Maybe the FBI should declare Blasey-Ford a dastardly Russian Super-Spy, get a FISA warrant and wiretap her whole Smear Campaign-team. Then we could find out how Swetnick, who was represented by Ford's volunteer lawyer a decade ago, managed to show up on Avenatti's doorstep.
It's a million to one shot for Katz to have represented two Kavanugh accusers, isn't it?
Other helpful questions for the FBI to clear up some matters:
How much have you earned from abortion pill-maker Corcept?Did your brother’s law firm help create Fusion GPS?
Is your father a longtime CIA officer?
If so, has he been silent because he's patriot CIA or because he's Obama CIA?
Do you teach CIA undergrads? If so, how did you get the job?
Do you have a license to practice psychology?
How did you get more Frequent Flyer miles than Chuck Yeager?
USA Democrat Today is smearing Judge Kavanaugh as a child molestor with no basis in fact except their own mad quest for power. Not even an allegation needed to smear a sitting federal judge. That's our News Molester Media today. I guess they just couldn't find any negoes to lynch. That is a blood libel slur and also a witness-fishing signal for more phony witnesses to come crawling out from under their rocks.How did you get more Frequent Flyer miles than Chuck Yeager?
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Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Blumenthalus |
Meanwhile, other Democrats are hoping for a scam investigation by any friendly #Resistance official in Maryland that will drag on and on and on.
Who knows; maybe they can get some crooked Justice of the Peace somewhere to file some phony criminal charges an hour before the vote. Don't be surprised. They haven't hit bottom yet.
This may go beyond replacing a Bork with a Kennedy. It is also a vote suppression ploy, hoping that angry Republicans would stay home were Kavanaugh defeated. He is more popular than any senator and all of them put together. It won't work, but that won't stop them from trying.
They're addicted to evil.
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A "Headquarters Special"--Tara, Tara, Tara: The Last Time Democrats Did This Psych!-UPDATE: Dangerous: "According to records, Ford is not licensed in the state of California. A recent search through the Department of Consumer Affairs License Bureau, which provides a state-run database of all licensed psychologists in California, produced no results for any variation of spelling on Ford’s name. ...even more suspicious is someone affiliated with Stanford University appears to have also been aware of the potentially damning use of the word “psychologist” and rushed to cover for Ford. DANGEROUS exclusively uncovered an archived version of Ford’s page on the school’s faculty directory. On September 10, 2015, the only archived date available, Ford’s faculty page was saved to the Wayback Machine and showed Ford listed as a “research psychologist” along with her email address and office phone number. The most recent version of that page shows Ford listed only as an “Affiliate” in the department, with the words “research psychologist” removed..." .......
Steyn: The Turning Point:
"Identity politics makes moron cultures of formerly sophisticated societies. So it was inevitable that when a picture from yesterday's hearing popped up, of the judge with three females sitting behind him, the wankerati of Twitter immediately assumed that they were just three regular all-American women staring in disgust at the rape beast of Bethesda.
In fact, they were Kavanaugh's wife, mother, and one of their dearest friends. And the reason they look like that is because they're crushed and broken by what Dianne Feinstein, Blumenthal, Whitehouse and the other whatever-it-takes Democrats chose to do to them. It is a testament to the thoroughness with which these malign carbuncles on the body politic set about their task that, in a certain sense, one could forgive the Twitter mob its carelessness: Mrs Kavanaugh was all but unrecognizable from the woman who'd sat behind her husband just a fortnight ago. She was, indeed, a different person, and she will be for the rest of her life.
Dianne Feinstein did that to her, consciously. ...
But GOP voters saw yesterday the difference one or two stout-hearted men can make. Kavanaugh de-Borked himself, and Graham sealed the deal. That is a rare victory over the sewer divers. " .......
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