't a "Hate Group", when they qualifiy for the designation themselves.

By lumping conservative groups in with true extremists, the SPLC incited one Democrat assassin to attack a Christian think tank for the crime of supporting traditional marriage. The Democrat Ballfield Assassin also followed the SPLC's lead.

The "E." stands for Erase. Extreme. Expendable. It's not about the Democrats' Confederacy, of which I'm no fan. It's about the arrogance of these leftists who think they can one day declare you to be Erasable, Extremist and Expendable, too.

I Exist.--Robert E. Gipper

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