Friday, June 28, 2024

The Debate was Meant to Dump Disposable Joe--but Only if Chy-Na Says So

Isaiah 63

The Lord's Victory over the Nations

63 Who is this coming
from Bozrah in Edom
with clothes stained red?
Who is this hero marching
in his glorious uniform?

“It's me, the Lord!
I have won the battle,
and I can save you!”

2 What are those red spots?
Your clothes look stained
from trampling on grapes.

3 “I alone trampled the grapes!
None of the nations helped.
I trampled nations in my anger
and stained my clothes
with their blood.

4 I did this because I wanted
to take revenge—
the time had come
to rescue my people.

In King Jesus' Mighty Name, Yes and Amen, Lord!

BREAKING: Democrat Party Insider Doug Kass Reports Biden, Klain, and Obama are Having Critical Meeting Today — Harris Furious that She is Not Being Considered as a Replacement (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit:

Pedo Joe Biden was installed as a Disposable Puppet to wreck America by Hussein Obama and his Bankster Owners, to keep their own fingerprints off of the wreckage. Now that Joey Child-Toucher has been exposed as a brain-damaged demoniac, his shelf life and usefulness has expired.

In fighting those who serve devils one always his this on one's side; their Masters hate them as much as they hate us. The moment we disable the human pawns enough to make them useless to Hell, their own Masters finish the work for us. They break their tools.”--C.S. Lewis, "That Hideous Strength"

But the next Democrat Nominee will not be determined by Jill, or Barack Obankster and certainly not by voters, however.

The choice of the next Democrat nominee is up to the Chinese Military Dictatorship.

They will have to be convinced that any new Puppet will be just as useful, pliable and submissive as their current Colonial Governor Joey Treason, who is under their complete control.

That’s why they get Bagram Air Base and Afghanistan’s resources. A Chinese Base in Cuba. The CIA handing Brazil over to them. The US Auto Industry wrecked. Control of Voting Machines and the Military Vote. Spy Balloons. Building stealth Military Bases next to our Military Bases. Deploying battalions of Chinese Troops into America disguised as illegal aliens. Spies embedded at all our universities and even weapons labs, Fentanyl Traffic protected, etc., etc., etc.. 

They probably get first pick of the sex slaves, too.

Certainly, the Clintons have a long history of Treason with China and Newsom is a particularly obsequious toady suck-up to the Dictator Xi.

But Biden will only be replaced if Xi says so.

Troy Brewer: A Special Episode w/ Dr. Laura Sanger | The Pulse 24 - YouTube

Dr. Sanger: No Longer Enslaved – nolongerenslaved

Book - The Roots of the Federal Reserve:

"By shedding light on what lies in the dark corners of history, this book reveals the spiritual landscape of the roots of the Federal Reserve. We embark on a journey through time where we trace deceptions across cultures and generations. Our voyage takes us back to the Days of Noah when the Nephilim roamed the earth. (These beings are referred to in the Old Testament as “giants” or “fallen ones.”) By following known history, archeology and symbolism, The Roots of the Federal Reserve will trace the Nephilim bloodline through the lineage of Ham and reveal the Nephilim agenda concealed for ages, operating insidiously, since the Seed war in Genesis 3. Ultimately, our journey will lead to Jekyll Island, the birthplace of the Federal Reserve and the players who participated in its creation.

This book excavates the bedrock of slavery that keeps us in bondage to debt, it reveals the domination of the “Titans,” and unmasks the destructive repercussions our monetary system has on the lives of everyday people.

A battle has been raging in the hidden recesses of our nation and the financial gate of our country has been defiled. This book unveils the spiritual forces that have been squeezing abundant life out of America. However, this is not just another sad narrative about our subjugation, rather it’s a call to freedom! Together we can release the full measure of prosperity intended for our nation, reclaim our inheritance that has been stolen, and restore our nation to once again be, “the land of the free and the home of the brave."" ....... 

June 28, 2024 ( Sheets: My Response to the Presidential Debate

"Jezebel's alliances are crumbling. They will attempt sleight-of-hand deceptions and smoke-and-mirrors diversions, but these tactics will not save them." .......

Purchase this Poster

Trump Responds Over Rumors Biden Will Be Replaced | The Gateway Pundit:

"Here’s what Fox News reported:

Former President Trump said he believes that President Biden “will be the nominee” for the Democratic Party, despite the president’s debate performance Thursday night that prompted calls from those on the left for him to withdraw from the 2024 race."

Fear not. Know that ALL of these wicked rulers are headed for the Dustbin of History, quickly and suddenly. GOD's Word.

Haggai 2:

20 Another message came to Haggai from the Lord that same day:

21 “Tell Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, ‘I am about to shake the heavens and the earth, 22 to overthrow thrones, destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations. I will overthrow their armed might, and brothers and companions will kill each other. 23 But when that happens, I will take you, O Zerubbabel my servant, and honor you like a signet ring upon my finger; for I have specially chosen you,’ says the Lord Almighty.”

1 Samuel 15:29 “And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor relent...


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