...Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States of America.
I've been thinking about why at the one-year mark. There are as many reasons as there are $100-dollar bills on a pallet of money headed to Iran.
One reason is demonstrated even today by the Democrats' DACA government shutdown. I'm old enough to remember when Democrats used to get this excited about helping actual working Americans. Those days are long gone.
Even their concern for foreign nationals is all done for raw political power; they merely want the votes. Americans have always held the right to Dissolve the Government and form a new one. But Democrats claim the right to Dissolve the People and form a new People.
That is Cultural Genocide, perpetrated in the service of imposing a One-Party State on America.
If they do accidentally help an American citizen today, it is only done in the service of expanding Big Government. The Midwestern voters who put Trump over the top supported him because he supported them.
A couple of other uuuge factors: Same-sex "marriage" and the Iran Deal.
Not just because of the issues themselves, but what they signify.
SSM meant Everything Is Up For Grabs. Not just marriage, but cultural tradition, the Rule of Law, traditional morality, the Consent of the Governed, everything. Citizens sense this in their bones even if they haven't completely thought it through. If one judge can overturn a thousand years of marriage law without even consulting society, there's really nothing they think they can't do to us. That's why there wasn't even a pause before they moved on to transgender issues. Schools were coerced to let males take the sports trophies meant for girls and then shower with them afterwards. Now there is an evil push for the taxpayer-funded sexual mutilation of children who cannot give consent.
Another factor was Obama's Pre-Emptive Unconditional Surrender to the Ayatollah. That showed voters that Democrats had decided to surrender America to Islam and that gutless Republicans wouldn't lift a finger to stop it. Only Donald Trump.
But the real reason:
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Thank You, Richly Merciful Lord! |
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