"Shut up," she explained in the original German.
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You stole his Peaceful Transfer of Power. Might as well come for his Freedom of Speech, too. |
Wow, White House Admits, "We are flagging problematic posts for Facebook" to take action on - The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)
"Imagine the apoplexy in media if President Trump’s White House was flagging content on Facebook for removal. That’s exactly what White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted today: “We are flagging problematic posts for Facebook“…
Yup, the Biden regime is monitoring social media from the White House and identifying content they do not like. Then, they flag that content and send it to Facebook, who then take action to remove it. ...
You were not born with the requirement to believe everything you are told. Rather, you were born with a brain that allows you to process the information you receive.
The Biden Administration is actively monitoring social media while the Trump Administration was banned from social media… The world has gone nuts.".......
Or "Nutzi":![]() |
"No more accidental truth-telling, Jen. Can I play more Donkey Kong now?" |
Frau Psaki will be circle-backpedaling in the morning.
The telling thing is how comfortable she is announcing government censorship. Casually, matter-of-factly. And government censorship by Corporate/State Fascism, no less.
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The Shadow Reich: Jarrett, Psaki, Rice, Ciamarella Shadows No More |
"We're right. You're wrong. So we will be silencing you, subjects. Dismissed."
Ironically, it comes on the day former East German functionary Merkel is viziting, Cubans are demanding Free Speech, Tedros admits Facebook shouldn’t have censored the Lab Leak Theory (btw, it was no "accidental" leak) and Blinken is confessing our Human Rights failings to his Chinese owners.
Trying to add to the list, Tony?
This from the Occupation Regime that, with their Tech Monopoly Oligarch-partners, calls Americans "Influence Operators" for their subversive act of speaking. Think of it--people talking without Joe Biden's permission!
Who do these Nazis think they are?
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"Ve haff ways of making you talk. Also, not talk." |
That Trump sure is a dictator, huh?
Frau Psaki says the Constitution is optional if poll numbers are higher for COVID than against Big Brother censorship. Why can’t we have Freedom AND Medicine, like all previous epidemics?
I really thought she would backpedal this morning, but she went full-Goebbels instead. Although she did change her story to claim the Regime is not censoring, only Facebook. But she already said yesterday that the Occupation Government tells Facebook who to censor.
One of the most famous phrases in medicine is “I want a second opinion”. It implies many things:
a.) Americans are free to give and receive differing medical views.
b.) There may be different paths for different patients.
c.) Doctors and experts may differ.
d.) Doctors and experts may be wrong!
They are criminalizing second opinions. She says “Science evolves”, to protect Fauci--but it doesn’t evolve if people can’t speak freely. And if misinformation is killing people, did Fauci kill people by changing his positions a dozen times?
But all this is beside the point; right or wrong, the Junta is forbidden from censoring Americans. This used to be common knowledge before Obama. Frau Psaki says she will consider polling data. The “data” is the First Amendment, you Nazi mouthpiece.
The Constitution is both optional and disposable for these Gangsters, whether it’s Free Speech, the Rule of Law or Honest Elections.
We need a vaccine for tyranny. The old one seems to be wearing off.
Killing Me Softly With His Psong-UPDATE:
"Biden: Social media platforms that spread coronavirus misinformation "are killing people"."
Therefore, Joe Biden says he gets to censor you, First Amendment be damned.
And when did Democrats become complete, total, raving hysterical psychopaths, anyway? It must have been when they realized the American People had gone MAGA and they were never, ever going to win an honest election again. Never.
I know it's just a cheap way to win an argument, but seriously, "You're killing people!" is all they ever argue now. Disagreement = Genocide.
Disagree on vaccines? You're killing people.
Disagree on the 2nd Amdt,? You're killing people.
Disagree on LGBT? You're killing people.
Disagree on Open Borders? Still killing.
Health Care? Killah.
Abortion? Ditto.
Election fraud? You're Al Capone.
Jan. 6th? Bugsy Siegel.
Climate Change? Machine Gun Kelly
Invade a safe space? Murderer.
Critical Race Theory? Racist murderer.
No Debate, No Counter-Argument, All Hysteria, All the Time, Cranked to 11.
"They have become a collection of hysterical drama queens, who carry on like the world is about to end. This is the one thread connecting all of the insanity we have experienced from our rulers recently. Their reaction is wildly out of proportion from what is expected. The actual news, when you think about it, is always about their emotionally charged reaction to mostly normal events.
