Sunday, October 7, 2018

Steyn & Carlson, Haberdashers to Her Majesty

Mark Steyn interviews Tucker Carlson around Carlson's new "Ship of Fools".

They touch on the Elites' Revolt Against the Peasants, why the Potomac is filthy despite being a National Park located in the headquarters of the National Park Service and why Amazon and Uber billionaires lecture us while their employees are on food stamps.

Time well spent.

A Fine Steyn--UPDATE: "I was told by wise old birds to stay calm, let the process play itself out, don't rock the boat, etc. There was one lone dissenter who told me, no, no, if you do that, you're going to lose - and, indeed, I subsequently heard that, when the subject came up in Cabinet, the view of the Canadian Government was that I was doomed to go down.

So instead Ezra Levant and I went bananas, went nuclear on the commissions - or, as I took to formulating it, we went Magna Carta on their medieval ass. And the wise old birds then said Canadians wouldn't put up with a couple of berserk loons trashing their beloved "human rights" commissions. But they did - to the point where we got the law repealed. I concluded early on that it was, in fact, necessary for us to go nuclear in order to shore up public opinion and thus enable all the "nice" "moderate" people to move just a smidgeonette toward sanity.

Something similar just happened with President Trump and the Kavanaugh confirmation.".......

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