"For the Lord Jehovah doth nothing, Except He hath revealed His counsel unto His servants the prophets."--Amos 3:7
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"Trust in the Lord forever: for in the Lord God is strength forevermore."--Isaiah 26:4 |
“GREAT CLOUDS OF GLORY are going to begin to ROLL onto the earth. These GLORY CLOUDS are filled with My LIGHT, My HEALING POWER, and My AWESOME PRESENCE. These GREAT CLOUDS OF GLORY will FALL on PRAYER MEETINGS, on COLLEGE CAMPUSES, on CHURCH SERVICES, and on SURPRISING PLACES in the MARKETPLACE. These GLORY CLOUDS are filled with a Father’s LOVE, a Son’s HEART of SACRIFICE, and the Spirit of JOY. These GREAT CLOUDS OF GLORY bring My KINGDOM to the earth, and they will turn people’s lives UPSIDE DOWN. The DYING will become the LIVING, the FEARFUL will become GIANTS of FAITH, the CRUSHED will become the MIGHTY, and the SLEEPING will become the AWAKENED. The enemy spent YEARS building the level of DECEPTION, DELUSION, and UNBELIEF. When My GREAT CLOUDS OF GLORY fall, all his hard work will be UNDONE in a MOMENT of TIME. Look for and welcome My GREAT CLOUDS OF GLORY.”Diana Larkin --A Watchman’s Journal
A Watchman’s Journal (dianalarkin.blogspot.com)
September 27, 2023
“As I bring DOWN the CORRUPTED seven mountains of society and REBUILD them on a foundation of RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE, I AM at the same time RAISING UP THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD. What is the MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD, you ask? It is My ETERNAL KINGDOM coming into DISPLAY on the earth. The seven mountains of society will be RAISED UP to ENCIRCLE the MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD, and My Mountain will GROW until it FILLS THE WHOLE EARTH. All creation has been GROANING for this day, and it will SATISFY the LONGING in you for a TRULY SIGNIFICANT LIFE filled with LOVE, PEACE, and JOY. WELCOME the RISING of THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD. Every time you ALLOW the Kingdom to RULE in your life, you cause THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD to GROW. The Kingdom RULES in you when you make Me FIRST in your life, when you OBEY My promptings, when you WORSHIP and THANK Me, when you FREELY GIVE, and when you FORGIVE as you have been forgiven. This is ALIGNING your heart with My heart and when many begin to do this, THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD will FILL THE EARTH.”MICAH 4:1 (AMP) “But it shall come about in the last days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest and chief of the mountains; it shall be above the hills, and people will flow (like a river) to it.”DANIEL 2:44 (NASB) “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a Kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that Kingdom will not be left for another people, it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.”Diana Larkin --A Watchman’s Journal

Joshua 14:
11 And yet am as strong at this time, as I was when Moses sent me: as strong as I was then, so strong am I now, either for war, or for government.
12 Now therefore give me this mountain whereof the Lord spake in that day (for thou heardest in that day, how the Anakim were there, and the cities great and walled) if so be the Lord will be with me that I may drive them out, as the Lord said.
13 Then Joshua blessed him, and gave unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh, Hebron for an inheritance.
"In short, the seven mountain (7-M) mandate or seven mountain prophecy is a conceptual means of influencing the modern world for Christ. The concept is often credited to Loren Cunningham, founder of YWAM, and Bill Bright, founder of Cru (formerly called Campus Crusade for Christ), both of whom say the idea came from God in a vision. Francis Schaeffer is also sometimes listed as an originator. Today it is most popular in Charismatic and Pentecostal churches. The actual term seven mountain mandate is credited to Lance Wallnau, who is one of the movement's prominent teachers.
The concept is simple enough: there are seven large spheres of influence in society, and believers will be most effective in evangelism and expanding God's kingdom if they focus on bringing change in those areas.
The seven spheres—or "mountains"—according to the seven mountain mandate are:
1. Education
2. Religion
3. Family
4. Business
5. Government/Military
6. Arts/Entertainment
7. Media
The "mountains" are also referred to as "pillars" or "shapers" or "molders." In essence, they are seen as the primary means by which a society's thoughts and behaviors are formed. Those who adhere to the seven mountain mandate desire to "occupy" or "invade" these spheres of influence in order to "transform" or "take back" society.
Isaiah 2:2 is sometimes used as a supporting text. It states, "It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it." Some correlate the seven mountains to the seven nations God told Israel to war against in Canaan (Deuteronomy 7:1).
Believers are called to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19–20). Lance Wallnau posits that since there are believers in most nations already, those believers should now focus on influencing the systems within the nations, namely the "mountains." Rather than leave the major sectors of societal influence to be run by those who don't know Christ and thus susceptible to the schemes of Satan, Christians should seek to lead in those areas." .......
AMERICA WILL BE GREAT AGAIN!! The Wicked Will Be Defeated! | Donna Rigney - YouTube
Joe Joe in the Morning October 6th (The Law of Association Book) - YouTube
PROPHETIC UPDATES WITH ROBIN BULLOCK – Ep 8 - Elijah Streams--A Time of Two Kings, Saul and David, Biden and Annointed President Trump
"No one could see anyone else, nor could anyone get up from his place for three days. But there was light for all the Israelis in their dwellings."--Exodus 10:23
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Goshen: "the place of drawing near" |
"I am protecting you in this time. Yes, I am. My Glory shall fill your homes, and a Great Joy and a Great Peace you shall receive."
"Don't get into fear, for I Am here. I Am that I Am and I will do what I will do. And I will deliver you, saith the Lord."
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ANOINTED PROPHETIC WORSHIP! Winston Davenport - Awaken Love (Full Album) - YouTube |
LIVE WITH JULIE (rumble.com)--Oct. 6: "Haggai 2:
6 For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Once more, in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. 7 I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the desirable and precious things of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory and splendor,’ says the Lord of hosts. 8 ‘The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine,’ declares the Lord of hosts. 9 ‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘and in this place I shall give [the ultimate] peace and prosperity,’ declares the Lord of hosts.”
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