"There is no crime. The establishment is simply offended that Trump won. They are offended that they haven’t been able to stop him. They’re offended and bothered they weren’t able to stop him. They’re offended each day that he’s still there. They’re offended that he tweets. They’re offended that he’s enjoying himself. They’re offended that he gets away with everything they’ve thrown at him. They’re offended his tax cuts are working. They’re offended that he dared attack Obamacare. They are offended that he continues to attack Crooked Hillary, Crazy Bernie. They’re offended, they’re offended, they can’t stand it, and the objective is to get rid of this guy no matter what else. And they’re not going to stop."--Rush Limbaugh
I don't usually like to reprint entire posts or nearly so, but this is such a concise exposition of the workings of the Deep State to subvert our electoral system that it needs to be widely known and understood.
It does not include every last detail of the conspiracy, such as the Tarmac Coup Meeting, the DOJ sending Veselnitskya to Trump Tower or how Carter Page mysteriously went from being an FBI asset in the Spring to a "Russian agent" in the Fall--all to justify wiretapping and framing the Trumps. Nor does it address how the Mueller Fraud is basically a continuation of the subversion, designed to impeach Trump and protect Obama from criminal charges.
However, it succinctly catalogues the Deep State's Mechanics of Mutiny against America.
Conservative Treehouse:
"Here’s the basic overview of how all those threads come together to paint a picture.
The FBI group was participating in a plan to exonerate Hillary Clinton. That same FBI group was simultaneously conducting opposition research on candidate Donald Trump and the larger construct of his campaign team. Those FBI officials were allied by entities outside official government structures. The ‘outside group’ were “contractors”. It is likely one of the contractors was Fusion-GPS or entities in contact with Fusion-GPS. {Go Deep}
The contractors were using FBI intelligence databases to conduct opposition research “searches” on Trump campaign officials. This is where the use of FISA-702(16)(17) “To/From” and “About” queries comes in. {Go Deep} This FISA abuse was the allowed but unofficial process identified in early 2016 by NSA internal auditors.
This is where NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers steps in on April 18th, 2016, and stops the FBI contractors from having any further access. {Go Deep}
No longer having access to the FBI intelligence database the group needed a workaround. That’s where DOJ official Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie Ohr come into play. {Go Deep}
The DOJ side of the operation was conducted within the National Security Division (John P Carlin head). {Go Deep} The DOJ-NSD could use the NSA/FBI database and pass information to, and receive information from, Nellie Ohr. Nellie was hired by Fusion-GPS immediately after Admiral Rogers shut down the FBI ‘contractor’ use of the system. Nellie would be the go-between.
The problem was that any information from within the FISA searches could not be directly used by the FBI because they would likely have to explain how they gained it and all search queries were illegal. This is where Fusion-GPS hires the retired British MI6 officer Christopher Steele. The FBI needed to launder the intelligence product:
Chris Steele would be the laundry for the intelligence information pulled from the U.S. system. Unauthorized FISA-702(16)(17) results were passed on to Christopher Steele, likely by Nellie Ohr. Steele would then wash the intelligence product, repackage it into what became known as his “Dossier”, and pass it back to the FBI ‘small group’ as evidence for use in their counterintelligence operation which began in July 2016 [ intentionally without congressional oversight {Go Deep}].
Evidence of this laundry process is found in a significant “search query” result that was actually a mistake. The faulty intelligence mistake was the travel history of Michael Cohen, a long-time Trump lawyer. The FISA search turned up a Michael Cohen traveling to Prague. It was the wrong Michael Cohen. However, that mistaken result was passed on to Chris Steele and it made its way into the dossier. Absent of a FISA search, there’s no other way Christopher Steele could identify a random “Michael Cohen” traveling to Prague.
The Cohen mistake created a trail from Chris Steele to the FISA database. {Go Deep}
All of the unauthorized FISA-702 search queries, “To From”(16) and/or “About”(17), of the NSA/FBI database were returning results. Those results were “raw intelligence”.
That raw intelligence needed “unmasking”, that’s where the Department of State (DoS) comes in. The U.N. Ambassador is part of the DoS. Samantha Power stated she wasn’t doing the daily “unmasking” identified by the House Intelligence Committee investigation {Go Deep}. Someone, or a group of people, within the State Department, were doing unmasking requests – presumably using Ms. Power’s authority.
The collaborative process by officials within the State Department, as outlined and supported by Senator Chuck Grassley and his investigation, explains why those officials were also communicating with Christopher Steele. {Go Deep}
The assembled but highly compartmentalized reports from the DOJ-NSD, FBI-Counterintelligence, Department of State, Office of National Intelligence (Clapper) and CIA (Brennan), was then constructed to become part of President Obama’s Daily Intelligence Briefing. That’s where National Security Adviser Susan Rice comes in and her frequent unmasking of the assembled intelligence product. {Go Deep}
The Obama PDB was then redistributed internally to more than three dozen administration officials who POTUS Obama allowed to access his PDB. This includes the heads of DOJ, DOJ-NSD, FBI, FBI-counterintel, CIA, DoS, ODNI, NSA and Pentagon.
The distribution of the PDB was how each disparate member of the administration, the larger intelligence apparatus, knew of the ongoing big picture without having to assemble together for direct discussion therein. That’s Lisa Monaco and “Operation Latitude”:
Additionally, remember this from the FBI?
January 31st, 2018, […] “With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”FBI Asst. Director Michael Kortan (aka text message “Mike”), the head of the FBI Public Affairs Office was the one who wrote it. Kortan was part of the scheme team. FBI Director Christopher Wray fired him the following week. {Go Deep}".......
The kicker is from the Zman:
"Then there is the one story that has never made any sense. That is the case of Judge Roberts reversing course in the ObamaCare decision. He writes an opinion striking down the individual mandate, circulates it around and then suddenly changes course and supports the mandate. It was a such a bizarre turn of events that the dissent just used his brief as the basis of the dissenting opinion. People who investigate blackmail and extortion schemes look for these sorts of anomalous changes in behavior.".......
Not to mention the second ObamaCare case, in which the Court had to make plain words mean the opposite of what they mean in order to continue the illegal funding, rather than just sending the law back to Congress, which is how it is supposed to work.
We know that Obama wiretapped reporters, Congress and our allies to get his Number One Goal of the Iran Deal. Justice Scalia believed the Court was also surveilled.
Would Obama wiretap and blackmail to achieve his Number Two Goal?
To ask is to answer.

UPDATE: "Chairman Nunes reminds everyone of two key points: #1) the FBI and DOJ have to own up to what happened, regardless of consequence, and then commit to structural reform; and #2) the vast majority of U.S. media participated in the conspiracy through their participation with the Clinton-Steele Dossier and promotion of leaks from ideologues within the intelligence community. Therefore the same media cannot be expected to expose the corruption they helped create.".......
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