For the Lord Jehovah doth nothing, Except He hath revealed His counsel unto His servants the prophets.--Amos 3:7
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Pastor Troy Brewer: Embracing Hope: A Path to Healing - YouTube
"He will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living in the Name of King Jesus, Amen!"
Kent Christmas PROPHETIC WORD🚨[WHAT GOD SAID IS COMING TO PASS] PROPHECY: FOR AMERICA June 2, 2024 ( "I saw the walls of Jericho crumbling."
"Son, if its dead, I'll resurrect it, if it doesn't exist, I'll create it and if its impossible, I'll do it anyway."
"Have I not promised I will re-establish Justice in your nation?"
“Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, declares to the UNJUST JUDGES that your DAYS ARE NUMBERED, and your UNRIGHTEOUS DECISIONS will be WIPED AWAY.” ISAIAH 5:23-24a (TPT) ‘(Woe to the) judges and politicians who acquit the guilty for a bribe and take away the rights of the innocent. Therefore, just as tongues of fire lick up the straw and dry grass, they will be destroyed…’ ISAIAH 29:5,6 (TPT) ‘Then suddenly, in an instant, your ruthless enemies will become nothing more than dust in the wind and your vile tyrants like wind-driven chaff! She will be visited by the Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, with thunder, earthquake, and deafening noise, with whirlwind, tempest, and the blaze of a consuming fire!’
“I AM the JUST JUDGE, and My Remnant have come before Me asking for a DECISION to be made on their behalf. They have PETITIONED for UNJUST JUDGES and UNRIGHTEOUS DECISIONS to be SWEPT AWAY, and I have DECREED, ‘PETITION GRANTED!’ Therefore, I say to the UNJUST JUDGES that you will be REMOVED SUDDENLY and without any further WARNING. I have made this decision, and IT CANNOT BE REVERSED. I will LAY BARE your SECRET MEETINGS, AGREEMENTS, and BRIBES; and your life will end in DISGRACE and LOSS. As for your UNRIGHTEOUS DECISIONS, they will be SWEPT AWAY, and TRUE JUSTICE will take their place. RESTITUTION and RECOMPENSE will be given to those UNJUSTLY JUDGED, and they will be VINDICATED before the world. Those who IMPRISONED and tried to IMPRISON the INNOCENT, will TAKE THEIR PLACES BEHIND PRISON DOORS. I, Yahweh, have SPOKEN, and I WILL PERFORM IT.”Diana Larkin--A Watchman’s Journal
Donna Rigney: Jack’s Homecoming, Heaven’s Reward and Standing with Trump! - ElijahStreams:
"The enemy is overplaying his hand by trying to indict and arrest Donald Trump. This will only do My son great good and no harm will come to him, Just as the gallows Haman built for Mordecai did Mordecai no harm, but it did do great harm to Haman and his family, you will see the same thing for those who are attempting to build gallows for Donald Trump. They and their families will live to regret it."
SPECIAL TRUMP UPDATE WITH ROBIN BULLOCK: Nothing Has Changed - Trump is Still Heaven's Choice! - ElijahStreams: "Timing is always put in the mouth or the hands of a man. And God has to work with that timing somehow. But His Purpose never changes."
Matthew 5:
2-12 Then he began his teaching by saying to them, “How happy are the humble-minded, for the kingdom of Heaven is theirs! “How happy are those who know what sorrow means for they will be given courage and comfort! “Happy are those who claim nothing, for the whole earth will belong to them! “Happy are those who are hungry and thirsty for goodness, for they will be fully satisfied! “Happy are the merciful, for they will have mercy shown to them! “Happy are the utterly sincere, for they will see God! “Happy are those who make peace, for they will be sons of God! “Happy are those who have suffered persecution for the cause of goodness, for the kingdom of Heaven is theirs! “And what happiness will be yours when people blame you and ill-treat you and say all kinds of slanderous things against you for my sake! Be glad then, yes, be tremendously glad—for your reward in Heaven is magnificent. They persecuted the prophets before your time in exactly the same way.
Tim Sheets: Midweek Online (6/5/24) ( : The Covenant of Healing
Dutch Sheets--June 5, 2024 (
"...God has determined that “America shall be saved.” He has revealed that the salvation of this nation will come as the result of another great awakening. There is a clarion call echoing from the heart of God to the Church that the time has come for us to carry the mantle of revival so His transforming glory can be manifested once again in our time. And there is a company of awakened heirs who are arising with a determination to receive and reveal the power that has been passed to us. We are provoked with a fervent passion to carry the “mantle” of our spiritual inheritance and not allow it to be dormant and unused. As we humble ourselves to walk with Christ and follow the instruction of Holy Spirit, He will teach us to use the power. And the knowledge of the glory of God will spread as the evidence of His reality is seen in us and passed on through us to those around us…and even to those yet to come. Those who have gone before us received this inheritance and invested it wisely for their time. Now, as the recipients of that inheritance, we must do the same. It’s our time to carry that mantle!
