Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Remember Me?

Remember Me!

                         "He lit up a room anywhere he went."  Denver Detective Donny Young with his family

Deputy Danny Oliver and Detective Michael Davis Jr.

Their widows went to Congress:
"The legislation was named in honor of Oliver and Davis. The Davis-Oliver Act attempted “to increase collaboration between local, state and federal officials in the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.” The legislation has not yet passed." 
Their husbands were murdered in 2014.
Kate Steinle

Her government built a billion-dollar pier--and then let foreign criminals have the run of it. Nancy Pelosi essentially had to step over Kate's dead body to show up tonight and argue for more dead Americans, 

Kate's Law still hasn't passed, either.

Ellie Jean Bryant, 4

Daughter, Sister & Child
 Two years in jail.

Jamiel Shaw

Democrats don't care how many die. It's all about power. They're replacing you anyway.
They don't believe in borders because they no longer believe in America.

Thanks for remembering us, Mr. President

"This is a choice between right and wrong, justice and injustice. This is about whether we fulfill our sacred duty to the American citizens we serve. When I took the Oath of Office, I swore to protect our country. And that is what I will always do, so help me God." …….

The crime from Open Borders long ago went from anecdotal to a full-blown Crime Wave. That's why our prisons are chock-full of foreign criminals. Here is another real reason to oppose dissolving America:

UPDATE to 1787: From our Archives, 2009:

"Among other instances, it is known that hardly anything contributed more to the downfall of Rome than her precipitate communication of the privileges of citizenship to the inhabitants of Italy at large. And how terribly was Syracuse scourged by perpetual seditions, when, after the overthrow of the tyrants, a great number of foreigners were suddenly admitted to the rights of citizenship?"--Alexander Hamilton, legal immigrant, 1802

It's coming: "Comprehensive Immigration Reform".

How come we never get "Comprehensive Immigration Enforcement"?

As always, we should learn what our Founders thought about it--after all, they wanted to populate a nation. As a conservative, I think that people are a blessing--but that doesn't mean anything goes. It takes time and space to make Americans and we need an orderly process instead the worst-of-both-worlds system we seem to be trapped in.

Our immigration problem was distilled perfectly when "the INS mailed forms notifying a Florida flight school that two September 11 terrorists had received approval to change their immigration status from "visitors" to "students" six months after the terrorists attacks." Our government was still operating on auto-pilot a half-year after Atta took his plane off of it.

And it still is today. The little-known secret is that millions of illegals did not enter illegally, but were granted permission to visit. When the permission ran out, nothing was done. Besides 9/11, I mean. We simply must get visas, immigration and naturalization right; it's no longer optional.

For example, I have serious misgivings about dual citizenship. If a man said "I love your wife as much as I love my own wife," what would we call such a man? Besides "Bill Clinton", I mean?

The Founders wrestled with almost all the issues that face us today. And their answer was patriotic assimilation.

In his excellent "Making Citizens: The Case for Patriotic Assimilation", Matthew Spalding of the Heritage Foundation examines the views and actions of our Founding Fathers:

"Naturalization—the idea of the foreigner becoming an equal citizen as if by nature, based on reciprocal and voluntary consent of the immigrant and the citizens of the welcoming nation—is entirely consistent with and follows logically from the political theory of the American Founding. Individuals have a natural right to emigrate from their homeland, but that does not entail a right to immigrate to this country without the consent of the American people as expressed through the laws of the United States. But with that consent, the concept of naturalization works differently than it does in other countries: While an alien can immigrate to France or Germany but never become truly French or German, an alien of any ethnic heritage or racial background can immigrate to the United States and become, in every sense of the term, an American. Such a transformation is possible in America because the very openness of liberty to diverse backgrounds and differences of opinion, including religious opinions, stems from (and allows an emphasis on) the commonly held political principles that make free government possible in the first place."
The Founders rejected restrictionism--but they also rejected a lawless free-for-all, the influx of criminals, the undue influence of foreign governments and the especially the tribal identity politics that are part and parcel of the current Democrat religion. 

We don't need another atrocious Senate immigration bill passed by Democrats with a handful of Republican votes, which would reward criminality, fund racialist and segregationist groups such as La Raza, prevent real enforcement and set up more and larger amnesties as far as the eye can see.

Democrats have largely given up on convincing current citizens, so they wish to import new voters and appeal to them through the politics of pigment and payoffs. This is politicians choosing voters instead of voters choosing politicians.

They wish to populate America with a flood-tide of those who have no particular allegiance to America. But we already have millions of people wandering the country with little or no loyalty to the nation--they're called "Democrats". And the hatred of America is taught as the standard curriculum in our expensive universities.

Others dream of an endless stream of cheap labor, even though it is rank materialism and anti-human to consider a potential countryman as a mere economic unit.

Some have simply resigned themselves to currying favor in a prospective Latino-majority country, even if that means turning this country into a Latin-style banana republic or oligarchy with government by graft and street-mob. And should this new majority arrive with our corrosive race-preference laws intact, that would create a Neo-Jim Crow regime. We don't need another racial majority with racial preferences. 

Many see illegal immigration as a humanitarian issue, as a form of charity--but charity must be freely given and freely received, not coerced or demanded. Our Founders asserted that all men were 'endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights', not that all 7 billion people on earth had the inalienable right to enter America next Tuesday afternoon. They would be aghast at claims of a legal right to illegality, and stupefied by claims of an absolute legal, moral and Constitutional right for every human on earth to enter this country at will, regardless of the rule of law, the Consent of the Governed or the moral fact that inalienable rights must always come with inalienable duties. Dr. Spalding again: 

"The American theory of citizenship necessitates that the words immigration and assimilation be linked in our political lexicon and closely connected in terms of public policy: Where there is one, there must be the other."...….
Chuck and Nancy did not offer one solution to the Border Crisis last night..
That's because for them, Open Borders aren't a problem; they are the solution to a problem.

UPDATE: Democrats agreed to give the president $1.8 billion.
The president of Iran.

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