Gateway Pundit: "In total Twitter applied filed applications for 1,110 foreign workers. Twitter reportedly has 3,900 employees.

Not only are they censoring Americans, they are asking us to grant their non-American Speech Hessians the visas with which to do it, taking jobs from Americans in the process.
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#ShadowBanned by Washington and Hamilton: The last time they sent Hessians to suppress our Rights |
Project Veritas:
“One strategy is to shadow ban so you have ultimate control. The idea of a shadow ban is that you ban someone but they don’t know they’ve been banned, because they keep posting and no one sees their content. So they just think that no one is engaging with their content, when in reality, no one is seeing it.”--Abhinov Vadrevu, former Twitter Software Engineer
“Yeah. That’s something we’re working on. It’s something we’re working on. We’re trying to get the shitty people to not show up. It’s a product thing we’re working on right now.”--Olinda Hassan, Bengladeshi Muslim Policy Manager for Twitter’s Trust and Safety Team
“Yeah, if they said this is: ‘Pro-Trump’ I don’t want it because it offends me, this, that. And I say I banned this whole thing, and it goes over here and they are like, ‘Oh you know what? I don’t like it too. You know what? Mo’s right, let’s go, let’s carry on, what’s next?' A lot of unwritten rules, and being that we’re in San Francisco, we’re in California, very liberal, a very blue state. You had to be… I mean as a company you can’t really say it because it would make you look bad, but behind closed doors are lots of rules. There was, I would say… Twitter was probably about 90% Anti-Trump, maybe 99% Anti-Trump.” --Twitter Content Review Agent Mo Norai
“They may have point, but it will just vanish… It’s not going to ban the mindset, it’s going to ban, like, a way of talking.”--Twitter Software Engineer Steven Pierre
“Yeah you look for Trump, or America, and you have like five thousand keywords to describe a redneck. Then you look and parse all the messages, all the pictures, and then you look for stuff that matches that stuff. I would say majority of [the algorithms] are [targeted] for Republicans.”--Twitter Engineer Pranay Singh
And for good measure, Senior Network Security Engineer Clay Haynes explains how the company is helping Robert Mueller spy on the President, something the Deep State just can't seem to get enough of:
"We’re more than happy to help the Department of Justice in their little investigation...every single tweet that he’s posted. Even the ones he’s deleted, any direct messages, any mentions…He’s dangerous, I don’t like him and he’s a terrible human being and I want to get rid of him. In fact, we had internal reviews about that…”
Do tell.
The arrogance is stunning. Even criminal, I'd say. And it is clearly company policy to discriminate against paying customers based on political creed. That's both a civil rights violation and fraud.
In the Internet Age, these companies function as public utilities. It's as if your power company decided to subject you to rolling brown-outs for your voting history or if your phone company dropped your calls at their whim to express their displeasure with your political yard sign. Can you hear me now?
They must be smashed.
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Remember, kidz: You can't spell "TRUMP" without TR! |
Gonna' hate the New Rules. I sincerely hope.
Free Speech-Prevention-UPDATE: John Hawkins explains how Facebook suppressed his Right-Wing News right out of business for the crime of being too popular:
How Conservatives Are Being Destroyed by Facebook, Twitter and Google Without Even Realizing It
"Today, as you read this, my website Right Wing News is shutting down operations. It has been around since 2001, but became massive a few years ago because of Facebook.
Remember the mainstream media liberals going out of their minds because the Russians reached almost 150 million people with their $100,000 Facebook ad buy? In July of 2015, in just a week, the Right Wing News Facebook page reached 133 million people. ...
Ironically, that’s a big part of what killed the website.
You see, what Facebook giveth, Facebook can take away. So, why would Facebook want to kill extremely successful Facebook pages that its users enjoyed? ...
Before the election season got into full swing, Facebook had already made some mild downgrades to reach. Afterwards, when liberal mainstream media outlets were screaming about Russian ad buys and “fake news,” Facebook systematically, methodically reduced the reach of all its pages with each algorithm change. By then, most of us understood where it was going long-term. If Facebook killed every conservative page overnight, there would be a huge outcry. On the other hand, if Facebook slowly strangled us to death, we’d fade away and would people even notice?".......
Speaking of noticing, the Professional Liar-Media has a News Blackout on these stories as is now their custom. A News Blackout about news blackouts--irony upon irony, huh? On the other hand, I no longer care what those deranged hacks say or don't say anyway. It's all Agit-Prop and lies now, whether by omission or commission.
Let me be clear; the ground has shifted beneath their feet and that's not who we are.
Report that, Liars.
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Silenced. No. More. |
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