"At the beginning of my post-COVID economic research, I noted all of the proactive investments by the big multinationals would benefit from a diminishment “western” economic dominance.
Specifically, I noted that if you look at the investment footprint -where the multinational corporations actually put all of that money they have been extracting from the Western consumers, you will see they have spent the past generation investing heavily in the “GREY Zone” within the map below. With that reality as the backdrop, would the multinationals lose or benefit from the “Build Back Better” agenda that pushed the YELLOW zone into a system of forced drops in the standards of living?
What you will note from the post-COVID “build back better” pushers, also not coincidentally the same interests who pushed the Russian sanction regime, is their investments in the grey zone act as offsets for the current collateral damage.
In essence the multinationals created a win/win. Their BBB policy within the yellow zone intentionally drives prices higher, while their investments were hedged creating low ‘total cost of goods’ (TCG) manufacturing systems outside the West. I previously said we should watch this supply chain carefully because from an economic standpoint we (nationalists) would suffer, the multinationals (globalists) would not.
Now, I want us to look at the first indicators of this dynamic – shared through the prism of the Politico article [excerpt below]:
POLITICO – […] Before the [Russia v Ukraine] war, the annual electricity bill was about €80,000. It’s nearly doubled since then, said managing director Christoph Keim, son of the company’s founder, a chemist who got his start after World War II with a company making disinfectants. Prices for customers rose, while profit margins shrank.
Eventually, costs receded. Relief came. But things didn’t return to their pre-war level. Instead, Keim entered a troubling new normal, where energy prices are double those of overseas rivals.
That reality is slowly eroding thousands of similar companies across Europe’s industrial heartland. Germany, Europe’s manufacturing powerhouse, has fallen into a recession expected to extend through the year’s end. Even global German stalwarts like Volkswagen, a name almost synonymous with the mighty Das Auto itself, are staring at unprecedented plant closures.
More broadly across the EU, output from key energy-intensive sectors like chemicals and steel is declining. Plants are shutting down. Industrial champions are announcing layoffs. (read more)
I hope everyone takes the time to read the full article. While the context is specifically focused on Europe, the BBB consequences apply to the USA also via Joe Biden and Kamama Harris energy policy.
In essence, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy; one you might note is exactly the preferred outcome of the Barack Obama worldview. The West spreads the wealth to the Grey zone, then the 3rd world (non west) starts to replace the economic strength of the West because they are not restrained by the insufferable policies of the climate control/energy policy group.
The West ends up in a position where we cannot compete not only on the issue of ‘cheap labor’, the historic problem, but also on the issue of cheap reliable and abundant energy production.
On the financial side, the citizens within the Western Build Back Better zone suffer through inflation and massive losses in stand of living, while the alternative areas gain the benefit of better competitive manufacturing prices. The multinationals simply shift the area from which they make money.
The “exfiltration of wealth” we have previously discussed, ends up as investment into manufacturing systems we cannot compete with.
The attendees of the World Economic Forum benefit because the multinationals who make up the WEF assembly have prepositioned their assets and investments. This is being done by design. None of the downsides to this energy policy affect the WEF bank accounts, the only people who suffer are the citizens forced to pay higher prices and fewer jobs.
This dynamic is not going to stop unless the West immediately reverses course on energy production." .......
This explains so much:
Why that even though Multi-Nationals could and did make good money under President Trump's policies, they still paid to overthrow him. They are invested to profit off of America's demise.
Why our Proxy War in Ukraine really functions as a Proxy War on America.
Why, just as they are replacing Western citizens with illegals, they positioned their foreign businesses to replace ours.
Why they turned down Pres. Putin's request to join NATO. It would have been good for the West and would have put China and Iran on the outside. But our Dirty Whore-Garbage Elites had already sold out to the Chinee Slave Power and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Why they tried to assassinate our President from atop the BlackRock Building in Butler PA.
This wicked scheme of Pre-Emptive Unconditional Poverty is also an attack on the West's Middle Class. That's because the Middle Class is a bulwark against Communist Radicalism and a competing Power Center to the Leviathan State.
They also wish to transfer all the wealth of the Middle Class and Main Street to themselves in some Neo-Feudal Hacienda Society.
This is how they plan to install a One World Government, with themselves in charge, naturally, which is to say unnaturally.
But our Good Father has Other Plans!
This one:
Haggai 2:
7 I will shake all nations, and the One desired by all nations will come. Then I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord of the Heavenly Armies.
8 “The silver belongs to me, as does the gold,” declares the Lord of the Heavenly Armies. 9 “The glory of this present house will be greater than was the former,” declares the Lord of the Heavenly Armies. “And in this place I will grant peace,” declares the Lord of the Heavenly Armies.”
And this one:
Psalm 105:37 He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.

My children, the children of the Most High God, this is the time to walk into your Promised Land. This is the time of your freedom. This is the time of great RESTORATION. This is the time of GREAT CELEBRATION. This is that time of a GREAT AWAKENING and just as I had written in My Word in Joel, in Acts, I AM POURING OUT MY SPIRIT UPON ALL FLESH. ALLOW ME TO POUR OUT MY SPIRIT UPON YOU IN GREATER MEASURE. DO NOT LIMIT ME. I’M AN UNLIMITED GOD. I’M READY TO POUR OUT MY SPIRIT. I JUST NEED WILLING VESSELS TO RECEIVE IT. Whilst you see the storm that’s barrelling down against your enemies and when you see their complete devastation and catastrophic damage done to their establishment and their foundations, their foundations will be brought to nothing. As you see these things, remember I DID THAT FOR YOU. EARNESTLY REMEMBER WHO I AM AND MY LOVE, BUT ALSO REMEMBER MY FAITHFULNESS. I AM FAITHFUL TO A THOUSAND GENERATIONS. You are part of that faithfulness. You are part of the generations that will see My hand move. My hand that no foe can withstand. My hand that shatters your enemy. My hand that restores and renews. This is that time that I have waited for you. Many things are going to try and shake you. Many things are going to try to get you off of My Word and away from it. It’s always the darkest point before a breakthrough and before the brightest part of your life. You will see a lot of darkness and you see what looks like a lot of despair. I’m not done. That’s not the end. It’s the end for your enemies. It’s the end to their plan. It’s the end of their power. It’s the end, not for you. Do not back off from Me but PRESS IN MORE TO MY WORD. PRESS IN AND ASK ME FOR MORE REVELATION. IF YOU ASK ME FOR MORE REVELATION I WILL GIVE IT TO YOU. IF YOU ASK ANYTHING IN MY NAME I WILL DO IT. ASK ME FOR MORE GLORY. ASK ME FOR MORE PEACE OR MORE JOY. AND YES YOU CAN ASK ME FOR FINANCES.
All Your Promises are Yes and Amen, Lord Jesus, so we say Yes and Amen to You!
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