Mrs. Powell of Philadelphia: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a Monarchy?”
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: “A Republic--if you can keep it.”--notes of Dr. James McHenry, Maryland delegate to the Constitutional Convention, Sept. 17, 1787![]() |
Alexander Hamilton, Ben Franklin, George Washington |
The Sovereign Crime of Industrial Scale Vote Fraud - American Thinker:
"When you are at the table with some of the top criminal profilers in the world, talking about industrial scale election fraud, you do more listening than talking. And the listening was interesting. The profilers have zero interest in U.S. elections. Two of them did not vote and had unflattering opinions about both presidential candidates. Their comments were most insightful because they saw the current questions about election fraud so differently than the American media.
To them, 2020 election fraud was an industrial level crime. It was of such magnitude that it moved from the category of an election crime to a sovereign crime.
Sovereign crime. It does have a ring to it.
Sovereign crime is not something we see a lot of in America as our governmental institutions are generally not organized to commit, support or hide a crime.
Most Americans have never seen an organized crime take place, in plain view, supported by or covered up by governmental institutions. But it happens all the time around the world, even in some countries that are quite Westernized.
Sovereign crime means your government was a participant, active or passive, enabling vote fraud.
Governors and secretaries of state refusing to cleanse voter rolls, refusing to check signatures for mail-in ballots – even during recounts, changing the voting rules weeks before an election, qualifies as your government messing with your vote.
The national government refusing to investigate the most egregious examples of voter fraud like hundreds of thousands of more ballots than voters in several states, that is a pretty good indicator that they are passive participants in industrial level vote fraud.
The refusal of the FBI to fully investigate Jesse Morgan’s truck with the hundreds of thousands of ballots going from New York to Pennsylvania – yet dispatching agents to a NASCAR location to investigate a garage pull-down they hoped was a noose – well, that’s a good indicator, too.
Wait, we’re not done here.
The United States Postal Service managers telling employees to backdate ballots so they could be counted illegally. Does that sound like your government – sovereign government – participating in vote fraud?
Our team noted that this might be the first time in American history that the government from the states to the national to its agencies coordinated to either fake the vote or hide the faking.
Our profilers comfortably said the 2020 election fraud was on such a scale that it was impossible for the major law enforcement agencies to not have known about it in advance.
Governmental law enforcement either actively engaged in the fraud, which is impossible to prove, or knowingly acquiesced after the fact.
Pretty clearly, the evidence is piling up that the FBI had zero interest in trucks with ballots crossing state lines, ballots being shredded in Maricopa County, tens of thousands of ballots received before being mailed and all sorts of other clues any competent law enforcement agency would at least investigate.
The conversation did not go where I expected it.
There was no interest on our profilers’ part in doing investigation of massive voter fraud. They felt it was so obvious and the current work being done by citizens and published on hard-to-find blogs was state-of-the-art and no further investigations would find much more. Their comments were striking because they said the data easily available showed the election fraud patterns had two very alarming characteristics: It was not the first time this was tried, and it will be performed again, at scale, in the next election.
Here is where the conversation got very interesting:
Violent criminals have known profiles and when law enforcement properly applies certain profiles, there can be very accurate predictions about what such persons will do next.
Fraud criminals have their own patterns. When we were doing insurance fraud, we often said, with authority, that fraud is a constant. If you stop it one place, it will pop up somewhere else.
Fraud criminals are often highly educated. In our world, they are doctors, attorneys, insurance investigators, chiropractors, running fraud rings spanning multiple states. If someone were caught and the ring broken, those who did not go to jail did not become priests or open small businesses. They started other fraud rings.
Fraud is a constant. Fraud becomes a profession.
Fraud rings, when organized, grow. They continue to expand with new entrants, slightly different profiles, corrupting more people with money that dwarfs what one might make honestly. Fraud techniques are like an organic species: what works, thrives; and what fails, dies out. Patterns emerge. Patterns equal prediction and prediction enables eradication.
Here is where our profilers made a critical connection.
The 2020 election fraud did not just happen. It is impossible for an organization, spanning many states, using similar techniques (fake ballots, shutting down counting at the same time, more ballots than voters, dead voters, underage voters) to succeed the first time at bat. There are just too many moving parts.
So here we developed a thesis.
The team, educated in some of the most sophisticated organized fraud tactics, posited that this was not a dry run. Their thesis is that if one were to seriously evaluate the balloting in many states for 2014, 2016 and 2018, one will find traces of what happened in 2020. That project is under discussion.
Their second thesis is that this is not over by any means. This kind of election fraud was hugely successful. If one even questions the 2020 election, one can be banned from social media and labeled a “conspiracy theorist” by sovereign governmental agencies.
The team believes the best is yet to come.".......
