Sunday, March 14, 2021

You've Heard of Stolen Valor? This is the Commander-in-Cheat's Stolen Consent for His Stolen Command

American Civilians--and Troops--Voted In a Landslide Against These Insane and Dangerous Military Policies

Tucker Carlson poked a hornet's nest at the Pentagon

He suggested the military should focus on defeating our enemies, especially China, and not on woke identity politics. Evidently, that idea is really controversial because the Biden Brigadiers went ballistic.

Under China's Occupation Governor Biden, the US Military is now focused on it's core mission: providing free sex change operations and defending the Narrative(tm) against all enemies, American and domestic. Foreign enemies are free to move about the cabin.

The Commander-in-Thief has accused the troops of being racists if they voted for his opponent and has used them as props for his criminal junta, hiding behind the Berlin Wall in the D.C. Green Zone. 

Biden--or whoever is the actual brains behind this Gestapo Zeitgeist--is trying to transform our military into a Praetorian Guard, loyal only the the Democrat Party. 

On orders from his owners in Beijing, Employee Biden is systematically wrecking the US military on purpose and by design. The only way Employee Biden goes to war against China is if Pres. Xi tells him to, in order to secure an American defeat.

U.S. Military Just Made A Political Attack On Joe Biden’s Opponents

via The Federalist: "So weird that Tucker Carlson’s thoughts on maternity flight suits have managed to morally outrage the entire DoD the same week a leaked war game outlined in great detail the very real possibility China could win a war against the US ..." 

Kash Patel Discusses The Dangerous Politicization of Our Military - The Last Refuge

Maternity Flight Suits and Other Admonitions - American Greatness“I want to thank the—former general . . . the guy who runs that outfit over there.”

NEW - US military halts gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test as female soldiers were failing at a rate of 65%, according to a Pentagon study. Review to make it fair to "both genders" underway.

Mollie on Twitter: "Military was last institution with credibility. Even after decades of mismanaged wars. 50 days of Biden, they're completely destroying their credibility, going to war against and lying about a journalist who said Biden was too focused on identity politics instead of China. Scary." / Twitter

Donald Trump Jr.: "While China is wholly focused on building up their military so that they can displace us as the preeminent super power on the world stage, our Military Brass is going full mean girls on a talk show host and focusing their energy on proving their wokeness. Music to China's ears!"

Rising Serpent: "It took less than 60 days for the Marines to go from the most elite, respected and regarded group of fighting men and women to becoming the kind of Twitter laughing stock that can only rivaled by Jennifer Rubin and Brian Stelter's tweets. China is laughing their asses off.

First he built a wall around the Capitol and fortified it with the military. Then he sent the military after civilian TV opinion show anchors and Twitter users while the southern border was being invaded and US diplomats being anally violated.
And he did it all in under 2 months.

Anyone else see the connection between Joe Biden vetting members of the military during his inauguration, his defense secretary calling a 60-day stand down and the military launching personal attacks against journalists and private citizens who disagree with them? Targeting members of the press, everyday civilian twitter users, and destroying evidence? Boy, this is some CCP level trifecta of tyranny right here.".......

Quote Tweet


Kurt Schlichter: When did using government resources to have uniformed personnel attack a journalist for giving a political opinion become OK? Relieve this guy, relieve his commander, and make it clear that this will not be tolerated:

Master Gunnery Sgt. Stalker, USMC: U.S. Space Command, Command Senior Enlisted Leader on Twitter: "Drama TV - my response to Mr. Carlson’s comments on women in the Armed Forces. @TuckerCarlson" / Twitter 

Master Sgt. Stalker of Space Force says only vets can comment on these issues--except we have civilians in charge of the services for that very reason, don't we?

Here's the most pertinent issue:

The Right Melissa: Some interesting facts to ponder
Civilians are always in charge of our military. Our Founders made sure of it. As our Framers intended, we exercise that authority when we get to choose our Commander-in-Chief--or we did up until now, until the First Successful Coup in American History. 

American civilians--and  most troops, too--voted to protect this country by re-electing Actual CINC Donald J. Trump in a landslide.

A Commander-in-Thief with a Stolen Command is now stealing our Military

In fairness, he's just following orders.

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