Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Actual President Trump Was Right Again: The Least of These

Matthew 25:
44 “Then they also will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not serve You?’

45 “He will answer, ‘Truly I say to you, as you did it not for one of the least of these, you did it not for Me.’

Tim Walz removed reporting requirements for born-alive abortions in Minnesota - LifeSite (

(The Daily Signal) — As Democrats and media outlets accuse former President Donald Trump of dramatizing the Democratic abortion agenda, data from the Minnesota Department of Health shows that at least eight babies who survived abortions in the state were left to die.

Under a 2015 Minnesota law, the state formerly was required to report whether abortions resulted in the live birth of a baby, what actions were taken to preserve the life of that baby, and whether the baby survived.

Those reporting requirements exposed that between Jan. 1, 2021, and Dec. 31, 2021, physicians performed five abortions that resulted in a baby’s live birth.

No measures were taken to help the first baby, who reportedly had “fetal anomalies” that resulted “in death shortly after delivery.” Two of the babies were given “comfort care measures” as they died. No measures were taken to “preserve life” of the last two babies, who were previable.

Previous data from the Minnesota Department of Health reveals that physicians have been leaving babies to die after failed abortions for years. In 2020, no babies were reported born alive through botched abortions, according to the Minnesota Department of Health.

READ: Rep. Ilhan Omar thanks Tim Walz for legalizing abortion up until birth in Minnesota

But between Jan. 1, 2019, and Dec. 31, 2019, three abortions resulted in born-alive babies who were then allowed to die. The first baby reportedly had “fetal anomalies” but also had “residual cardiac activity” for two minutes, yet no efforts were taken to preserve that baby’s life, and “the infant did not survive.”

The second baby died while “comfort care measures” were provided. The third baby was previable and did not receive any attempts to preserve his or her life.

It does not appear that any of the babies born alive in botched abortions survived.

Due to efforts by the state’s Democratic governor, who served from 2019 until the present, Minnesota will no longer even keep track of born-alive babies. …

Roger Severino on X:

“Trump was 100% correct. Post-birth abortion is real and Harris-Walz support it. At least 5 babies were born alive after botched abortions and left to die under Walz’s watch. Two of these struggling babies were given “comfort care” instead of medical care allegedly in violation of state law.

How did Walz respond? By repealing the very law exposing and outlawing this horror and replacing it with abortion-on-demand on the front end, and infanticide on the back end.

Here are the bone-chilling receipts…” …….


The Baal's Prophets Media say there is no law that allows this--and they're right. Yet it happens anyway, illegally and criminally.

There are a fair number of people who survived abortions and grew up anyway, praise God! But most were "allowed" to die.

If a baby is born and free of the mother, there is no moral or legal question that child is an individual human being and a citizen with every Right possessed by you and I. The woman nor the abortionist may no longer sentence this person to death.

Yet these children are killed, either by omission or commission--that is, by neglect or murder.

No matter how many lies they spew for the father of lies, this is what True President said, and he was right. As usual.

Thank You, Father, that You Heal and Forgive and change our hearts, Lord, that we may always choose life, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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