"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole. We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy."--United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chair of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change, 2008-2015
Some of you who grew up with this propaganda in your Saturday morning cartoons may have never heard this said, so consider this your trigger warning.
When I was a kid(tm), we had a thing called "weather". Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad. Sometimes we had droughts, even dust bowls. Sometimes we had rainfall and bumper crops and sometimes hurricanes. But we didn't worship the weather.
Back then, the Left wanted things they couldn't have. We wouldn't let them.
They wanted higher taxes. They wanted to transfer America's wealth and sovereignty to unaccountable international bodies like the UN. They wanted to control industrial policy, yet still have political deniability when their policies created impoverishment and slow growth. They wanted to propagandize schoolchildren. They wanted to arrogate unto themselves the automatic moral high ground and the right not to have their motives questioned while questioning everyone else's. They wanted to silence dissent.
But they couldn't have these things--a free people refused to consent to them.
But, miracle of miracles, "science" came along and "discovered" Climate Change, and Poof! all their goals were realized! It's the damnedest coincidence in history!
What are the odds that science just happens to "discover" the magic keys that fortuitously unlock the Left's Political Wish List? It's just as unlikely as your Bar-B-Cue grill affecting sea levels a century from now. And even if their protocols were implemented, they admit that temperatures wouldn't change by more than a fraction. Of a fraction. Of a fraction. Of a fraction.
It's about political control, not scientific results. It's not "man-made" Climate Change--it's Manufactured.
They yell "The Science is Settled! The Science is Settled!"
No, but the science funding is pretty well settled. And it goes to the Agree-ers. Turns out, you can create a fair amount of "consensus" by funding and recognizing the Received Wisdom Pre-Approved by the $tate. By the way, even the statistic that "98% of all scientists agree" is itself phony statistical science.
I'm not saying all those scientists are bought, but they are all human. And funded by other humans with a Vested Interest in the Correct Result. The Left dismisses scientists who are funded by Big Oil. Why are scientists funded by Big Government somehow exempt from the same pressures? Upton Sinclair said "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." That's true for all.
Everyone wants a fat paycheck, to be recognized, to be told their work is important, even vital to the survival of the planet. Computer models of events a century away are so nebulous as to be fiction-ish--but all the incentives are as real as Buffy's orthodontist bill.
Let's say I suddenly "discovered" a weather phenomenon that required limited government, lower taxes and free-market capitalism--would anyone believe it? Yet liberals "discovered" one that requires all their favorite policies.
Not too long ago, Al Gore stood on a stage with a dozen state attorney generals. Like Loretta Lynch, they were threatening to jail Climate Heretics. Because...Science!
That's not science--that's Al Capone with a chemistry set.
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Climate Fascism is still Fascism. |
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