Saturday, May 4, 2024

“Both Ways” Biden: Allan Sherman Rides Again!

James 1:

5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But he must ask in faith, doubting nothing, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, 8 being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

The same tents were supplied nationwide, just like the BLM/Antifa Rioters were transported and supplied nationwide.

The FBI could easily follow the money--if they weren't on the Other Side, that is.

The "Grown -Ups" who planned these protests and manipulated and brainwashed these kids bear the Real Guilt. 

To include Globalist Banksters, the #Obama/Soros Syndicate, Intel Goons, Islamo-Satanists, various Deep State Sociopaths and Communist Professors.

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Rutgers students who went viral for waving American flags at a student rally responded to the school administration caving

Sick, but funny:

BIDEN UNITES AMERICA: Pro-Hamas Agitators and Trump Supporters Erupt in Loud Chants of "F**k Joe Biden!" During Protest at the University of Alabama (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit"

“Things got a bit testy at first when the pro-Hamas clowns started chanting “Free Palestine!” while the Trump supporters countered by singing the National Anthem.

But they soon found common ground. A stunning and heart-warming moment arose as both groups of protesters suddenly erupted in loud “F**k Joe Biden!” chants.” …….

This is the literal embodiment of #ActingPresident Hussein Obama’s Double-Game of funding both Hamas Terrorists and the IDF. If he could, Barry would simply overthrow Bibi and hand the nation over to the Philistines.

The Trump supporters know the Regime is pro-terrorist. 

The Hamas Groupies don’t understand why Obiden still has to pretend to support Israel. 

So both groups despise PedoBiden--and for the exact opposite reason–but it’s really Barack the CIA Cypher. And his #BanksterOwners, as always.

Proverbs 29:16

When rulers are wicked, their people are too; but good men will live to see the tyrant’s downfall.

Yes and Amen, Lord!

UPDATE From the Summer of '63:

HILARIOUS: Classic 'Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh' Song Gets Updated for Radical Anti-Israel Campus Protests | The Gateway Pundit:

Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (A Letter from Camp)’ by Allan Sherman.

The song has now been updated to reflect the radical, anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

This is fantastic.

Lyrics via Twitter/X:

"Hello Muddah, hello Faddah
I have joined Camp Intifada
Camp is very instigating
And they say the quad sprinkler will soon stop raining

The tuition is so pricey
To attend a Poison Ivy
You remember Ilhan’s daughter
She’s now homeless for defending Jewish slaughter ,,,"

"Mr. President, I met this crazy student at Camp who says that one day she will be Speaker of the House. She says she'll side with the Agency that assassinated you, and together, they will overthrow the Real President and install a Pedophile Puppet. Not only that, but they will also sponsor a Hitler Youth Pogrom on campuses across America! You'd better have a word with her father, sir."

"I will, Allan. Thanks."

"...and she will even sponsor an uprising of Nazi sentiment on our college and university campuses, in league with those bastards at the CIA. Mr. Mayor, you've got to get your young Nancy here under control!"

"I will, Mr. President."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise."

"Do you swear?"

"I swear, Mr. President!"

" solemnly swear, that she will not tear up that speech in a tantrum, or wave another country's flag in the House, or fly in Nazi Blackshirts to the Capitol under a False Flag, or..."

So help me, Faddah.

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