If we go way back to the 2016 election, the political class reacted as if the most important man in history had come out of his cryogenic chamber in Paraguay and seized control of the government. Instead of analyzing why it was there preferred option was rejected and making the normal adjustments, they concocted wild fantasies about invisible Russians and carried on like teenage girls for four years. It has already been forgotten, but they really believed that Russia stuff.
The Covid stuff is another great example. The local tyrants have used this minor public health issue to feature themselves in a drama of their own creation. In this story, they are heroically fighting the great virus enemy. They are rallying the people in a great cause to prevent the extinction of mankind. The media slavishly reports on their great deeds as if they are out slaying dragons or facing the Black Knight. The buffoonish governor of New York even had a book written about his heroism.
What should be a minor public health issue has been turned into a great drama acted out by emotionally unstable people. According to the CDC, over 250 million people have been tested with 22 million confirmed cases. Total deaths in 2020 were in line with what you would expect, given the country’s demographics. A little higher due to Covid and a little higher due to the reaction. Sober-minded people would have treated this as a very bad flu season. Our hysterical rulers treated it as the end times.
The most recent example of the overwrought behavior by our rulers is the reaction to the protest last Wednesday. The “storming of the Capitol” was really just a bunch of people walking past the cops and going inside the building. Sure, juvenile pranksters livestreamed themselves doing shenanigans, but other than the Pence aide murdering Ashli Babbitt, it was nothing more than a frat house prank. It was nothing like the Kavanaugh protests just a short time ago.
The reaction by the rulers is as if a rebel army laid siege to the Capitol and set fire to most of the city. The FBI has been tasked with hunting down, in the most dramatic way, all of the protestors. Their media lackeys are now calling the Capitol protestors “insurrectionists” and demanding they be destroyed. Instead of calling it a protest, they are calling it a siege. Again, the image is of a foreign army attacking the center of the empire, like the Gauls sacking Rome in 387 BC.
For the inauguration they have now deployed army and national guard units. The media lackeys are bragging that they will be prepared and enthusiastic about using lethal force if any protestors turn up that day. Pelosi has been trying to get the Army to remove Trump from office. She apparently thinks he could launch a nuclear attack. We have come a long way from the America where citizens were expected to petition their government for the redress of grievances.
"What we are seeing is the reaction of people who are no longer engaged in normal life, but instead are playing the game of life. They are immersed in a live action role playing game operated by juvenile narcissists. The ruling class gets to imagine themselves as world historical figures and every event puts the world on a knife edge. Their actions will determine the outcome. The entire ruling class is swept up in these false dramas that they get to play, while the rest of the country suffers.
Another clue is how they echo one another in the use of dramatic language to describe mundane events. One uses some over-the-top language then the rest of them are repeating it, maybe adding on some more dramatic language. The “protest” went from “riot” to “insurrection” to “horrendous insurrection” in a few cycles. They are competing with one another to show their loyalty to the group. What matters to them in this game is the opinion of the people in the game, not the rest of us.
America has reached a point where the ruling class and its various support structures is no longer connected to the people over whom it rules. They are inside Versailles or the Winter Palace, imagining what is happening outside. Meanwhile, outside, the world is nothing like the rulers imagine. The people outside look at the palaces and try to understand what is happening inside, based on the noises and behavior they see from the organs of the state.
That really is the root of their anger. The outside broke though the wall and gently reminded them that life is not a game and they are not great men. In the game they are always the winners, but in real life they are judged by their actions. It may take a while, but they will be held accountable. This is what angers them. They hate this reality, which is why they cling to the alternative reality of their fantasy, but reality does not go away when you stop believing it."--Z-Man, "The Game of Life"
ps: Trump Won.
No Honor Among Thieves--UPDATE:
Ruh-roh! Looks like Zucky doesn’t like being outed as Psaki’s Rag Doll and Joe’s punching bag:
Facebook Blasts Biden Admin After Biden Attacks Them–Accuses Biden Admin
Of Using Them As “Scapegoat” (thegatewaypundit.com)
Cat fight! Could just be a legal strategy since Big Mouth Psaki exposed Zuck to Actual PDT's lawsuit discovery, but Fakebook certainly seems angry. Where's your American flag now, Ski-Boy?
“Reduce the effectiveness of your enemy by inflicting discord among them.”–Sun Tscooby
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