Translation: Your Vaxx-Stroke is your own fault for over-exercising.
mRNA Vaccines: The CIA and National Defense This isn't going to end well. (
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Paid by Pfizer vs. Pfeared by Pfizer |
“He [Dr. Franken-Fauci] has a $6.1 billion budget that he distributes to colleges and universities to do drug research for various diseases,” Kennedy said. He has another $1.7 billion that comes from the military to do bioweapons research, and that is why he had to do the gain of function … He was locked into that; 68% of his personal salary comes from doing military/bioweapons research that used to be called ‘dual-use.’”So, if you can say “I’m doing vaccine research,” then you can do bioweapons research, backdoor bioweapons research, and that’s what he did. After the anthrax attacks in 2001, the Pentagon and the CIA began pouring money into bioweapons research. The Pentagon was nervous about doing it itself, because of the ban, the prohibition on it. So, those cohorts began funneling money to Tony Fauci to do it because he could legitimately say, “Well, I’m not really doing bioweapons research, I’m doing vaccine research.”
And Fauci was giving them millions and millions of dollars but the biggest contributor was the CIA, which gave about $69 million through USA ID to do that kind of research, and then the Pentagon through DARPA, which gave about $39 million to do that. And the three of them are all working in tandem, U.S. agencies with smaller amounts coming from Homeland Security, and the other agencies and they were teaching the Chinese how to weaponize bat viruses."--Who’s the Real Anthony Fauci? Read RFK, Jr.’s Runaway Best-Seller Book to Find Out.• Children’s Health Defense (
COVID: "It's A U.S. Government Operation" (
(Jan. '22) “A week ago, I discussed how the Department of Homeland Security filed for a patent regarding “fusion proteins containing luciferase” in 2017, and was granted the patent in 2019. Luciferase has only one purpose in medicine: tracking things. That’s all the proof you need to understand that the U.S. government is building a global surveillance state where people are tracked biometrically in real time.
How does the Biden regime get you tagged with Luciferase? Through the new vaccines of course.
I talked about how Tony Fauci and Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak were involved in the funding and creation of weaponized bat coronaviruses in China — and how Peter Daszak was one of the people who organized corporate media around the world to deny the link between the virus and the Wuhan Lab. In other words, there was a global disinformation campaign to hide the origins of COVID-19 that was led by the exact same people who had created it.
Now we have Dr. Robert Malone explaining how vaccine manufacturing facilities in Canada are being funded by “an investment arm of the CIA.” Just as some of the vaccine companies themselves — like Moderna — are funded by DARPA which is (according to Dr. Malone) “basically an arm of the CIA.”
Watch this three-minute video:
Dr. Robert Malone Explains the Role of the CIA in the Development of mRNA Vaccines (
This new information leads to a number of troubling questions.
Why have our national security agencies — which supposedly protect our liberties — been so silent while Americans have been subjected to a forced vaccination campaign along with a medical apartheid plan?
Perhaps our spy agencies can’t be bothered to discover the origins of COVID because such an investigation would ultimately implicate our spy agencies?
And which government agencies made the “the strange decision” to drop all regulatory norms of medical research regarding the COVID vaccines in order to coerce every American into getting injected as fast as possible?
Now listen to Dr. Peter McCullough on the origins of the COVID virus:
Dr. Peter McCullough: “It Was a Government Operation That Created SARS-COV-2 & the Spike Protein” (
Do you see the terrible outline? Do you see where this is all going? We are just starting to see why the Department of Homeland Security filed for a bio-surveillance protein patent two years before the official outbreak of COVID. And why Obama’s deputy director of the CIA showed up at a coronavirus simulation exercise called Event 201 in November 2019. We are just starting to see why DARPA — which is the R&D wing of the CIA according to Dr. Malone — is “heavily invested” in vaccine development.
The U.S. government created the COVID virus.
The U.S. government created the COVID vaccines.
