Monday, June 3, 2024

Victory Over the Legal Non-Crime Crimes of the Felonious Garbage Government

"In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State."--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Isaiah 1:

The Degenerate City

21 How the faithful city
has become a prostitute!
She was full of justice;
righteousness lodged in her,
but now murderers.
22 Your silver has become dross,
your wine mixed with water.
23 Your princes are rebellious
and companions of thieves;
everyone loves a bribe
and follows after rewards.
They do not defend the fatherless,
nor does the cause of the widow come before them.

24 Therefore the Lord, the Lord of Hosts,
the Mighty One of Israel, says:
Ah, I will get relief from My adversaries,
and avenge Myself on My enemies.
25 And I will turn My hand against you,
thoroughly purge away your dross,
and take away all your impurities.
26 I will restore your judges as at the first,
and your counselors as at the beginning.
Afterward you shall be called
the city of righteousness,
a faithful town.

27 Zion shall be redeemed with justice
and her converts with righteousness.
28 But the destruction of the transgressors and sinners shall be together,
and those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed.


It's often said that in the Swamp System of Legalized Bribery, the real crime in DC isn't what is illegal, but what is legal.

In this Police State persecution of Actual President Donald Trump, that is literally true. 

In the Bank Loan "case", the True President made a perfectly legal business loan using best business practices. By convicting him of this non-crime, New York has essentially labeled every real estate developer who ever took a loan as a criminal. Prison Matron Hochul promises that this was a Bill of Attainder ruling just for Rightful President Trump but no one believes her. Because once you give a tyrant a new tool of terror, they never willingly put it back in the toolbox.

In the E. Jean Carroll Fantasy Rape "case", they took a perfectly legal Law and Order rerun and plagiarized it Biden-style, scribbling Donald Trump's name into it.

In the Mar-a-Lago Documents "case", they called the True President's perfectly legal retention of declassified documents a Certified National Security Crisis(tm). That's so they can spy on defendants in a way they could not do under regular criminal law, while hiding their own crimes in secrecy behind the flag.

And nevermind that Joey Chinawhore was granted a Brain Damage Pardon for his blatantly illegal and treasonous possession and sale of Top Secrets. 

As one wag put it, "I'm Voting for the Felon Who's Competent to Stand Trial."  heh heh. 


btw, everyone knows that those documents prove the FBI's guilt, not Duly-Reelected President Trump's.

In the Georgia Election "case", the Rightful President made a perfectly legal request for an honest recount. That reasonable and proper request was denied by Kowtow Kemp and Beijing Brad, who sell erections to highrest bidder. With Mitch's bressing, of course. 

In every single "case", Legitimate President Trump committed no actual crimes, so the Nazi Prosecutors had to take perfectly legal acts and call them crimes before Corrupt Judges and Dirty Juries. This of course also holds true of both Fraudulent Impeachment Scams and Dirty Bob Mueller's Nazi Inquisition.

You can know for sure that your Bonafide President Donald J. Trump is not corrupt. If he were on the Bribery/Blackmail Train like all the other Traitors, Grifters, Child-Raping Sex Traffickers and devil Worshippers, they would not be prosecuting him. In fact, they would have let him serve his second term after his 49 State- Landslide in 2020.

Psalm 28:

 5 They care nothing for God or what he has done or what he has made; therefore God will dismantle them like old buildings, never to be rebuilt again.

6 Oh, praise the Lord, for he has listened to my pleadings! 7 He is my strength, my shield from every danger. I trusted in him, and he helped me. Joy rises in my heart until I burst out in songs of praise to him. 8 The Lord protects his people and gives victory to his anointed king.

9 Defend your people, Lord; defend and bless your chosen ones. Lead them like a shepherd and carry them forever in your arms.


By the Authority of the Believer, we bind the Leviathan Spirit behind the Leviathan State and decree the downfall, defeat, disgrace and disappearance of this wicked anti-Christ Regime and all cooperation with the kingdom of darkness. We speak boomerang judgement upon the enemies of God as Haman hangs upon the gallows he built for Mordecai. We decree the Divine Wealth Transfer from the heathen to the Children of God and the miraculous Healing of Not One Feeble Among Them by Your Holy Spirit. We call forth Your Glory, Lord, filling the earth as You bring billions of souls to a saving knowledge of our King Jesus. We proclaim His Mighty Name and Live unto Victory, receiving our destinies in Him. We call it done in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen!

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