Monday, January 24, 2022

I'll Go There: Kennedy/Malone in 2024!

UPDATE: RFK is a flaming Lib despite a few good policies--NEVERMIND.

“The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.”--St. Augustine ...?

It was not a bad crowd considering they knew that Big Brother was watching. And thanks as always to the tiny handful of public officials who will even utter the word "VAERS", including Sen. Ron Johnson.  

Might as well get it all out there.

Yesterday, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where Martin Luther King Jr. once had his Dream of Freedom, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gave the speech of his lifetime--the speech that should have been given by the actual President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

The two men in American Public Life who have stepped up to address the most important issues before us are not President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis.

They are Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Robert Malone. At this point, I would support these men for the presidency over any others.

Not that they’re campaigning. Indeed, the CIA has already murdered half of RFK’s family. And Big Tech Oligarchs have tried to crush and silence the stellar Dr. Malone on behalf of the Regime. The fact that they don’t want office makes them even better candidates for it. (Note to Deep State: This tongue-in-cheek presidential endorsement is designed only to make people think and not as an invitation to start killing Kennedys again. Thank you.)

The doctor’s speech was a spiritual homily for a People whose government has declared war upon them. The activist lawyer’s speech, a logical explication of the Vaccine Plot and a fiery call to the Constitution.

Dr. Robert Malone - Defeat the Mandates DC - Full Speech (

Robert F Kennedy Jr. - Defeat the Mandates DC - Full Speech (

Worldwide Walkouts - An Ongoing Campaign • Children's Health Defense (

More of Dr. Malone's views are found here: "Resist. The Time Is Now." by Dr. Robert W. Malone

"The underlying truths of the grossly mismanaged globally coordinated response to the COVID-19 outbreak are becoming increasingly apparent to common citizens throughout the world. The United States Health and Human Services (HHS) system, once considered the world standard for medical research and for insuring purity, safety and effectiveness of drugs and vaccines, is now being seen by many as corrupt and compromised. Over the next year, additional data documenting and supporting this corruption will continue to emerge. The growing tide of whistleblowers, truth tellers and their lawyers will swell to the point that it will overwhelm the censorship and propaganda which the guilty and their accomplices are desperately using to try to hide their duplicity.

Looking forward into this new year that is now upon us, I predict that a broad global consensus will emerge that the integrity of our entire western health care systems, our media, big tech, and western political systems has been breached by the corrupting influence of a financial system that has lost integrity and become decoupled from any sense of morality, and which perceives no economic value in either fundamental human dignity or community.  A financial system which has become completely decoupled from the historic concept of the nation-state. One that defines and thereby degrades human beings as mere economic units to be exploited for rents and profit using a wide range of innovative strategies.

This globalized financial system exists for one purpose only: to maximize return on investment. And those who control this system see centralized global totalitarianism as a more efficient management structure for extracting value from you and me. To them, the logic of a digital social credit system is compelling, as it will optimize population control and maximize profit. In a sense, we already have a version of this in operation- your credit rating score. Now imagine a world in which not just your access to capital (“credit”), but your every financial transaction is subject to approval, control, and various forms of taxation based on a rating score which is dependent on your behavior, political views and speech. ...Unfortunately, the damage has already been done.  Now it is just a question of the end game, of how long and by what means the Federal Government of the United States and other western nations will continue to attempt to cover up their gross mismanagement, corruption and dereliction of duty.

At this point, the unresolved outstanding issue is whether or not the citizens of the United States and western countries will rise up, resist and overthrow the globalist overlords, coercion and agenda which is being forced on us, and which is continually reinforced by a massive propaganda and censorship campaign the likes of which the world has never seen before.  This is modern twenty first century media warfare, and the common man is almost hopelessly outgunned.

We must rebuild Integrity, Dignity, and Community.  Speak now, or you will be forced to forever hold your peace. But be smart about this.  Read and understand the ancient wisdom of Sun-Tzu regarding strong and weak points when engaging with the enemy.  Choose when, where and how to resist.