The U.S. government got a patent for Luciferase tracking proteins to be used in the vaccines.
The U.S. government allowed dangerous DNA vaccines to be produced without proper safety trials.
The U.S. government illegally forced our military to get injected with an “emergency use authorization” drug never approved by the FDA.
The U.S. government worked with Big Tech companies to censor Americans who told the truth about the COVID vaccines.
The U.S government forced ordinary Americans into getting injected with these experimental vaccines too.
The U.S. government then fired any employee or contractor who refused to take their non-FDA approved drugs — and coerced private companies into doing the same thing.
All the conspiracy theories are coming true.” …….
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Project Veritas Confirms My Reporting On Fauci & DARPA (
–Emerald Robinson (Jan. 22):
“Project Veritas released a trove of documents today that originated from DARPA — which is the secret research & development wing of the U.S. military. The military documents directly contradict Dr. Fauci’s testimony under oath to Congress regarding “gain of function” bioweapons research — and reveal much more. …
Three months ago, DARPA began directly responding to some of my tweets regarding their role in Moderna’s mRNA vaccine. The responses came from DARPA’s official Twitter account. …DARPA was apparently quite proud of the fact that it provided grant money to Moderna for vaccine development. It did not occur to them that it’s an unprecedented conflict of interest for the U.S. federal government to be coercing Americans into getting an experimental vaccine when the supposedly private company that creates the experimental vaccine is basically a subsidiary of the federal government.
…Why was DARPA interested in experimental DNA vaccines in the first place? Since when does DARPA get involved in healthcare?
Well, it turns out that DARPA is actually interested in an implantable microchip “that can change human DNA.”
Here’s where things get very dark and very interesting. In a 2019 article title “The Government Is Serious About Creating Mind-Controlled Weapons” the author Edd Gent explains that DARPA wants to genetically “tweak” human beings. How is that possible? The article explains that DARPA “plans to use viruses modified to deliver genetic material into cells — called viral vectors — to insert DNA into specific neurons that will make them produce two kinds of proteins.”
Are you awake yet? They want to use viruses that have been modified to deliver genetic material into your cells to change your DNA. How would that work? The article explains:
The first type of protein absorbs light when a neuron is firing, which makes it possible to detect neural activity. An external headset would send out a beam of infrared light that can pass through the skull and into the brain. Detectors attached to the headset would then measure the tiny signal that is reflected from the brain tissue to create an image of the brain. Because of the protein, the targeted areas will appear darker (absorbing light) when neurons are firing, generating a read of brain activity that can be used to work out what the person is seeing, hearing or trying to do.
The second protein tethers to magnetic nanoparticles, so the neurons can be magnetically stimulated to fire when the headset generates a magnetic field. This could be used to stimulate neurons so as to induce an image or sound in the patient’s mind. As a proof of concept, the group plans to use the system to transmit images from’ the visual cortex of one person to that of another.
The words that should stick out for you are: magnetic nanoparticles. That’s usually another name for: graphene oxide. There are numerous reports that graphene oxide is an undisclosed ingredient showing up in the experimental vaccines. If that’s true, then the question must be asked: why is such a thing being distributed secretly into the population (without their consent) using the experimental vaccines?
Let’s be clear what we do know now: American taxpayers actually paid the Chinese Communist Party to create COVID-19. Fauci and Peter Daszak and Dr. Ralph Baric did everything they could to create this bioweapon. When things “went bad” the U.S. government actively suppressed the truth to the American people about its origins. Then the U.S. government actively suppressed cheap cures like Ivermectin and HCQ in order to push experimental vaccines being developed by DARPA. (How many people died because of that decision?) The American corporate media also actively collaborated with the U.S. federal government to suppress the truth about COVID — including by branding honest journalists as “conspiracy theorists” who accurately reported the truth.
These are the broad outlines of a criminal conspiracy the likes of which we have never seen before.” …….
RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company (
Investigative Reports
RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company
Since late last year, messenger RNA for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines, including its recently reformulated Omicron booster, has been exclusively manufactured by a little known company with significant ties to US intelligence.BY WHITNEY WEBB
AUGUST 17, 2022
Pandemic Leaders Were Biodefense Puppets and Profiteers ⋆ Brownstone Institute
They might be unscrupulous, sycophantic, greedy, or power-mongering. You might think they make bad moral or ethical decisions. But it defies logic to say that every single one of them understands simple scientific data less than, say, someone like me or you. In fact, I find that to be a facile, superficial judgment that does not get to the root cause of their seemingly stupid, incompetent behavior.
There must, therefore, be a different reason why all the top pro-lockdown scientists and public health experts – in perfect lockstep – suddenly started (and continue to this day) to misread studies and advocate policies that they had claimed in the past were unnecessary, making themselves look like fools.
The most crucial single fact to know and remember when trying to understand the craziness of Covid times is this:
The public health experts were not responsible for pandemic response policy. The military-intelligence-biodefense leadership was in charge.
In previous articles, I examined in great detail the government documents that show how standard tenets of public health pandemic management were abruptly and secretly thrown out during Covid. The most startling switch was the replacement of the public health agencies by the National Security Council and Department of Homeland Security at the helm of pandemic policy and planning.
I’ve tried — to no avail — to engage Lerman and Tucker on the legal history and analysis that support the conclusion that Covid-19 programs and all ‘public health emergencies,’ are pretexts for US military-run, intentional maiming and killing campaigns in military support of a geopolitical power-grab by global financial criminals pursuing a diabolically-inspired, multi-generational depopulation and enslavement agenda.
The legal evidence does not support the government narrative: that global pandemics (natural and/or lab-created) are a true threat to humanity to which governments are responding benevolently with massive ‘public health’ preparedness and response programs using industrialized, liability-free ‘biodefense’ product manufacturing and deployment.
Lerman’s characterization of the crisis is that Covid-19 was “an international counterterrorism effort focused myopically on lockdowns and vaccines, to the exclusion of all traditional and time-tested public health protocols.”
This indicates to me that she accepts the underlying public health police state premise: that there are global biological threats for which ‘public health’ programs — the “traditional, time-tested” kind — are legitimate responses.
After several failed attempts to engage Lerman and Tucker by email, I stopped trying. I write for and work with people who are looking for truth; I steer clear, as much as I can, of people who are actively avoiding it.
My view, from reading the Covid-19 lessons-learned reporting and analysis by Lerman and Tucker over the past year or so, is that Brownstone Institute’s role is to protect the public health system and public health officials from public understanding of how HHS public health programs are actually just part of joint military operations with DoD.
Keeping people from understanding the DoD-HHS partnership structure helps protect the HHS-led branch of the US war machine from blowback: public outrage, public contempt, and legislative and judicial dismantling and de-funding of federal and global public health-predicated martial law systems.
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Fauci celebrates killing Hank Aaron |
Georgetown Hires Anthony Fauci As "Distinguished Professor" Of Infectious Diseases | ZeroHedge:
“Starting July 1, Fauci will serve as a Distinguished University Professor in the School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases, an academic division that provides clinical care, conducts research and trains future physicians in infectious diseases,” the institution announced Monday.
“He will also hold an additional appointment in the university’s McCourt School of Public Policy.”
Georgetown President John DeGioia stated “Fauci has embodied the Jesuit value of
Mass Murderbeing in service to others throughout his career, and we are grateful to have his expertise, strong leadership and commitment to guiding the next generation of leaders to meet the pressing issues of our time.”
Professor Emeritus of Genocide and Money-Grubbing With a Gun-Free for Thee Zone-Exemption and $5 Million for a Distinguished Doctor of Depopulation that could have gone to needy students.

Sick From the Jab, A Young Actress Chose To End Her Own Life (
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Amen! |
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