Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Commander-in-Stalled Biden Attacked Our Soldiers with his DARPA/CHICOM Vaxx Bio-Weapon, Just Following his Orders from Beijing--But a New Day is On the Way

US Army admits veteran with vaccine injury was injured ‘in line of duty’: report | The Post Millennial |

"Investigative reporter Catherine Herridge sat down with a 24-year-old veteran of the US Armed Forces who said she suffered a vaccine injury after taking two doses of the Moderna vaccine. Further, after she was discharged due to her debilitating injuries, the Army declined to pay for her medical treatment, including complicated problems with her heart, said 24-year-old Karolina Stancik.

Stancik said that she later received a letter from the Army that admitted that her vaccine-induced was sustained "in the line of duty." As a result, has been left with tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills stemming from countless prodecures and surgeries. Shortly after receiving two doses of the Moderna vaccine in March and April of 2021, Stancik said she began experiencing health issues, and was eventually diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, a condition wherein "your heart and your blood pressure don't work in accordance with each other." She has since had multiple heart attacks and a mini-stroke, and had to have a pacemaker to correct her ailing heart, an organ all records show was in good health prior to being innoculated against Covid-19, she told Herridge.

Herridge said she reviewed documents that showed that in October 2023, the US Army admitted that, "after a thorough review of the medical documents, SPC Stancik's [POTS] is considered In Line of Duty by the preponderance of evidence in lieu of a Line of Duty Investigation."

The army explained that Stancik began experiencing "complications" while on active-duty orders in June 2021 and that her condition was documented in October of that year. "She suffered from continuous medical issues while in this active-duty status and was treated by various components." Nonetheless, Stancik was "released from active duty" in April 2022 "without having an LOD completed or having her medical condition stabilized."

"While she has Tricare Reserve Select and Blue Cross/Blue Shield through her mother's policy," the document continued, per Herridge, "she has pair approximately $20,000 out of pocket for medical bills related to her condition and amassed over $70,000 in additional unpaid medical bills." She also lost her income, which had been around $3,300 per month.

Beneath that the army cited research confirming a link between Covid-19 infections and vaccines to POTS. Stancik has been adamant that she never once tested positive for the disease.

GiveSendGo set up on Stancik's behalf has raised upwards of $49,000." .......

Joe Biden poisoned this healthy young patriotic woman, acting on orders from his Chinese superiors to maim and murder as many American soldiers as possible.

At least this ruling should open the door to financial compensation for the casualties of The Obama/Biden War on the Warriors.

In Criminal Irony, the Pentagon helped fund its Chinese Communist Allies in Wuhan to build the Bio-Weapon Virus, and the Genocidal Maniacs at DoD's DARPA built the Serpent Venom VAXX Bio-Weapon to kill millions. The "Cure" was much worse than the "Disease", and by wicked design.

Rest in the Vine: The DARPA Chronicles: Hey, Pentagon; We Know You Like Your Pfauci Bio-Weapon Vaxxes and Viruses, But How Long Until You Reel In Your Mad Dog Killers Over at that Extinction Cult called DARPA?

Our corrupt Military seems to be led by money-grubbing, gutless ass-kissers, cowards and traitors, but perhaps a patriot or two still remain. We'll know soon enough.

By the authority of the Believer, we speak downfall to all those cooperating with this evil scheme and decree Life, Liberty and Victory for God's people, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen!

Malachi 4:

1 For behold, the day comes that shall burn like an oven, and all the proud and arrogant, yes, and all that do wickedly and are lawless, shall be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.

2 But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves released from the stall and leap for joy.

Thank You, King Jesus!

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