The Time is Now.  Our lives, the lives of our children, and our ability to exercise free will are at stake." .......

And Mr. Kennedy has the Number One Bestseller in America. Why I Wrote ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ • Children's Health Defense (

"All his strategies during COVID — falsifying science to bring dangerous and ineffective drugs to market, suppressing and sabotaging competitive products that have lower profit margins even if the cost is prolonging pandemics and losing thousands of lives — all of these share a common purpose: the myopic devotion to Pharma.

This book will show you that Tony Fauci does not do public health; he is a businessman, who has used his office to enrich his pharmaceutical partners and expand the reach of influence that has made him the most powerful — and despotic — doctor in human history.

For some readers, reaching that conclusion will require crossing some new bridges. Many readers, however, intuitively know the real Anthony Fauci, and need only to see the facts illuminated and organized.

I wrote this book so that Americans — both Democrat and Republican — can understand Dr. Fauci’s pernicious role in allowing pharmaceutical companies to dominate our government and subvert our democracy, and to chronicle the key role Dr. Fauci has played in the current coup d’état against democracy."

By contrast, Gov. Ron DeSantis is the best governor in America. Yet his views on this subject are tentative, cautious and unformed. (UPDATE: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis suggests coronavirus vaccines could cause infertility - True Freedom News)

Donald Trump is the best president since Ronald Reagan–and in some ways better, since Reagan’s opposition was merely Blame America First and President Trump’s is “Destroy America Now!”. The government tried unsuccessfully to assassinate Reagan himself but they successfully assassinated Trump’s presidency.

Sadly though, the true president sees himself as a Vaccine Salesman, little different than Tony Fauci and Bill Gates.

What are we to make of a deposed president who still believes in the Vaccine Industrial Complex? Who says there are no vaccine deaths? Who doesn’t realize how this Cabal helped overthrow him? And worse, doesn’t connect the Vaxx with the program of Tyranny and even Depopulation behind it? He cannot protect himself politically without this revelation, let alone protect everyday Americans. 

Sure, he would fire Fauci. But he would leave intact the entire Evil Superstructure that is Fauci’s life’s work. 

It’s like it’s 1859 and President Trump is saying slavery is fine as long as we don’t mandate it.

There is no malice in the man, but he’s wrong. He, too, is deceived.

Let me try explaining it this way. Imagine if President Trump one day decided he was now in favor of heroin use.

Every other one of his policies and beliefs were still the same, but he would now let heroin dealers run free. He would fund free heroin for the poor and let schools teach children how to inject it. 

Could you still support him just because he didn’t mandate heroin use? Would you still have the same old enthusiasm?

That’s how it is for me. I want it to be like the old days, but it isn’t. And, worse, heroin is just heroin–but Clot-Shot Vaccines are the Gateway to Tyranny. Their planned Vaccine Passports are just medically- flavored Social Credit Scores, straight out of Communist China.

So you can get mad at me if you want. It pisses me off, too. Call me names. Many already have.

But the president I love, the president I admire, the president I respect, the president we elected and re-elected in a landslide, how can I say this, NEEDS TO PULL HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS ASS ABOUT THESE VACCINES.

Of course, all this depends on America lasting another three years and then conducting something resembling an honest election for a change, both of which are in serious, serious doubt. In the meantime, the leadership void has been filled by non-politicians, a distinguished doctor and inventor and a lifelong corporate corruption-buster and protector of children. 

Malone is quite unlikely, the very inventor of the mRNA technology and a top advisor to Deep State agencies. And Kennedy, with his childhood speech affliction. Yet our Father uses the unlikely. 

Just two American patriots, telling the truth as God gives them the light, and standing in the breach for the country we love. 

Someone’s got to do it, praise God.

The HighWire | Watch

Kennedy/Malone in 2024!

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