Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Boys Who Cried "Muh Russia!"

Without Love

PJM: 'Colossal and Devastating' 4th of July Supply-Chain Attack Hits U.S. Companies in Likely Russian Hacker Operation

When you criminals say "Russia did this!" or "Russia did that!", do you know what we think?

We go down a mental checklist, something like this:

"Russia hacked our computers!" 

1.) China did it and they're protecting them, as usual.

2.) Our own government did it, as usual.

3.) They're just saying Russia because Trump. Again, as usual.

4.) They don't know who did it and they've got to blame somebody.

5.) Russia may have done it, but how would we ever know since our own government lies to us more than Putin ever did?

6.) Russia probably did it--but these clowns won't do a damn thing about it because Russia has kompromat on all of them.

7.) Russia did it and our government, for some unknowable and unfathomable reason, is actually telling the truth for once. Like a Hundred Year-flood, this is a Hundred Year truth-telling event. So there must be an ulterior motive.

It's not that we trust Putin. We don't. But we trust you even less. Putin just lies to us occasionally. You lie to us all day, every day, year in and year out. You're a much bigger threat to American Liberty than Putin ever dreamed of.

So congratulations, scumbags. You're the boy-men who cried "Russia, Russia, Russia!" for so long and so hard that no one believes any of the horseshit that falls out of your lying mouths anymore.

Hell--not even you believe you. Comrade.

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