Friday, September 20, 2024

The FBI's Farsi FISA Farce: "Frame Trump by the Book, Even if That Book is the Koran!"

FBI Says Iran Hacked Trump Campaign, Then Sent Information to Biden and Harris - The Last Refuge (

"In the 2016/2017 version of the FBI/DOJ/DNI effort we eventually learned it was the FBI/DOJ/DNI who manufactured the “hacking stories” around Russia as an excuse to cover their illegal election surveillance operation over Donald Trump. This is no longer disputed amid the intellectually honest.

So, riddle me this…. Is there a reason to believe the 2024 version, where Iran is inserted to replace Russia, does not emanate from the same FBI/DOJ/DNI justification premise?

I’ll just casually sit back and wait to see what the DOJ NATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION (DOJ-NSD) come up with next. Presumably -if I am correct- we will see some patsy Iranian group named, labeled and blamed for the hacking, likely around the end of this month. However, factually the “hacking” per se’, is probably nothing more than the Biden group Intelligence Community (FBI/DOJ/DNI) exploiting their political surveillance control systems.

Yeah, I’m saying it… Based on precedent we can prove…. It’s not Iran, it’s us.: .......

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The Iran/Kamala E-mail Leak is not about what it's about.

They are creating another FISA Farce, a National Security Investigation(tm) that will allow them to surveil PDT “by the book” again, in Obama’s wicked phrase.

National Security Investigations allow them to spy, to hide it and to break laws with impunity, as opposed to criminal investigations where there are rules, rights, laws, disclosure and possibly an honest judge like Judge Cannon.

Similarly, The Diddy Arrest is not what it looks like, either.

P Diddy is in Brooklyn Federal Prison with J6 Political Prisoners- His Lawyer Says It Is 'Unfit for Pretrail Detention' | The Gateway Pundit

Diddy's Horror Show was falling apart. And he has the goods on all the Democrats, especially the gay black ones likes the Obamas, Harris, etc.

Diddy's not a loose cannon, he's a stray nuke. He could singlehandedly bring down this entire election.

That's why they put him on ice before this election.

But that won't save Hussein Obankster and these Professional Perverts.

Joshua 1:

5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

6 Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.

Yes, Lord, no man! Amen!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

MNN Breaking News



With Billions in Supplemental Assassination Funding at Stake, FBI and DHS Claim Their Butler Op Entitles Them to the Billions, While CIA Claims Their Sponsorship of the Golf Course Shooter Entitles Them to the Funds


The Budget Impasse Was Ended, However, When Speaker Johnson Sent All the Money to Zelensky, As Is His Habit

Manufactured News Network: "Ukraine Always Get What You Want!" 

Mark Steyn: "They Want Him Dead"--They Do, But the Lord of Hosts Says Otherwise: Whom Shall We Believe?

"The Lord is a Man of War; the Lord is His name."--Exodus 15:3

They Want Him Dead - Mark Steyn (

"...The alleged perp is said to have been "known" to the FBI, and, even more bizarrely, was favourably profiled in The New York Times last year for his efforts to organise a grand convergence of the Pentagon's wars without end by recruiting Afghans to fight in Ukraine. Curious.

On the other hand, if you're searching for patterns among the chaos, this seems as good as any:

My own line on failed assassinations is that of the IRA taunting Mrs Thatcher after the Brighton bombing: You have to be lucky every time; we only have to be lucky once.

In the last two months, Trump has been lucky twice. There are another two months to go: can he be lucky thrice? Four times?

If I were Trump I wouldn't want these guys anywhere near me - the official government protection, that is. The law-&-order types on the right have been ballyhooing the quick thinking of one individual agent on the ground - which is fine and dandy, but conveniently absolves the "bureaucracy" of its failure to provide sufficient protection, even after he's already been shot and an American citizen has died. Trump is one of the comparatively few presidents who has taken a bullet for his country, which is more than even Tim Walz can claim, but nobody who matters is interested. The court eunuchs at ABC News couldn't be bothered with a question on this summer's near-assassination, but they did make room for a question about the rental practices of Donald Trump's father over half-a-century ago.