Let’s pray:
Father, it’s not by our might or strength that we don this mantle with which we have been entrusted. We cannot do it on our own, but by Your Spirit, we can become vessels through which You can reveal Your glory. We are wholly devoted to You and to Your righteous cause. By the empowerment of Your Holy Spirit, we will carry and release this amazing anointing. We humble ourselves before You, and we each sincerely say, “All of me for all of You! Finish what You have started. We lift our eyes; Lord, hear our cry. Show us Your glory!” Amen!
Our decree:
We will carry the mantle of our powerful inheritance and see the glory of the Lord revealed in our time and throughout our nation." .......
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Psalm 65:1-2 O God in Zion, we wait before you in silent praise, and thus fulfill our vow. And because you answer prayer, all mankind will come to you with their requests. 3 Though sins fill our hearts, you forgive them all. 4 How greatly to be envied are those you have chosen to come and live with you within the holy tabernacle courts! What joys await us among all the good things there. 5 With dread deeds and awesome power you will defend us from our enemies, O God who saves us. You are the only hope of all mankind throughout the world and far away upon the sea. |
Hank Kunneman on Flash Point: [I SAW THE END] NOVEMBER VICTORY COMING Prophecy June 4, 2024 - YouTube
Bobby's Briefings - "It's Time - A Season of Restoration" ( Conner: Redeeming the Time and the Year of the Open Door
Live With Julie Green 🚀Prophetic Word June 1, 2024 (
"I Will not let go of your nation."
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WATCH LIVE from Amsterdam · Presence Worship on the Streets · PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AND THE WORLD ( |
Rachel Hamm: CLIP: This is how I operate in the courts of heaven (
Vindication Is Coming!! What God Told Me About Trump!! | Donna Rigney (
A Pivotal Prophetic Look: Prison Doors and a Turbulent Transition ( Grace
“My Forces of Light, I AM issuing ORDERS to DIRECT your FIRE POWER against the LIES, INTIMIDATION, and FEAR that the LEVIATHAN media continues to SPEW. The power of this MESMERIZING STRONGHOLD must be BROKEN so that those help CAPTIVE to its MIND-BINDING SPELL can AWAKEN and begin to SEE the TRUTH. The more that know the TRUTH, the SOONER the evil empire can be OVERWHELMED with CRIES and DEMANDS for the REAL TRUTH and for REAL ACCOUNTABILITY for their DARK and EVIL AGENDAS. Once Leviathan’s voice is CRUSHED and SILENCED, the TSUNAMI of TRUTH and EXPOSURE will be HELD BACK NO LONGER, and the world will DEMAND JUDGMENT and JUSTICE.
Come before Me dressed in your ROYAL SALVATION ROBES and with ONE VOICE CRY OUT, ‘Leviathan, your voice is now BOUND on the earth as it has already been BOUND in Heaven. We DECLARE that our VOICE of TRUTH will now be LOUDER and MORE POWERFUL than his voice of LIES, INTIMIDATION, and FEAR. We BIND MIND-BINDING spirits and SILENCE their INFLUENCE and BREAK APART the BARS that are holding people’s minds CAPTIVE. We LOOSE the Spirit of Truth to BLOW MIGHTILY across this Land, UNCOVERING DARKNESS and CLEANSING people’s MINDS so that they can HEAR THE TRUTH.’
As you BIND and LOOSE, My Royal Sons and Daughters, I will FLOOD your Land with TRUTH and EXPOSURES that NOTHING CAN STOP. I AM declaring, ‘LEVIATHAN, COME DOWN!’ As you follow my ORDERS, you will PARTNER in this COMING TO PASS. The day is not far off when the BELLS of FREEDOM will ring out across your Land.”
(from Oct. 2023:) Dutch Sheets | Proceed Conference (Saturday) - YouTube--the Liberty Bell Dream
Merle Haggard - Are the Good Times Really Over (I Wish a Buck Was Still Silver) - YouTube
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Let's All Ring the Liberty Bell The Prophet Merle above the Streets of Bakersfield |
How the Liberty Bell Won the Great War | History| Smithsonian Magazine:
"“In Kansas City, an old colored man who had been a slave came to touch it—he was 100 years old,” recalled James “Big Jim” Quirk, one of four Philadelphia police officers assigned to guard the Bell. (One of his descendants, Lynn Sons, shared with me the archive Quirk left his family.) When they pulled out of another town, “an aged Mammie hobbled to the door of her cabin near the tracks, raised her hands and with her eyes streaming tears called out, ‘God Bless the Bell! God Bless the Dear Bell!’ It got to us somehow.”
In Denver, a group of blind girls were permitted to touch the Bell, but one of them started sobbing and exclaimed, “I don’t only want to touch it. I want to read the letters!” While the crowd was hushed, the girl slowly read the inscription by running her fingers over the raised letters, methodically calling the words to her companions:
Atchison, Kansas, was one of scores of added stops. 1915 Bell Scrapbook from the Donald Ewald Huggins Collection; Photographs Facilitated by Independence National Historical Park" .......

John 6:21-22
“But He said to them, “It is I. Do not be afraid.” Then they gladly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.”
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