Before the Lord God does anything, he tells his servants the prophets.
The lion has roared! Who wouldn’t be afraid?
The Lord God has spoken, and I must prophesy his message."--Amos 3:6-8

Command the Foreword | Dutch Sheets - YouTube
Apostle Tim Sheets releases a Magnificent Word by the Holy Spirit.
"I will now deal with the oppressors of My People. I will move swiftly and with jealous aggression with my first responders. For I have heard their cries and I will break the hold of the taskmasters' rule. Though they bowed their necks in stubborn resistance, I will lead them with nose rings to their place of destruction. Like oxen to the slaughter, I will pull them to stalls of disgrace. The commanding influence of the oppressor's curse will break from the hearts of my people. The disheartening crack of the taskmasters whip will no longer be heard by my sons and daughters. They will not carry the burdens of their oppressors. They will not toil for their enemy's gain. They will not work as slaves of cultural brutality. They will not glean empty fields because they worship me. No, they will own the fields where they have gleaned, The breaking sound heard by my triumphant remnant will be the cracking sound of their oppressors; authority shattering. The words of their pharaoh will be as chaff in the winds as my angels scatter their defiance enforcing the decrees of My Ecclesia. Michael and his chariots of fire have receive their orders. Gabriel has communicated strategies through angel armies. Breakthrough angels are now activated, Pharoah will not have the final word. I will have the final word. ... I will reset the History of the United States." .......
A very powerful Must-Watch.
Amanda Grace Prophetic Word: The Eclipse of the White House | June 2 2023 - YouTube
"There are three lines being drawn in your nation."
Expect A Miracle with Richard Roberts: Calling Forth Destiny with Robin Bullock (
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A Watchman’s Journal (
June 19, 2023 ACTION ITEMS: Video THE SCORCHING WIND June 20, 2023
*Ministry to those who have lost their identity (or a part of their identity): Lead them to Jesus and salvation, Ask Holy Spirit to show them the first lie they were told, Break the power of that and all lies attached to the first lie, Come out of agreement with the lies, Ask for and receive your true identity to be restored to you.
*Do not be dismayed, discouraged, or fearful at the Clown Show being played out in Washington, D.C. Cry out: “Give us justice!”
*We are to ask questions about things we have taken for granted in the areas of our society—ask, why is that this way? Why couldn’t a solution to this problem already been found?
*Rise up in your authority and demand that this STOLEN LIGHT be returned to you, to the Church, and to your Nation. Decree: “Give me back the light you have stolen from my life, my Church, and my Nation. I have caught you, thief, and you must release this light back to me sevenfold!”
*The Father wants us to have this mindset: look at this season of great change as a GRAND ADVENTURE. Don’t look at the future with dread—He is our future! Don’t focus on hoarding supplies—expect Him to provide supernaturally in abundance so that we will have an overflow to share with those in need.
*Begin to draw on His promised future of abundance and peace and pull it into your present. Look with eyes of faith at the adventure before you.
*“Let these words be on your lips, ‘STIR UP, STIR UP, oh WINDS of GOD!’ Then send these SPIRIT WINDS to accomplish My will and to carry out My plans:
*STIR UP the camp of the enemy with STRIFE, PANIC, SUSPICION, and CONFUSION.
*STIR UP the Army of Light with RENEWED VISION for VICTORY and STRENGTH to finish well.
*STIR UP the Host of Heaven to FULFILL their orders with complete FIERCENESS and BRILLIANT LIGHT to MOW DOWN the forces of darkness.
*STIR UP the Court of Heaven to begin RELEASING their GUILTY VERDICTS into the earth where they will MANIFEST in the courts on the earth.
*STIR UP the UNCOVERING WINDS that will reveal HIDDEN DOCUMENTS and SECRET MEETINGS where great evil was planned.
*STIR UP the winds that will BLOW AWAY the spirit of DELUSION that has BLINDED the masses.
*STIR UP the winds of PASSION in people’s hearts to KNOW Me and the POWER of My Kingdom.
*STIR UP the WINDS OF CHANGE to usher in a brand new day of LIFE, PEACE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS.
"The Father says a scorching wind will blow through Washington, D.C. Many trees will lose their leaves as the blast of my fiery breath strips them bare and exposes their nakedness. Some of the trees will come crashing down and the sound of their fall will be heard worldwide. Some trees will be uprooted and carried away and you will see them no more. The scorching wind that I blow through in D.C. will light fires in the trees of capitals worldwide. As the sinister web of lies, treason, theft and death agendas are exposed and laid bare before the eyes of the People. This scorching wind will strike without warning. No earthly weather forecast will predict its coming. But I am giving My Army of Light, My Special Forces, Heaven's forecast of this Scorching Wind of Doom and I am assuring you that it is coming. Do not be dismayed, discouraged or fearful at the Clown Show being played out in Washington, D.C.. The corrupt trees are standing tall and spewing arrogant words of accusation against My appointed leader and all who support him. They are experts in projecting their evil, darkened hearts on to My leader and My People. My Scorching Wind will melt their clown masks and who they are will be shown to the world. Arrogant words will give way to stammering excuses and great shame as their evil hearts are exposed. "Give us Justice!" will be the cry worldwide as my Scorching Wind blows through D.C." .......
"Real love does not sentence you to live the rest of your life under a false identity. ...Ask my Spirit to show you the first lie told to you about your identity."
And: The Big Lie Meets the Truth Bomb
"They will become prisoners of the war they launched against you and your freedom."
