Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Faucis Will Decide If the Faucis Are Unethical Because Shut Up

Upside Down, Inside Out and Crooked to the Bone, Just Like Everything Else in ObamaWorld

(from June, 2021) Conflict of interest? Fauci's wife runs bioethics department at NIH - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com):

Christine Grady married Dr. Anthony Fauci in 1985, and together they worked on the AIDS crisis during the 1980s. Grady, 68, is a nurse-bioethicist and a senior investigator who is now Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the NIH, and also Head of the Section on Human Subjects Research.”


Forget about her husband Ratface for a minute. Being both the Ethics Czar and in charge of experimenting on humans is a giant, gaping Ethical Black Hole in and of itself.

And then you come to the Spouse Thing. A small child could tell you that you don’t have one spouse review the ethics of another spouse, especially in such a critical area. And in this "Heads I win-Tails I win" arrangement, they conveniently have Spousal Privilege from testifying against each other--another "Ethics" breach.

And then there is the Conflict Blood Money received by both Faucis while forcing a genetic experiment on everyone, including small children and pregnant women. A genetic experiment in which you've deceptively structured secret payments of hundreds of millions of dollars to your agency--without mentioning it to the Lab Rat Public.

This is what happens when you’ve been in government for as long as J. Edgar Hoover and you run a government agency like he did, as your own personal Pfiefdom.

The Faucis will decide if the Faucis did anything wrong. And if they did, they will report it to the Faucis right away!

She was with him during the #OrphanGate Murders and the Dallas Buyer’s Club AIDS Atrocities, not to mention when he was the self-anointed Illegal Beagle Kleagle.

It’s the perfect mRNA metaphor. This isn’t “Ethics”. It’s the complete inversion of Ethics.

And this Swamp Arrangement itself  proves their complete lack of ethics and integrity.

“Honey, I want to build a dangerous Super-Bug.”
“That’s ethical.”
“And I want to do it at a Chinese Bio-Weapons Lab and UNC Chapel Hill.”
“That’s ethical.”
“While hiding it from President Trump and the American people.”
“That’s ethical.”
“Using taxpayer dollars.”
“That’s ethical.”
“In partnership with DARPA, the CIA and Bill Gates.”
“That’s ethical.”
“While closing churches and shutting down the American economy.”
“That’s ethical.”
“And ruining kids’ educations.”
“That’s ethical.”
“To make hundreds of millions off of NIH patents.”
“That’s ethical.”
“While suppressing proven drugs and therapies.”
“That’s ethical.”
“To foist this experimental genetic-mad science on my pet guinea pigs, the entire world!
“That’s ethical.”

“You know, that’s why I married you, honey.”

“Why is that, Tony?”

“Because you challenge me.”........................

They sure went to a lot of trouble just to get the ballpark all to themselves.
Hank says "Hi".

Fauci Takes Professional Gaslighting to New Levels, Now Admitting Children Hospitalized COVID Cases is Wrong - The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com) (Dec. 30, 2021)

In fairness, doctoring case numbers is still doctoring!

"Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci: a ‘Formidable, Nefarious’ Partnership" by Dr. Joseph Mercola • Children's Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org)


The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense): Kennedy Jr., Robert F.: 9781510766808: Amazon.com: Books

Anthony Fauci Had a Secret, "No Record of Entry", Visit to CIA to Influence Their COVID-19 Origin Decision - The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com) (Sept. 27, 2023)

That's because the Virus is a CIA Bio-Weapon--and the VAXX is a DARPA Bio-Weapon.

Q: What do AIDS, Lyme Disease, Ebola, SARS, COVID, Monkeypox and Bird Flu all have in common?


The Good News:

Malachi 4:

1 For behold, the day comes that shall burn like an oven, and all the proud and arrogant, yes, and all that do wickedly and are lawless, shall be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.

2 But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves released from the stall and leap for joy.

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We come against the spirit of Mad Science, Murder, Sickness and Depopulation and bind these wicked dominions of the darkness by the authority of the Believer in Christ Jesus and His Gospel of Resurrection Life. We speak and decree Life, Deliverance and Victory for God’s Precious Children and we cry out for Your Glory, which is Your Presence, Father. In the Name of our King Jesus we pray, Amen!

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