Monday, August 12, 2024

"Learn This Term: ‘Whole of Society’" by Jacob Siegel

Learn This Term: ‘Whole of Society’ - Tablet Magazine:

“The term was popularized roughly a decade ago by the Obama administration, which liked that its bland, technocratic appearance could be used as cover to erect a mechanism for the government to control public life that can, at best, be called “Soviet-style.” Here’s the simplest definition: “Individuals, civil society and companies shape interactions in society, and their actions can harm or foster integrity in their communities. A whole-of-society approach asserts that as these actors interact with public officials and play a critical role in setting the public agenda and influencing public decisions, they also have a responsibility to promote public integrity.”

In other words, the government enacts policies and then “enlists” corporations, NGOs and even individual citizens to enforce them—creating a 360-degree police force made up of the companies you do business with, the civic organizations that you think make up your communal safety net, even your neighbors. What this looks like in practice is a small group of powerful people using public-private partnerships to silence the Constitution, censor ideas they don’t like, deny their opponents access to banking, credit, the internet, and other public accommodations in a process of continuous surveillance, constantly threatened cancellation, and social control. …

The whole-of-society strategy remains attractive regardless of its outcomes, because it extends the party’s authority over formerly independent centers of power.

Indeed, whole of society is a totalizing form of politics. As the name implies, it discards the traditional separation of powers and demands political participation from corporations, civic groups, and other nonstate actors. Mass surveillance is the backbone of the approach, but it also consolidates a new class of functionaries who all directly or indirectly work for the party’s interests. This is exactly how the party carried out its mass censorship during COVID and the 2020 election: by embedding government officials and party-aligned “experts” from the for-hire world of nonprofit activism, inside the social media platforms.” …….

It’s a lie, of course. Fluffy Obama Horseshit to hide the Usual Thuggery.

It sounds like all of society believes the same thing, but it really means this Occupation Junta using the levers of power to coerce society into accepting something they don’t believe.

In other words, it’s a Whole-of-Tyranny approach. Whole, as in “total”. As in “totalitarian”.

Not to be confused with “Whole-of-Government”.

Shooting President Trump was a Whole-of-Government effort. 

Learn this term:

Proverbs 22:8

The unjust tyrant will reap disaster, and his reign of terror shall end.

Yes, Lord, and Amen!

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