"When a trumpet blows a warning, the people tremble.
When trouble comes to a city, the Lord has caused it.
Before the Lord God does anything, he tells his servants the prophets.
The lion has roared! Who wouldn’t be afraid?
The Lord God has spoken, and I must prophesy his message."--Amos 3:6-8
Psalm 121:
I look up to the hills.
But where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord.
He made heaven and earth.
He will not let you be defeated.
He who guards you never sleeps.
He who guards Israel
never rests or sleeps.
The Lord guards you.
The Lord protects you as the shade protects you from the sun.
The sun cannot hurt you during the day.
And the moon cannot hurt you at night.
The Lord will guard you from all dangers.
He will guard your life.
The Lord will guard you as you come and go,
both now and forever.
Midweek Online - YouTube--Tim Sheets: "I Am Your Strong Savior!"
"Ecclesia, contend in faith as I harden the hearts of your enemies."
THE GREAT DAM OF LIES IS BREAKING (rumble.com): Julie Green, from June 9, streamed June 23:
"A Cleansing Everywhere to Usher In My Glory."
Prophecy: Justice shall be served, Temperatures will rise | Hank Kunneman - YouTube
Rabbi Kirt Schneider joins Amanda Grace: Entering His Presence: A Journey into the River of God's Word and Spirit (substack.com:
Taking the Rainbow Back --The Movement
Taking the Rainbow Back--My History
Amanda Grace's Full Testimony: Embracing God's Calling Amidst Adversity (substack.com)
Prophetic Weekly - Shawn Bolz Lana Vawser Nate Johnston Andrew Towe - YouTube--Joe Joe Dawson
Boomerang - June Prophetic Word — Celebrate Freedom Ministries--Yvon Attia:
"The principle of the boomerang is coming into full effect starting this June;
Galatians 6:7-9
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A person reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Two distinct types of boomerang, including me to reward the remnant of God and the other to judge the evil that people have done against God’s people. Those who are in covenant with God will find their boomerangs returning with their promises and decrees. Their blessings are about to be released back to them.
I was reminded of Noah, We see this clearly in Genesis 6, Noah was faithful to God and persevered while the earth was full of evil. The Bible states;
Genesis 6:9 Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. ...
God clearly said that there is a clear distinction and greater fruitfulness this will only happen with people who are will to go through the pruning.
I clearly heard the Lord say you better start pruning from this month onward," .......
Ep152 /// The Realities of Heaven - Kat Kerr and Aaron Winter with Bobby Haaby by Eagle Mountain Radio (spotify.com)

NATHAN FRENCH: I SAW NEW WINE SKINS ALL OVER AMERICA! (rumble.com)--hosted by Yvon Attia:
Awaken The Planet:
Saturday, July 1st, 2023
The Greater Tacoma Convention Center
“Many years ago the Lord led me by his Spirit turn by turn to the Tacoma Dome. I had an open vision of a huge crowd of people repenting of their sins and flooding the altar in tears. First, Godly sorrow and then abundant joy! Leaders from all walks began to assemble under a love banner seeing each other as friends, laboring in the same field. He said, if we confess our sins he would cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He said, "I want to wash Washington!" That is the cleansing, The Lord called it Wash-A-Ton. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and ready to sweep the land. Awaken means to wake up! I saw restored relationships and the chains of sin fall then the hand of God came down. We shall see the greatest move of God in history, sweep the nations of the earth, for the glory of the Father. We have been born for such a time as this. We believe this is a whole new beginning of revival unto awakening. You are invited to be a part of uniting the bride, to see Jesus lifted high. Jesus is going to Awaken the Planet!” - Nathan French .......

June 25, 2023
“I see a lot of ANXIETY in the HEARTS of My children over the TIMING of My RESCUE OPERATION. ANXIOUS THOUGHTS STEAL FAITH and WEAKEN YOUR DECLARATIONS. Let’s talk about this together. I AM not CONDEMNING you for having ANXIETY about the FUTURE of your Nation, and I UNDERSTAND that what you SEE being done by the darkness is DESTRUCTIVE. I AM pulling you aside today to talk about this because I have such a HIGHER WAY for you to walk through this season of the GREAT WAR. ANXIETY and DREAD are LIFE-STEALERS. All you begin to see is the DARKNESS and how they APPEAR to be WINNING.
Let Me ask you this: Are there LIMITS to My ABILITY to RESCUE, REVIVE, and RESTORE? Is there ever a situation that goes TOO FAR that I CANNOT TURN IT AROUND? I have given you BIBLICAL PATTERNS to STEADY your FAITH—the Red Sea rescue, Haman’s gallows, raising Lazarus from the dead, and My Son’s resurrection. When ANXIOUS THOUGHTS arise, take it as a WARNING that your FAITH has not been ACTIVATED in that area. Bring Me your anxious thoughts, and I will ASSURE you of My POWER and My FAITHFULNESS in that area. If you will SURRENDER to Me the TIMING of when and where I RESCUE, you will be RELEASED to live in My PEACE and in HOPEFUL EXPECTANCY of the FULFILLMENT of My PROMISES.
When you SURRENDER TO MY TIMING, you are LETTING GO OF CONTROL, and you will find GREAT FREEDOM and PEACE as you REST in My GOODNESS and My ENORMOUS POWER. Goodbye CONTROL and ANXIETY and hello PEACE and FAITH. Learn to live SURRENDERED TO MY TIMING—it’s the way of PEACE, and peace gives birth to POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE prayers of faith that bring in the FULLNESS of My Kingdom.”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
Exodus 15:1-8
Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to God, giving voice together,
I’m singing my heart out to God—what a victory! He pitched horse and rider into the sea. God is my strength, God is my song, and, yes! God is my salvation. This is the kind of God I have and I’m telling the world! This is the God of my father— I’m spreading the news far and wide! God is a fighter, pure God, through and through. Pharaoh’s chariots and army he dumped in the sea, The elite of his officers he drowned in the Red Sea. Wild ocean waters poured over them; they sank like a rock in the deep blue sea. Your strong right hand, God, shimmers with power; your strong right hand shatters the enemy. In your mighty majesty you smash your upstart enemies, You let loose your hot anger and burn them to a crisp. At a blast from your nostrils the waters piled up; Tumbling streams dammed up, wild oceans curdled into a swamp.
Yes and Amen, Our Lord Jesus, Strong to Save, Mighty to Deliver!
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