Before the Lord God does anything, he tells his servants the prophets. The lion has roared! Who wouldn’t be afraid? The Lord God has spoken, and I must prophesy his message.--Amos 3:7-8
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John 11: 30 Now Jesus had stayed outside the village, at the place where Martha met him. 31 When the Jewish leaders who were at the house trying to console Mary saw her leave so hastily, they assumed she was going to Lazarus’ tomb to weep; so they followed her. 32 When Mary arrived where Jesus was, she fell down at his feet, saying, “Sir, if you had been here, my brother would still be alive.” 33 When Jesus saw her weeping and the Jewish leaders wailing with her, he was moved with indignation and deeply troubled. 34 “Where is he buried?” he asked them. They told him, “Come and see.” 35 Tears came to Jesus’ eyes. 36 “They were close friends,” the Jewish leaders said. “See how much he loved him.” 37-38 But some said, “This fellow healed a blind man—why couldn’t he keep Lazarus from dying?” And again Jesus was moved with deep anger. Then they came to the tomb. It was a cave with a heavy stone rolled across its door. 39 “Roll the stone aside,” Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead man’s sister, said, “By now the smell will be terrible, for he has been dead four days.” 40 “But didn’t I tell you that you will see a wonderful miracle from God if you believe?” Jesus asked her. 41 So they rolled the stone aside. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, “Father, thank you for hearing me. 42 (You always hear me, of course, but I said it because of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me.)” 43 Then he shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” 44 And Lazarus came—bound up in the gravecloth, his face muffled in a head swath. Jesus told them, “Unwrap him and let him go!” 45 And so at last many of the Jewish leaders who were with Mary and saw it happen, finally believed on him. ... |
GOD is Going to RESCUE YOU!! A Prophetic Word For The World | Donna Rigney - YouTube
Diana Larkin VIDEOS: PROPHETIC DJT DREAM--John Redenbo and Brian Palencia ( 5
Diana Larkin A Watchman’s Journal January 08, 2024: CORNERED
“Exposures are beginning to SPILL OUT into the public eye. The arrogant elite and those partnered with them know that there are MANY MORE EXPOSURES ready to be released to the public. They realize many of the GATEKEEPERS that have kept their SECRETS HIDDEN have been REMOVED or their CHAINS of BRIBERY and BLACKMAIL have been broken. The HORROR is slowly dawning for these elite—they are CORNERED. It’s only a matter of time before they are COMPLETELY EXPOSED. This is their WORST NIGHTMARE, but it is a PROMISE KEPT to you that an AVALANCHE of EXPOSURE is beginning to FALL. NOTHING CAN STOP THIS AVALANCHE THAT WILL BURY THE GUILTY. Don’t be FOOLED by these governmental leaders, church leaders, business leaders, media personalities, and celebrities that will try to portray themselves as STILL IN CHARGE and as UPSTANDING CITIZENS working for your good. WATCH them carefully and OBSERVE RAPIDLY FLICKERING, DARTING EYES, a slight TREMOR in their voices, STIFF body language, SHORT speeches so that they don’t BETRAY their FEAR and HIGH ANXIETY. This is your BATTLE STRATEGY against these CORNERED animals. Take AUTHORITY over their DESPERATE schemes and moves, and CANCEL them out. DIRECT My Host to DEMOLISH their wicked plans and to BLOW THEM BACK into their CORNERED place. RELEASE AWAKENING Angels to SHAKE people AWAKE who are still being DELUDED and DECEIVED. DO NOT allow the enemy to DISCOURAGE you at this CRUCIAL POINT in the battle. Don’t take the BAIT of WORRY or ANXIETY because I AM telling you the darkness is CORNERED, and the LION of JUDAH is CLOSING IN FOR THE KILL.
ACTION ITEMS: Video CORNERED, January 9, 2024
*The Father is increasing prophecy and spiritual intel in this pivotal year in the battle. We are to support these revelations with our faith and our authority. He has promised to empower us for this season.
*Since we are entering uncharted times and territories, we are called to walk it out with Him. We must learn to hear His voice and to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading.
*We are to partner with the Father and declare that His storms will expose and cleanse evil. Come against the enemy’s planned storms of destruction and cancel their effects on the righteous and send those storms back as a boomerang for their destruction. Remember that our future is blue skies.
*We are to use our authority as Blood-bought ones to defund, defeat, and destroy the enemy’s evil plans. We are told to say, “I release you Host and Angels to defund the enemy—freeze their assets and cut off their lines of funding.” Declare, “The enemy is defeated! Now, go forth Host and Angels and defeat all their evil schemes and cause them to blow back into their camp.” We are to agree with the Father that the dark platforms of the evil will be brought down and destroyed. Release the Host to tear down and to destroy every platform of darkness.
*We are to expect the unexpected. If we will learn to flow with the Spirit nothing will sideline us from the Father’s plans for us. Be ready to pray when He lays a burden on our hearts. We are not to be overwhelmed with what the darkness is doing; we are to overwhelm the darkness with the light and the faith that are in us. Be ready to change course, as new doors open before us. Be ready to celebrate and shout for joy when victories come. Be ready to enjoy His companionship as we sail uncharted territory with Him.
