Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A Message From the Actual Winner


$1.9 Trillion. Same as in town.

In fairness, it's only 900 Billion after they steal a Trillion.

“The Blue Team state bailout comes atop a massive 2020 COVID federal spending package. As with the previous 2009 spending package, it will be gift-wrapped in paper to appear like Main Street is a COVID relief beneficiary… However, just like the 2009 ARRA, there will be no ‘shovel ready jobs‘ saved or created.  It is all a ruse for a transfer of taxpayer wealth. The political institutions of the U.S.A. which have protected our constitutional republic for generations are collapsing.  The fourth estate, last line of defense media, has been fully compromised by years of manipulative ideological alignment with the progressive left. The courts are under assault and federalism is tenuously positioned.  The borders are open and unprotected.  Federal representatives are compromised within a DC system that is self-protecting; they have even erected physical walls, barbed wire and armed troops to protect themselves from We The People.   We are on the cusp of our very own Yellow Vest movement.  The effort to push-back against this overarching system of government control has to get loud and local, very local.".......

I doubt they'll even pay off their public employee union debt. They'll loot the money and come back begging for more. 

coup 20210127 03.jpg
The Gates of Hell: The Concert for Concertina!

Everyone there knew it was a Lie
Everyone there was part of the Fraud
Everyone laughed and nobody cared
They all agreed: Government is God

"In order to stop being abused, you must first stop making excuses for your abuser.  Accept things as they are, not as you interpret them to be.  This tweet by Robert Barnes is a great example:

“The fact the GOP still doesn’t get how radioactive RepLizCheney is to the entire base of the party is a reason why they are in the minority today.”

I appreciate the sentiment, but I’ve got to disagree. Barnes isn’t nearly cynical enough.

First, we are in the majority as Americans and voters. That’s why Actual won in a landslide walking away.

The reason we are in the minority in the government is this: like two prizefighter bums laying down for a fixed fight, Mitch McConnell sold the Senate, just like Paul Ryan sold the House before him. And they both conspired with Democrats to rob us of the presidency we actually voted for. If we had honest elections, we would have the House, Senate and presidency today.


Liz Cheney is just the symptom, not the cause.

(cont.): "From the mindset of the institutional Republican party YOU are the problem, not Liz Cheney. When you finally accept that the RNC wing of the UniParty hates you, literally hates their base of voters, only then can you begin to break the cycle known as “Battered Conservative Syndrome.”  

Read it all.

Here’s the problem:

If they dump him so soon, it is an admission that they knew he was too far gone when they installed him.

That was the judgement of the voters and one more reason why they chose Actual PDT in a landslide. To dump now also tacitly admits this fact.

If they admit he was unfit, it also means he’s a puppet of Hussein Obama, just as Medvedev was Putin’s puppet.

Biden IS Obama’s puppet of course and all the politicians, the press and most of the country know it. But like the old Soviet Union, you’re not supposed to say true things out loud. Pro Tip: Do not wander around Seth Rich’s neighborhood after dark, Joey.

If they are forced to send him to the Parkinson’s ward this soon, they will count on the Agit-Prop Media to normalize this freak show and censor any truth. They’ll throw up huge clouds of “THE FIRSTEST WOMAN PREZNIT!!!”–gorilla dust to hide their shame. But it will be just another lie in the unending Lie that is now American Life and Everybody Knows It(tm).


ps; it will be a sad and disgraceful thing if the first woman "President" cheated and lied her way into the job. But that’s just what happens once you start madly worshipping the Golden Calf of Power. Wakanda Forever!

Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene:
This is from the newspaper on September 25, 1906, supporting the military going door-to-door disarming black Georgians. 115 years later, Democrats in Congress are taking the first step today toward disarming ALL Americans. I OPPOSE both of HR 8 and HR 1446.

In fairness, Democrats and the Journal-Constitution haven't changed their position in 115 years.

The only interesting foreign policy question is this: If China disagrees with Iran, which one will Biden obey?

A: Iran. Because Obama is running this Occupation Government Junta.

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