As for this latest incident, the wife of the Hero of Impeachment One and sister-in-law of a Virginia congressional candidate sums up the general attitude of the Dems:

No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.
— Rachel VindmanđŸ¦…đŸŒ» (@natsechobbyist) September 15, 2024

As Hugh Hewitt responded, "The family of Corey Comperatore would like a word with Rachel Vindman."

In the old days, I would have cited Ian Fleming in Goldfinger:

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action.

But I think my longtime Rush colleague Diana Allocco is closer to the mark:

Just so. When I heard that an airplane had hit the north tower, I spent the next fifteen minutes going about as usual on the assumption that some twin-prop had had an accident. Then the radio announced that another 'plane had hit the south tower. The Secret Service failures in Florida are as crude and obvious as they were in Pennsylvania which means that, in the words of my former GB News colleague Neil Oliver, this is happening because they want it to happen. They want Trump to die, and they are willing to create the necessary conditions. ...

This mini-spate of lone shooters is beginning to feel a bit like the 2024 version of Russian interference: they're getting us used to the idea of Trump being an assassination target, so that the ultimate "October surprise" won't seem such a big deal.

The Deep State is telling us they will not permit Donald Trump to take office again." .......

But here is what God says:

1 Samuel 17:

45 David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

46 Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel!

47 And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!”

17 for Victory and Verses 45 to 47...hmmm.

We thank You, Father God, Commander-in-Chief, that You will cut off the head of the Giant with his own sword and the whole world will know it, Glory be to God!

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Amanda Grace--Emergency Broadcast Urgent: Another Attempt on Trump's LIFE! (

(more Steyn: Incuriouser and Incuriouser :: SteynOnline)

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Good News: Your Father Hears You and Will be Your Light!

 Micah 7:

7 But as for me, I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. 8 Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will arise; though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light.

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Heavenly Father God, we thank You for Your Hand of Preservation and Deliverance upon Your David, whom You are using mightily to Deliver Your Other Covenant Nation. We give You all the praise, honor and glory, Lord, in the Peerless Name above all Names, Yeshua Jesus Christ our King, Amen and Amen!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

MNN's Weakened Update

 Breaking Now...

Compare and Contrast - Trump and Harris Both Asked the Exact Same Question

"How will you help the Economy?"

A: "I grew up with neighbors who were proud of their lawns."

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Rightful President Trump: the Lawn Order Candidate

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                            Kamala Installah: The Law and Order-Episode Candidate

* In Fairness, Kamala Did Not Receive Questions From ABC

She Gave Them to ABC

*After Handlers Tell Her to Converse, Harris Appears in Chuck Taylor High-Tops

In fairness, she's a sweaty old sneaker, too.

"...and then I was assaulted in a Foot Locker Dressing Room by Ron DeSantis' boot lifts."

* FBI Advertises for Haitian Professional Victims Except for Those Sex-Trafficked by the Clintons

* CIA chief in Kabul to beg Taliban for evacuation deadline extension (

After Learning that CIA Director Burns met With Allegedly Fictional "Abdul", Media Now Says Burns is Also Figment of Trump's Imagination

CIA Director William Burns and Taliban leader, Abdul Ghani Baradar

* Sneaking-UPDATE:

After Receiving Harsh Criticism Over Her Sneakers, Harris Chooses to Amputate  Feet

"If unnecessary mutilating surgeries are good enough for our kids, they're good enough for me!"

Gun-Barrel "Democracy"- UPDATE: 

President Trump Safe but Authorities Say BE ON THE LOOKOUT for These Other Shooters Still On the Run:

If You See These Desperate Government Gangsters in their Natural Swamp Habitat, Call 1-800-MissedAgain,Bitches! at Once 

Manufactured News Network: "Our Earrings Told Us to Say That!"