Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Good News: At the Sound of the Trump, the People Overthrow the City!

* CNN covered this Trump Rally in full, which they never do.

* NYT sent a super high-speed slow-mo camera to capture his skull exploding.

* Just before the Pre-Scheduled Assassination, the Donilons, BlackRock, Soros, Fink and Vanguard all massively shorted Donald Trump stock, causing an 800% increase over regular trading volume. They bet a trillion dollars on a Successful Assassination.

*A BlackRock subsidiary purchased the Snipers Nest building shortly before all the snipers set up shop there.

* Ma Biden and Kamala Harris both scheduled nearby events to siphon off PDT's regular security team.

* Machine Gun Cheatles had them replaced with her own Dept. of Fatherland Security ringers.

* Even Brain Damage Biden bragged about PDT facing an unprecedented new challenge after being put in the bullseye.

* And now the FBI is tampering with the evidence even this very day.

But fear not, Child of God; the Lord of Angel Armies has a different Plan for the Enemy and for us.

Joshua 6:
20 So the People shouted the battle cry, and the priests blew the Trumpets. When the people heard the sound of the Trump, they raised a great shout and the wall of Jericho fell down, so that the sons of Israel went up into the city, every man straight ahead climbing over the rubble, and they overthrew the city. 21 Then they utterly destroyed everything that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword.

A Mighty Shout: "Fight! Fight! Fight!"


Victory after Victory!

The Lord says we will not get tired of winning, praise God! Thank You, King Jesus!

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