Monday, January 3, 2022

You're Not Alone. Malone

 Being Censored By These Nazi Scum Just Means You're Right

And right over the target

Mass Formation Poso on Twitter: "Seems pretty clear that Mass Formation Psychosis can’t work on a spiritual people"

Mass Formation Poso on Twitter: "Dr Malone broke the algorithm and now Google is struggling to manually edit the results when you search for mass formation psychosis. Try it. Never seen this before.

Mass Formation Poso on Twitter: "Google has now made this random guy’s video attacking Dr Malone on Mass Formation Psychosis the top result when you search for it while On DuckDuck it comes right up at the top

Mass Formation Poso on Twitter: "Hi @Google_Comms! How is it that your top search result for Mass Formation Psychosis is a YouTuber with less than 9,000 subs who is calling for Spotify to ban the Rogan interview with Dr Malone? 

Frantic, desperate, panicked.

By trying to hide Mass Formation Psychosis, Google has become Mass Formation Psychosis!

Couldn’t happen to a nicer gang of control freaks!

GETTR Official on GETTR: “#BREAKING Joe Rogan [ @joerogan ] joins GETTR as Twitter censorship intensifies

“As Twitter continues to ban users from its platform, podcast superstar Joe Rogan announced on Sunday that he has set up a GETTR account. “Just in case shit over at Twitter gets even dumber, I’m here now as well. Rejoice!” Rogan wrote on his GETTR account Sunday afternoon.

BREAKING: Joe Rogan joins GETTR as Twitter censorship intensifies | The Post Millennial

Most recently, Twitter has banned Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from their platform, citing multiple violations of the social media giant’s COVID-19 policies.

One of Rogan’s most recent interviews on his podcast was with Dr. Robert Malone, who was recently banned from the platform as well for his stance on the COVID-19 vaccine.

“They removed you for not going along with whatever the tech narrative is, because tech clearly has a censorship agenda when it comes to COVID in terms of treatment, in terms of the— whether or not you’re promoting what they would call vaccine hesitancy, they can ban you for that, they can ban you for in their eyes, what they think is a justifiable offense,” Rogan told Malone.

”I try really hard to give people the information and help them to think, not to tell them what to think. Okay? But the point is if I’m not — if it’s not okay for me to be part of the conversation, even though I’m pointing out scientific facts that may be inconvenient, then who is who can be allowed?” Malone said later in the conversation.

Dr Robert Malone Discusses How People Are Vulnerable to Mass Formation Psychosis - The Last Refuge (

I don't always lose half a million followers on twitter (

Of course, the fact that Twitter permanently banned me without any notice and without ANY reason given - other than I violated “content” (actual violation was not defined) is shocking. Yes, I do have a number of lawyers working on this. Yes, there will be action of some sort coming. I just don’t know yet what form it will take. The Alex Berenson lawsuit against Twitter for banning him for tweeting about vaccines’ failure to stop the infection and transmission of the virus, a tweet that Twitter labeled “misleading.”, is an initial salvo in what is likely to be a long legal fight to regain freedom of speech in this public forum. It is important to recognize that Twitter is now relying on big media such as Thompson-Reuters to provide “factchecking” regarding “misleading” information concerning vaccines. Reuters is horizontally integrated with Pfizer at the Board of Directors level, and their “factcheckers” have been harassing me this week because I spoke about the risks associated with SARS-CoV-2 genetic vaccination in children with Neil Oliver on UK-based GB News.

As to what triggered Twitter, the last thing I posted related to this excellent summary of the Pfizer malfeasance and data manipulation in their “Comirnaty” vaccine clinical studies.

This is censorship. Pure and simple. This is what our country has come to. No better than China. So, I join the ranks of other patriots for freedom who have been banned.

'If it's not OK for me to be part of the conversation ... who can be allowed?'

Dr. Malone thinks it might have been tweets about an excellent Canadian Doctors video or a World Economic Forum expose’ that got him censored. 

But it could easily have been his non-Twitter stuff, such as the call for a COVID Civil Rights March on Washington and especially his warning about children being vaxxed: Rest in the Vine: "Dear Parents; Don't Inject Your Child, Protect Your Child" by Dr. Robert Malone

Big Pharma has billions at stake there and billions to throw around to silence people.

Not only is the man a scientific and medical genius, he also has an impeccable grasp on the socio-economic politics as seen here: Resist. The Time is Now. - by Robert W Malone MD, MS (

But most importantly, he grasps the moral issues at stake, where others either cannot or will not.

Interesting to learn in the Rogan interview that the second Moderna jab nearly killed him.

He also explains how India cured COVID with a package thought to include Ivermectin. But Biden met Modi and threatened/bribed/coerced him. The next day Modi announced they would not reveal the contents of the package.

The Fake Preznit did that. 

That’s just how badly the Big Pharma Gangster Biden wants Americans fleeced and then maimed, murdered or sterilized by these Tuskegee Injections.

In October 2019, Pedo Joe posted this: 

He knew the Plandemic was coming. He was told.

He didn't raise a finger to stop it.

In fact, he aided and abetted it.

For China. For money. For power.

Joe Biden helped murder every American who died of this Depopulation Device. And now he sits installed  in the Oval Office, China's Paid Whore.

UPDATE: Dr. Robert Malone in new INCREDIBLE interview (after Rogan’s – linked as well on page) – Whatfinger News' General Dispatch

‘I’ve been multi-dimensional red-pilled. Tony Fauci’s AIDS debacle is my origin story’

What a class act. His detractors aren’t even in the same moral universe. Malone makes an excellent point about the dogs that didn’t bark; There has been no, NO rebuttal to the #1 Bestseller in the entire nation–RFK’s The Real Anthony Fauci.

Fauci is hiding. The One-Party Press is hiding. The NIH is hiding. Speak, you bastards. You know-it-alls never lacked words before.

Meanwhile, Dr. Malone stands in the exalted company of heroic doctors, nurses, activists, lawyers, reporters, broadcasters, clergy and citizens of all stripes who are standing in Truth against this monstrous and murderous Tyranny. 

Father God, bless them and keep them all in the mighty Name of Christ Jesus, Amen and Amen.

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