Saturday, April 30, 2022

"How The Ukraine War Starts The Great Reset" by Emerald Robinson--UPDATED

Emerald Robinson: How The Ukraine War Starts The Great Reset (

 Is the Biden regime provoking a war to cause a global famine?

"Our corrupt elites keep predicting at their globalist conferences that food will soon become scarce and expensive. Why is that? It seems to be an unlikely scenario in our age of modern farming and global shipping. Why would food production capacity suddenly collapse for, say, 100 million people?

This is where the Russia-Ukraine war comes in. Russia and Ukraine together produce about 30% of the world’s wheat exports — as well as 15% of corn exports and 30% of barley exports. Russia alone produces 15% of the world's fertilizer. According to the corporate media, the war is causing fertilizer costs to skyrocket. All our media outlets agree about this “unintended” consequence.

Biden has explicitly said that food shortages are coming, and that the deaths of millions of people due to starvation is just the price we all have to pay for our sanctions on Russia — and the ensuing mayhem that they’ve caused for wheat exports.

Welcome to the next step of The Great Reset.

This is exactly what the globalist elites want to happen. The Biden regime is not preventing catastrophes — it’s provoking them. Population reduction by virus or vaccine or famine is the ultimate goal. You are the carbon footprint they want to reduce. And if you don’t believe me, just remember that it only took 14 months to go from "Build Back Better" to "get ready for a global famine." While the West stockpiled debt, the communists stockpiled food and oil and commodities.

Did you sign up for “supporting Ukraine” with the expectation that it would cause a global famine? Of course not. If the Biden regime truly cared about preventing the starvation of millions of people around the world, then it would be reducing sanctions on Russia and pushing for peace talks during the planting season in the most productive wheat fields in the world — and that’s the exact opposite of what they’re doing.

Just look at gas prices, food prices, and mortality rates — the Biden regime wants the “unintended” consequences.

Those “unintended” consequences are the point.".......Read it all.

Emerald--UPDATE: The Great Reset: Cyber-attacks on America's Food Supply Have Started (

So you have a rash of mysterious fires at food processing plants across the country and, simultaneously, you have the FBI warning the Agriculture Industry that cyber-attacks are a big problem and have been since 2021? The obvious question: what is the relationship between all the mysterious fires and the cyber-attacks? I seem to remember a bald psychopath warning the world that he was now a prophet and that all these things would come to pass thanks to the corrupt global elites at the World Economic Forum. So let’s see what we are facing in 2022. We are on the brink of a global recession. The bond market is a mess. Inflation is out of control. There’s a global food crisis brewing. Gas prices and food prices have skyrocketed. None of it makes sense — unless you understand the Great Reset. When the Biden regime tells you that something is not happening, you can take it to the bank that something is happening. You were warned.

Some think this may just be due to the overwork stress on the Industrial Plant and workers since the Plandemic. I tend to think both.

Ace of Spades: Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, April 30

 "The surprising photo above is from BigG:

Two 3 week old hummingbird chicks almost ready to leave the nest in our lemon/mandarin/navel orange tree in San Diego

How great is that?".......

Food Supply Protectionism is Rapidly Spreading as Global Organizations Like The IMF Warn of Consequences - The Last Refuge:

"With all of this global concern over food production and food instability, one might ask why our own government is not doing everything possible to increase farm yields in the U.S. this year.

Instead, Joe Biden is asking for another $33 billion to pay for the salaries and pensions of the Ukraine government.

Go figure.".......

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A Biden babushka shopping at the Winn-Dirty

As Speculation Grows That Rash of Food Facility Fires Are Intentional, Here's a List of 16 to See for Yourself (

Some of the incidents that people have reported I was not able to independently verify, and others I felt were too minor to be put on this list.  With all that being said, the following is a list of 16 major fires that have occurred at key food industry facilities in the U.S. since the start of 2022…

Ian Smith - Candidate NJ CD-3 on Twitter: 

"Another fire at another major food facility in the US. So weird that our political ruling class and the WEF clowns keep talking about food shortages that are coming and this keeps happening. Must be a coincidence. Government would never create problems."

Amish Farmer Faces $250K Fine, Jail Time and Losing His Sustainable Farm for Processing His Own Meat (

Amish Man Gets Prison Sentence For Processing Meat On His Property - YouTube 

Just one more way to create shortage, isn't it?

I hope you're gardening this summer. We are.

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Plant a Tree and FJB!

                     Grow Some Berries and Thwart John Kerry!

                                                                 Fuck POTATUS--Eat More Tomatoes!

"Eat, eat!"

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