Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Catholic Charities: Neither Catholic nor Charity. Discuss.

“The Lord is a Man of War; Yahweh is His name.”–Exodus 15:3

via Clarion:

Archbishop Viganò responds to schism charge: ‘I regard the accusations against me as an honor' - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)(June 20):

“…I regard the accusations against me as an honor. I believe that the very wording of the charges confirms the theses that I have repeatedly defended in my various addresses. It is no coincidence that the accusation against me concerns the questioning of the legitimacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the rejection of Vatican II: the council represents the ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer of which the Bergoglian “synodal church” is the necessary metastasis.

It is necessary for the episcopate, the clergy, and the people of God to seriously ask themselves whether it is consistent with the profession of the Catholic faith to passively witness the systematic destruction of the Church by its leaders, just as other subversives are destroying civil society. Globalism calls for ethnic substitution: Bergoglio promotes uncontrolled immigration and calls for the integration of cultures and religions. Globalism supports LGBT ideology: Bergoglio authorizes the blessing of same-sex couples and imposes on the faithful the acceptance of homosexualism, while covering up the scandals of his protégés and promoting them to the highest positions of responsibility. Globalism imposes the green agenda: Bergoglio worships the idol of the Pachamama, writes delirious encyclicals about the environment, supports the Agenda 2030, and attacks those who question the theory of man-made global warming.

He goes beyond his role in matters that strictly pertain to science, but always and only in one direction: a direction that is diametrically opposed to what the Church has always taught. He has mandated the use of experimental gene serums, which caused very serious damage, death and sterility, calling them “an act of love,” in exchange for funding from pharmaceutical companies and philanthropic foundations. His total alignment with the “Davos religion” is scandalous. Wherever governments at the service of the World Economic Forum have introduced or extended abortion, promoted vice, legitimized homosexual unions or gender transition, encouraged euthanasia, and tolerated the persecution of Catholics, not a word has been spent in defense of the faith or morals that are threatened, or in support of the civil battles of so many Catholics who have been abandoned by the Vatican and the bishops. Not a word for the persecuted Catholics in China, with the complicity of the Holy See, which considers Beijing’s billions more important than the lives and freedom of thousands of Chinese who are faithful to the Roman Church. …

This is also and principally an offense against the Divine Head of the Church, Our Lord Jesus Christ, whose sacred authority Bergoglio claims to exercise for the detriment of the mystical body, with an action that is too systematic and coherent to appear to be the fruit of mere incapacity. In the work of Bergoglio and his circle, the Lord’s warning is put into practice: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the guise of lambs, but who are ravenous wolves at heart” (Mt 7:15).

I am honored not to have – and indeed I do not want – any ecclesial communion with them: theirs is a lobby, which conceals its complicity with the masters of the world in order to deceive many souls and prevent any resistance against the establishment of the Kingdom of the Antichrist. …

I invite all Catholics to pray that the Lord will come to the aid of His Church and give courage to those who are persecuted for their faith.” 

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop ............

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We thank You Heavenly Father for this Warrior for Your Kingdom. Give us all such boldness to witness and battle for You, King Jesus, Amen and Amen!

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