Sunday, May 23, 2021

Obama/Biden Torture Chambers: "Shawshank for January 6 Detainees" by Julie Kelly and "America's Political Prisoners" by Mark Steyn

Julie Kelly: Shawshank for January 6 Detainees › American Greatness (

"Prison guards “instill fear” in the detainees, Metcalf said. Ryan Samsel, behind bars since January, allegedly was beaten by prison guards who handcuffed him with zip ties. “He has definitely suffered serious injuries, including a shattered orbital floor, a broken orbital bone, his jaw was broken, his nose was broken,” his lawyer said in an interview last month. Samsel, she said, is currently unable to see out of his right eye and may permanently lose his vision.

Further, those held in the D.C. jail cannot participate in their own defense, a clear violation of basic constitutional protections.

“It’s impossible to have a free-flowing conversation with your clients,” Metcalf said. “Meetings are in open cages where there is no confidentiality, everyone can hear the conversations including prison guards.” If a detainee meets with a lawyer in person at the jail, he must then quarantine for 14 days as “retaliation,” Metcalf said. Attorney-client privilege is nonexistent.

The government, with the consent of federal judges as I wrote last week, is using every legal trick necessary to keep Capitol surveillance footage from January 6 under wraps from both defendants and legal counsel. The video captured by the Capitol’s security system and used against Lang and other defendants to support pretrial detention motions is considered “highly sensitive” and concealed by protective orders. Defendants only have access to the clips created by the Justice Department, not full recordings; the videos can be viewed in a supervised setting. Defendants and lawyers cannot download, copy, or share the clips.

Last week, Jacob Lang, according to a text message sent to his mother on Sunday, was placed in an empty cell for at least 14 hours as punishment for advising other detainees against accepting plea deals. (Only one person has so far accepted a plea arrangement. All other defendants have pleaded not guilty.) According to the message, shared by his father to me, Jacob had “no water, nothing in my cell, no chair to sit, no blanket, no Bible, no toothbrush, no toilet paper . . . and no human contact.” Jacob said the water is brown and comes out “in chunks.".......

Read it all.

"This Is Not Who We Are..." :: SteynOnline"The media may be sentimental about the Capitol, but in my unscientific survey of my North Country neighbors the people aren't. Congress has an approval rating that falls somewhere between Isis and child pornographers. Pundits and politicians can wax mawkish about "the people's house" but you'd be hard-pressed to find one in a thousand citizens who's ever used those words in a non-contemptuous sense - and most of the other 999 would assume that the phrase referred to some long-term care facility Andrew Cuomo moves the old folks into for his Covid express checkout.

So I found yesterday's coverage somewhat trying:

This is quotable Steyn in rare from:

'People are surprised when a tactic that's proved effective by one group of people, is taken up by another group of people...

'People say "this is not who we are." Have you not turned on the tv since Memorial Day? This is exactly who we are...

'Nancy Pelosi told us she didn't care about old statues. Mitch McConnell said he didn't care about the names of military bases. But suddenly this old building is important now?"

I choke on the sanctimonious drivel of the continuing coverage."

Potemkin Parliament, Pseudo-Legislature :: SteynOnline"The political class (represented by a Speaker who flies home to San Francisco on her own government plane) has been largely insulated from the pathologies they have loosed upon the land. For a few hours yesterday they weren't.

In a self-governing republic of citizen-legislators, that ought to be sobering and instructive. But, of course, it wasn't. Still, I was surprised that even politicians and pundits could utter all that eyewash about "the citadel of democracy" and "a light to the world" with a straight face. It's a citadel of crap, and the lights went out long ago: ask anyone who needs that $600 "relief". ...

The Covid "relief" bill is 5,593 pages. There is no such thing as a 5,593-page "law" - because no legislator could read it and grasp it. The legislation was drafted not by legislators, nor by civil servants, nor even by staffers or interns. Instead, a zillion lobbyists wrote their particular carve-outs, and then it got stitched together by some clerk playing the role of Baron von Frankenstein. The "legislators" voted it into law unread, and indeed even unseen, as the Congressional photocopier proved unable to print it: It was a bill without corporeal form, but the yes-men yessed it into law anyway.

Whatever that is, it's not a republic. ...I followed Marco Rubio on "Tucker" last night, and I was fairly seething by the time he'd said goodnight. To demonstrate what a regular citizen-representative he is, Marco said he knew the names of some of the Capitol Police charged with protecting the building. Really? Does he know the name of the officer who shot dead Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed woman and Air Force veteran? If so, perhaps he could tell his chums in the media, because none of them seem in the least bit interested. Indeed, on the evidence of the hourly radio bulletins I heard today, the courtiers of the American media have evidently agreed to avoid mentioning that Ms Babbitt died at the hands of the police. Gee, it's almost as if they're trying to give listeners the impression that she was killed by crazed Trump supporters.".......

Don't worry, Mark.

No police report
No death certificate
No surveillance footage
No police testimony
No EMT testimony
No body
No coroner's report
No lawsuit
No discovery
No press coverage

They're not radio-silent because they killed her; like Sherlock's dog that didn't bark, they're silent because they didn't.

Ms. Babbitt is safely in Witness Protection in Dubai or New Zealand. Her staged death was supposed to provoke a real riot, but Pelosi, her rogue police and her Antifa plants produced a box office bomb.

America's Political Prisoners :: SteynOnline:

"In post-constitutional America, there is no equality before the law: If you riot violently in Minneapolis or Portland, you'll be cheered on by the media and Democrats, and bailed out by Seth Rogen or a Kamala Harris staffer. If you're let into the US Capitol by its so-called "police" and leave the statuary et al untouched, you'll be charged with trespassing, and, despite having no criminal record, will languish in prison (for over four months so far) until trial begins.

Those jailed for the events of January 6th are what we would call in other countries "political prisoners". Mr Chansley is in the slammer to concentrate his mind: right now, it's trespassing, but we see you used an ATM en route to DC, and you wouldn't want us to throw in "disrupting interstate commerce", would you?

As I've said for a long time, "federal justice" is an oxymoron - and, if you get a whiff that you're attracting the attention of this dirty rotten stinkin' evil system, flee the country. Meanwhile, I'm thinking of making a complaint to the UN Human Rights Council about the detainees of January 6th: If nothing else, it'll give the Cubans and Sudanese a laugh.".......

Not even Elizabeth Warren and Dick Durbin can stomach this American Torture Regime for possible trespassers. The bad news is they want to use it to continue their program of emptying prisons. 

In fact, the Obama-Harris-What's-his-name Administrative Junta is releasing bin Laden's team from Gitmo. They served a couple of days for each of their 3,000 murders. 

But at least they didn't vote for Actual President Trump.

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