Thomas Sowell: Biden as America's Point of No Return - Moonbattery
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Gangster Government: Alinsky's Mentor |
"I find myself asking the same questions millions of Americans now ask themselves: given this campaign of outright hostility toward the American people and general dereliction of duty to protect and defend the states, is the American government intentionally trying to provoke civil conflict? Are all these horrendous policies leading to armed confrontation against red state holdouts? Has D.C. transformed the Iraq War’s “Preemptive War” Doctrine into a plan of action against its own citizens?".......
There isn’t a Biden administration. There’s an ongoing Netroots conference on government property. That’s why Jen Psaki can’t answer any real questions. The press secretary is supposed to speak for the White House, but there’s no one to speak for. Like a plane with no airport, she keeps circling back because there’s no administration position. It’s also why the Biden administration keeps wading into culture wars. They’re comfortable territory and a good distraction from the fact that the lights are on, but nobody’s home. Picking a fight with Tucker Carlson or extending the D.C. military occupation buys a little more time for everyone to figure how an administration can function with no final decision maker at the top. Forget Harry Truman’s ‘The Buck Stops Here’. There’s nowhere for the buck to stop. The military occupation of Washington D.C. would be bad under any administration, but deploying the military indefinitely when there isn’t a functional chain of command is ominous. Power-sharing arrangements, like those of the Soviet Union’s Troikas, are the likeliest to break down and descend into violence. And then the military becomes the ultimate power play. Combine a looming 25th Amendment, a military occupation of Washington D.C., and a leadership that, despite appearances is actually deeply at odds, and the situation is explosive.".......
Excerpts: "We are locked in a zero-sum game rebellion of the elites, who are intent on fundamentally transforming America into an authoritarian state with a single ideology and ruling class. In order to defeat this rebellion, we need to understand the terrain we are operating on and the strategy and tactics of our enemy. Even more important, we need a strategy of our own to guide our struggle and return to a functional representative government, bounded by the Constitution with the power fully vested in the people. Over the last few years, traditional Americans have watched, stunned, as their country makes a national descent into a post-truth, post-justice, post-American society. They find it hard to believe; society appears unmoored and events surreal. Why? Because they are the targets of an effective information operations campaign that, as in Isaiah 5:20, calls evil good and trades bitter for sweet. In fact, we are embroiled in asymmetric political warfare. In this struggle, we traditional Americans need to help one another, have each other’s backs, and unite as a community. We need to use our collective strength and resources to protect and support our movement and its members. If we do this, we nullify the primary weapons the ruling elite can wield against us. If we want to disband the ruling class and restore America to a constitutional republic, if we want to have a functioning representative government, for the people, and by the people, then we have to do it ourselves. No politician or political party will do this for us.".......
Ben Stein: "In about 1777, a young British nobleman named Mr. Sinclair came to Adam Smith with the news of General Burgoyne’s surrender to the patriots of Saratoga or a fort near there.
“This will be the ruin of the nation,” said Mr. Sinclair.
“Young man,” said the Dean, Adam Smith, “there is a great deal of ruin in a nation.”"
Conrad Black: "American democracy is at the lowest point in its post-segregation history: corrupt elections, abdicated courts, cowardly legislators, dishonest media, a prosecutocracy that terrorizes the whole country and wins 99% of its cases (95% without a trial), crumbling standards of education, skyrocketing crime rates, and a president-elect who looks and sounds like a waxworks dummy who has in his over-long career faced in all four directions on every major issue. Adam Smith wrote that there is “a great deal of ruin in a nation,” meaning that it can survive a lot of official incompetence and misfortune. The United States will undoubtedly prove that adage to be true, but it is putting it to a good test..."
I doubt it, Sir Black.But there is not an unlimited amount of ruin in a country, and, frankly, we’re maxed out.
I believe God allowed Actual President Trump to be removed so we could all see how rotten our entire system is. President Trump, by his singular patriotism and integrity, was inadvertently masking the rot.
Americans haven’t fully processed this Election Fraud Coup yet, but they will. And when they do, they will see that there is no longer an FBI, a DOJ or a real Court system as we have known them. When the Majority discover that they are to be made permanent 3rd-class citizens in their own country and their CheatWare Voting Machines actually have a setting to count them as 3/5ths of a human being, there will be a Reckoning.
We are no longer united culturally, and without honest elections, there is nothing remaining to attach us politically.
There will be an incident, or several, a Boston Massacre or a Dred Scott ruling. A Lexington & Concord or a Harper’s Ferry. I’m not advocating this, I’m reporting what History teaches.
What I advocate is opening your heart to Jesus Christ and then treating your neighbors like you would want to be treated. That would eliminate using Police State powers to frame your opponents and stealing elections from the winners.
Yet the Philistine seem uninterested. Indeed, hell-bent, they slither headlong in the opposite direction.
Honest Elections are not just some disposable tic, but the very lifeblood of a representative democracy, allowing us to live together even with fundamental disagreements. Without it, our civic life becomes impossible.
With God, all things are possible.
With darkness, lies and an unbridled lust for power, nothing is.
Choose Life.

The Second Coming
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
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