*Don’t be fooled by leaders who try to portray themselves as still being in charge. Watch and observe them carefully—their eyes, their body language, tremors in their voices, short speeches so they don’t give themselves away. Take authority over their desperate schemes and cancel them out. Direct the Host to demolish their wicked plans and to blow them back into their cornered places. Release awakening angels to shake people awake who are still deluded and deceived. Do not allow the enemy to discourage you at this crucial point in the battle. Don’t take the bait of worry and anxiety because He is assuring us that the darkness is cornered.

Pastor Kent Christmas Regeneration Nashville - 1/7/24 (
Kelsey O'Malley interviews BOBBY CONNER: THE YEAR OF THE OPEN DOOR! - Elijah Streams
Robin Bullock PROPHETIC WORD🚨[PLOT UNCOVERED] Powerful Prophecy Jan 7, 2024 (
The Book of John Explained | Atomic Bible Study ( Brewer
LIVE WITH JULIE ( Green, Jan. 9th: The Old Establishment in D.C. is Dying:
"This is the time of their final push to bring about their globalist agenda, but I have said this time and time again THEY WILL FAIL. AND THEIR PLANS WILL NOT BE COMPLETED IN THIS HOUR OR ANY HOUR FOR THAT MATTER. My children wake up now and get up now and fight back now. It is a time of this battle to look and seem more difficult, but that is another deception. Things are not how they appear to be, because remember you are already free and your enemies are losing their grip over this nation and over My children. So hold on for what is about to be seen that will rattle people and shake their faith in Me. But do not be moved because I am MOVING YOUR ENEMIES OUT OF THE WAY, sayeth the Lord."
Tim Sheets: Midweek Online ( (sermon @ 13:20): "We do not want those who stand against the principles of God in office. We are praying them out in Jesus' Name."
January 9, 2024 ( Sheets:
Pray with me:
Father, we thank You for the exposure taking place in our nation. You have been telling us this would occur, and we have been watching it take place. We pray that You will continue to expose the evil in our government: lies, backroom deals, corruption in our Justice Department, voting irregularities, distortion of America’s history, refusal to control our borders, abuse of children, and so much more. Continue to uncover and expose. Protect the evidence until it is revealed; convict people, motivating them to reveal the truth; give courage to whistleblowers.
As You shake down in order to reveal and uncover, we pray for the intercessors and leaders in the church, asking for strength and unwavering faith; remind them that You will only tear down what is necessary, and mercy will triumph. We pray for those who are investigating and exposing, asking You for wisdom, contacts, protection, skill, and supernatural discoveries. We pray for those being attacked by the “rats,” especially President Trump, asking for Your protection over his mind and body. Give him supernatural strength and endurance. Give strength to those in Congress who are unfairly attacked, and likewise to Judges such as Clarence Thomas. Vindicate the righteous as you expose evil. We ask You for these things in Yeshua’s name. Amen.
Our decree:
We decree that rats in our government are being exposed, evidence is being preserved and justice will be served.
Amanda Grace: A Crucial Insight and an Announcement (
Night of Prayer for the Trump Family and the Nation, Sunday Jan.14, 5:00 pm EST
"They are desperate. They have to win. They have to. And so we're going to see much turbulence throughout this year. A lot of it. And that's why our focus cannot be on man, on what is happening. Our focus first and foremost has to be on the Lord. We have to seek His Face and look at Him, and not the circumstances, because the enemy wants to get our attention on the circumstance and make the circumstance greater than God.
What did Goliath try to do? He tried to get the entire army of Israel in fear by focusing on him instead of the Covenant they had with God. And David came in and realized the Covenant was greater than Goliath, and when the Covenant was applied, Goliath fell, and we have to look at it the same way in this nation right now.
The Lord hasn't totally let this nation become completely lost because we have a lot of people here still who love the Lord, that are interceding, that are praying, that are crying out, and that because this nation stands on a Covenant, the Lord just can't let that Covenant go. ...
Be sober-minded and vigilant. ...You're not getting into fear, you're not getting distracted, you're not getting into worry, you're being alert and aware of the tactics of the enemy, and so this what we have to be in this Year. Because the enemy is desperate, the corrupt are desperate, they are on a crumbling platform. They have built their house upon sand and the sand is giving way to a standard that God is raising, and they are getting more and more desperate at what they are doing.
Desperate kings in the Bible make stupid mistakes. Desperate kings or kings who think they can circumvent the process to keep their seat always make mistakes that cause them to fall. ALWAYS. Because desperation and haughtiness together will lead to destruction.
So our focus has to be on activating the Word of God, utilizing the Word of God. It is living and active. It has to be activated. It has to be spoken. It has to be read. We have to feed ourselves this. This is what we have to focus on..." .......
Prophecies | Is God REALLY in Control? - Julie Green and Stacy Whited | FOC Show ( Consistent Word:
1. This is the best time to be alive!
2. Real President will serve his second term.3. A billion-soul Harvest--unless He says more!
4. The Wealth Transfer from the wicked to the Righteous!
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Revelation 5: 4 Then I wept with disappointment because no one anywhere was worthy; no one could tell us what it said. 5 But one of the twenty-four Elders said to me, “Stop crying, for look! The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, and proved himself worthy to open the scroll and to break its seven seals.” Hallelujah! |
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