Did you know the word "comeuppance" means to face Justice from a military tribunal?
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Ephesians 4: 11 and He gave some [as] apostles, and some [as] prophets, and some [as] proclaimers of good news, and some [as] shepherds and teachers, 12 unto the perfecting of the saints, for a work of ministration, for a building up of the body of the Christ, 13 till we may all come to the unity of the faith and of the recognition of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to a measure of stature of the fulness of the Christ, 14 that we may no more be babes, tossed and borne about by every wind of the teaching, in the sleight of men, in craftiness, unto the artifice of leading astray, 15 and, being true in love, we may increase to Him [in] all things, who is the head -- the Christ; 16 from whom the whole body, being fitly joined together and united, through the supply of every joint, according to the working in the measure of each single part, the increase of the body doth make for the building up of itself in love. |
"My DELUGE of TRUTH will WASH THEM into a PIT, and My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE will come CRASHING DOWN on them. Call in My DELUGE OF TRUTH! It is BUILDING and BUILDING as more and more EXPOSE themselves as being COMPROMISED and actually working for the DARKNESS. The DELUGE will REVEAL IT ALL—down to every CORRUPT ROOT, and it will all be WASHED AWAY.” .......
I have told you time and time again to watch the skies above you. More and more things will continue to occur that cannot be explained. (There will be) more military, yes. They will fill the skies above you more and more. Some things you will know about, and some you will not. But remember what I have said- you are getting your nation back, and nothing you are about to see will change that fact.
A STORM IS COMING TO SHAKE THIS EARTH ( Green, June 19: "This storm is totally different."
The world will be Reset in a day, as God's Glory fills the earth. Look up, Child of God!
Ron Kenoly - The Battle is the Lord's (Live) - YouTube
"No one could see anyone else, nor could anyone get up from his place for three days. But there was light for all the Israelis in their dwellings."--Exodus 10:23
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Goshen: "drawing near" |
"...Things are falling apart for your enemies. They're falling apart. Something shocking, shocking, will come out of your White House- a shocking announcement. Something shocking will come out of the Supreme Court. You think you know what it is, but you don't. People won't see these things coming, not this way.
Look up and focus on Me. You will need to focus on Me in this time, yes. A great darkness is brewing, and the evil ones are preparing. They are preparing to bring great evil upon this world and do things to you in a way they've never done.
I will hold them (your enemies) back, and they won't get what they want. But, My children, I need you to speak My Words. Do what I tell you to do. Stand and pray and focus. Focus. Focus on Me and who I really am, what I have already done for My children, and what I have already done on this Earth to save mankind from everything Satan wants to do- (just as He has done) every time. I'm no different (God doesn't change).
An announcement is going to be made- a great announcement. Oh, United States, prepare for this announcement. It will be one to try and break you one last time, and bring division, discord, confusion, and despair. But what they're doing will end their evil empire and their evil regime. They are not going down without a fight. No, they're fighting. They're fighting hard. And they don't care who they take out with them.
My army, My army, is being built. My army is being perfected. My army is growing- an unstoppable army that's undefeated. So get up. Get up where you are. Get fed up. Get fed up with where you are and what the enemy has done to you. Get fed up. Stand up. Use My Word. Use My Word with force. Manifestations of My Word will come quicker and quicker and quicker despite the darkness, despite the announcements, despite the shaking, and despite everything that they're doing.
On the other side, it's like My Goshen- glory, light, revival, prosperity. Yes. There is darkness, destruction, and chaos on one side, and the other is so beautiful. It's a uniting in Me and receiving My Glory that I have always wanted to pour out. Things that I've been holding back because I had to. My children limited Me. They didn't believe, they didn't see, they didn't expect, and they didn't ask. I said- seek, and you will find. Ask. Ask. Ask, and it will be given unto you. Remember, knock, and the door will be opened. I have been waiting for My kids to ask. I have been waiting for My kids to seek. I have been waiting for My kids to come to My door. I am a Father who wants to give.
So despite what you see, despite what goes on, live with Me. Live with Me in My Glory. These are those days. Don't look for the bad. Look for My goodness. Don't pay attention to the darkness. Pay attention to that great light. I am doing things for My children that I have never done, no. And it brings great joy to My heart. Great joy.
So, sing. Sing. Sing. Sing praises. Sing praises and watch your enemies scatter before your face. Because I, the Lord, am coming. I am coming. I am coming, and the world will see that I am not dead. I am still alive, and I am the same Great I AM, saith the Lord." .......
4-5 “‘So get to work, Zerubbabel!’—God is speaking.
“‘Get to work, Joshua son of Jehozadak—high priest!’
“‘Get to work, all you people!’—God is speaking.
“‘Yes, get to work! For I am with you.’ The God-of-the-Angel-Armies is speaking! ‘Put into action the word I covenanted with you when you left Egypt. I’m living and breathing among you right now. Don’t be timid. Don’t hold back.’
6-7 “This is what God-of-the-Angel-Armies said: ‘Before you know it, I will shake up sky and earth, ocean and fields. And I’ll shake down all the godless nations. They’ll bring bushels of wealth and I will fill this Temple with splendor.’ God-of-the-Angel-Armies says so.
8 ‘I own the silver,
I own the gold.’
Decree of God-of-the-Angel-Armies.
9 “‘This Temple is going to end up far better than it started out, a glorious beginning but an even more glorious finish: a place in which I will hand out wholeness and holiness.’ Decree of God-of-the-Angel-Armies.”
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